The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2091: Other Powers [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Net, Seek Slaughter]

& # 160; "The Holy City has called me to the North Pole to fight those more powerful forces, so I mean, contact the Holy City first."

Pan Chen expressed his views.

"I agree with Master Pan. After this battle, our Nine-Star Buddha Territory has already suffered a lot. This time, the devil certainly attached great importance to the magic caves in the town."

"With our current strength, there is no way to stop the army of demons, because the seal of the magic cave in this town comes from the holy city. This time it is necessary to discuss the life and death of my Beidou circle with the holy city."

Qin Fang, a real old man, Zhangkou said he very much agreed with Pan Chen.

"I have no opinion on the Temple of the Golden Light. I think the Holy City should be prepared for this. After all, the seal of the town ’s magic cave came from the Holy City. Even after so many years, this Holy City will not be easily forgotten. . "

The leaders of Jinyuan Temple, the monk of Mingyuan, also agreed with this view.

"Since no one has any opinion on it, I will call it to the Holy City!"

Pan Chen said that he took a gold mark from the domain name and then urged the real RMB to stick on his eyebrows.

After nearly half a column of fragrant time, Pan Chen stopped and put the gold coin in his hand.

"What's wrong, what did the people over there say?"

When Pan Chen put away his gold coins, the wine couldn't help but ask.

"I have told the North that the situation in the town's magic cave is wrong. He attaches great importance to the town's magic cave. He said he would send someone to my Jiuxing Buddha Field, and he would be there in half a day."

Pan Chen said truthfully.

"Half a day? It will take so long, our nine-star Buddha domain has been exposed, plus the news that you have cut thousands of autumns, almost no one knows the real devil knows, I am afraid that the real devil will come over at any time."

The wine frowned.

"Yeah Jaguar, do n’t hide from me. I also have this kind of worry. Although the three emperors came back from the war when they were deployed by the real devil, neither the emperor Tuntian nor Luoshadi saw the movement. This is what we must Vigilant. "

The monk of Mingyuan then applauded.

"I also thought of this, especially because my nine-star Buddha territory is also within the scope of this curtain valley, which is not far from the town's magic cave, which I must stop."

"Okay, let the disciples prepare for relocation. It seems that we have to give up and find another place in this nine-star Buddha field."

"When the people of the Holy City come, we are ready to relocate. As for where to move, do you have any good places?"

Pan Chen consulted the public.

"I have told you to move, and I can go at any time, but we have many people. It is not easy to find a place that can accommodate so many of us."

"Unless you can find another independent space like the Nine Star Buddha, you cannot live in a normal place."

Xiao Zhan, the owner of the Xiao family, opened his mouth.

"In fact, I know there is an independent space, but the space in that place is too small to accommodate so many of us." Pan Chen's face showed a helpless expression.

"Mr. Mu, you're talking about the sky in that cave. That place is a good place. Even the devil can't easily attack into it. It's just a little small, as long as you can transfer the nine-star Buddha domain into it."

The mixed days knew that Pan Chen was talking about the sky in Xuanjing Island's ancient cave, and there was a color of regret on his face.

"Why don't you consider moving to the Arctic border? It's big enough. When I fell down, some big troops from Beidou, the seven continents, and even overseas have moved there."

"To be honest, the Arctic world is safer than this independent space, and the most important thing is that the world there is much stronger than here."

Pan Chongtian suddenly said that he had been shut down in the holy city before, and he knew more about the Arctic border.

"Father, you don't know that when I went to see you in the Holy City, the elders of the Holy City strongly suggested that we enter the Arctic border."

"But at that time, considering that all the superpowers on my continent had gone to the Holy City, there was no longer any power to fight the devil. Those small and medium-sized forces, as well as some sporadic repair work, could not be found on the mountain. "

"The most important thing is that there is no confrontation between power and the devil. It also has a great impact on the people ’s hearts. We do n’t want to be led by the nose of the Holy City. After all, once we enter the Arctic border, in some ways we ca n’t also Can only obey the orders of the Holy City. "

Pan Chen opened his mouth to explain.

"It's quite comprehensive, but in this way, I think it's best to go to the Arctic border. After all, once the seal of the town's magic cave is broken, the entire lower bound will be completely over, and your persistence is useless."

"In addition, with our current strength, even if we go to the North Pole, we still cannot be controlled by them. If someone dares to say more, I will kill him!"

Pan Zhongtian said arbitrarily.

"Wood, your father is right. We are not what we are now. I believe that neither side of the Arctic has the power to fight at such a high price."

Smile in a low voice, but also persuade.

"That's true. After going to the North Pole, we can also discuss how to deal with the magic cave in this town."

"So, when the people of the Holy City come, I will talk to them. You are all ready to evacuate now. In short, no matter whether we go to the North Pole or not, these nine-star Buddhist territories cannot stay any longer. ! "

After consideration, Pan Chen greeted the crowd.

"Wait a minute. I have a proposal. In fact, I've been thinking about it for a long time. I think it's best to talk to you."

"Okay, I want my family to be fully integrated into the Big Dipper Alliance, so it is easy to unify scheduling. After all, the current situation is becoming more and more urgent. If we can unite, we can save a lot of trouble."

Xiao Zhan suddenly asked for marriage and said that Pan Chen changed colors.

Xiao Zhan's words were mainly listened to at a high level such as Xiao Yaozong's Jinguang Temple viewing. Ming Yuan and Shang Ren Tiancheng and others heard this sentence and immediately fell silent, without giving an immediate answer.

"My five spiritual holy places are willing to integrate into the Big Dipper Seven Star Alliance!"

Seeing Ren Tianxiang and others hesitate, the low sky smiled first and opened his mouth to answer.

"What do you think, master?"

Ming Yuan also hesitated for a while, and turned to look at Niu Qiang's side. Although he is a strong generation of the old generation of Jinguang Temple, the name owner of Jinguang Temple is now Niu Qiang.

"If I solicit my personal opinion, of course I am willing. After all, I am already a member of the Big Dipper Alliance. Secondly, we can twist it into a rope so that we will be much better outside."

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