The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2082: Fighting Devil [Six million words Wang Wang, beg to kill]

This blood-shed **** would cut off the sword and mango quickly, almost just before Pan Chen, so that Pan Chen had no time to hide and had to control Shuanghuangding in front of him.


Along with the crisp and tough sound, the blood knife was unbiased, directly cut on the water yellow tripod, and was actually cut by the emperor's fairy, and then hit Pan Chen's body, and Pan Chen was shot out.


Pan Chen, who was hit by the flight, opened his mouth with a sweet throat and spouted a good bit of blood. His chest collapsed into a large piece, apparently hit by Shui Huangding.


After Pan Chen was injured, Ye Chongtian Yuan Group immediately shouted, then four blood swords rushed to the sky, the devil fighting Ye Chongtian was divided into countless pieces by Zhu Xian's four swords, and finally was sucked into the blood mist by Zhu Xian's four swords .

After defeating his opponent, Ye Chongtian quickly flew to Pan Chen and looked at Pan Chen who was seriously injured. He turned his head to the **** waterfall god.

"What a miraculous killing. What do your four swords mean, but they are not true. I almost came to deal with them!"

After carefully looking at the four swords floating in front of the sky, the **** of blood would scoff.

"What a tone, I killed the fairy under four swords. There was never a soul. You dare to hurt my son. I want you to pay for your life today!"

Seeing the blood flowing into the river would be so big, Ye Chongtian immediately became the shadow of the four blood swords in front of Ye Chongtian, and then shot at the blood waterfall god.

Immortal four swords, killing anger, is a rare mass killer in the world. Do n’t wait for four swords to hit the blood waterfall god. Four strands are enough to make the general practitioner lose the spirit of the gods. The ancient swords came to the head of the blood waterfall god.

Faced with the attack of Zhu Xian's four swords, the blood-blooded **** would not change his face. His **** long sword flew like a wind, and he kept chopping Zhu Xian's four swords, which would kill the fairy four Split the swords randomly, but fortunately, there are four of these four swords.

Although the Blood Waterfall God will attack fast enough, under Ye Chongtian ’s control, this one is a split flight, and the other is an attack again and again, making continuous attacks back and forth. Within a period of time, the Blood Waterfall God will Will be dragged down.

"Mu, how are you?"

When he controlled Zhu Xian's four swords to deal with the blood waterfall god, Ye Chongtian was absent, and asked Pan Chendao.

"Anyway, my physical practice is not bad, unless it is a complete blow to my meat, or my head is cut off, or no matter how serious the injury, it will not hurt my foundation!"

Gasping, blood flowing into the river, Pan Chen's fallen chest muzzle immediately returned to its original state, at this time, another group not far away suddenly heard a sad scream.

Pan Chen looked in the direction of the voice, but in the fierce battle with the opponent, he laughed very low, and finally turned his five powerful feathers into five flying swords, cutting the opponent into several pieces.

After resolving the opponent, this smile did not fly to Pan Chen's side, but turned and joined the battle group, no one united to deal with the old purple hair demon.

"Father, this guy claims to be the **** of heaven and earth. His power is unfathomable. Even your four swords are difficult to deal with him. If not, let's get away."

"It's a bad thing for us to hear what the guy said before, and it's not good for us to fight anymore, and we don't have to provoke them."

Looking at the constantly waving swords to resist Zhu Xian's four swords, and the braver blood waterfall god, Pan Chen's spiritual voice Ye Chongtian said.

"Yes, the goal of these people is to cut off your fall, let's go, I'll keep them here!"

Ye Chongtian's spirit voice responded to Pan Chendao.

"What's going on? If I want to go together, how can I leave my father? It's absolutely impossible!"

Pan Chen shook his head as soon as he heard that Ye Chongtian would stay to stop the enemy.

"Mu, if I don't stay and drag them, we will never be able to leave, because as long as we run away, they will definitely catch up to see the situation. They haven't prepared to die for thousands of years, so I better stay!"

"If you leave, I won't be in danger anymore. I'm in a hurry. The plan to hurt me and completely inspire me is a big deal!"

Ye Chongtian suggested Pan Chendao.

"Impossible! I have seen this kind of thing with my father and son many times, but nine out of every ten people who stayed to block the enemy would not go back. In my life, there are too many to me Important people ca n’t die for me. I ca n’t have another father! ”

Pan Chen said forcefully.

"Okay, this is Ye Zhongtian's son. In that case, our father and son will let go of their hands and feet to see what happens to God on this day!"

Ye Chongtian was not angry about Pan Chenqiang's tough attitude, but was very happy. He said that as soon as the magic formula in his hand changed, he surrounded the God of Blood Waterfall. He turned the crazy attacks of the four swords into more than one, and turned the God of Blood Waterfall into thousands of blood swords. The waterfall **** is in the middle.

"Thousand swords kill evil swords, kill!"

As the waterfall **** surrounded by blood and sword spirit around the blood will be surrounded, Ye Chongtian will drink immediately. Those waterfall gods around the blood will immediately combine the spirit of the blood sword into a sword array, and the gods around the blood waterfall will quickly rotate.

Thousands of swords killed the evil sword array Pan Chen had seen a place in the sword, but Ye Chongtian's thousand swords killed the evil sword array, obviously stronger than the sword array.

As soon as the sword formation took shape, the thick blood-colored sword qi quickly turned into a trace of blood-colored silk, as small as hair, frantically toward the God of Blood Falls surrounded by the center of the right, to kill him.

These **** and colorful silks are made into silk by practicing the famous swords in the world, and can transform spiritual spirits such as Zhuxian Sijian and other spirits into swords, which cannot be done by anyone. Attachment wt5hz-wt5 "hz-t5-thz-dhz"

The smell of blood kill spread from thousands of swords, killing the evil sword. With the rapid rush of the sword array, even the **** of blood waterfall will be too busy to deal with.

Although there will be a long knife in the hands of Blood Waterfall God, although ordinary sword silk can be cut off, these blood swords cannot be destroyed at all. Once they are cut off, they will soon regroup and continue to attack.

Seeing that the blood falling down would be trapped by Ye Zhong's Sky Sword Array, the two still confident white kings and Bai crack slowly changed their faces, and at the same time glanced at Ye Zhongtian's love.

The power of blood flow into the river is unknown to others. The division between the white royal family and the white people is obvious. Even under the interface rule of suppressing the Beidou, the other party has the power of the early emperor. The most important thing is that the other party is alone. In the kingdom of heaven and God, the power is far greater than the same order of the opponent.

But the White Crack and the White Emperor did not anticipate that as the **** of blood flowed into the river, this level of fighting power was still trapped by Ye Zhongzhong's sky.

Seeing the blood flowing into the river, the **** will be trapped in thousands of swords to kill the evil sword, Pan Chen hastily urged Shui Huangding.

In the case of Pan Chenzhenyuan excluding the injection cost, the fairy of the water emperor tripod exploded a vast pattern of water properties, and then a dragon came out of the water emperor tripod. Water dragon.

Although these nine blue water dragons are only ten feet long, they also have a strong breath, surpassing the prospective emperor and reaching the level of the early emperor. ..

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