The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2079: Red Robe [Six Million Words Wang Wang, Seek Slaughter]

If you think I ’m afraid you wo n’t come, see how I killed you! "

Seeing that the old man in red robe was unexpectedly offensive, he smiled and the sky turned low from one place to another, and he rushed into the old man in red robe with a golden boxing shadow, while his tail feathers kept on Brushing out the five-color aura, will continue to call his golden boxing shadow to wipe all in the air.

In the real Yuanbang sound, under the continuous attack of Xiaotian's five colors and low, he not only removed a lot of golden boxing shadows caused by the red robe, but also got closer and closer to the red robe and was about to approach his body.

"Light chain!"

When he saw that the smiling sky was not far from his body, the red robe squeezed his hand suddenly, and then hit dozens of golden legal chains, hovering around, shooting at the smiling sky.

These regular chains look like real thin iron chains. Each chain has a strong breath, and the speed of the attack is the same. In the blink of an eye, he shoots at the low smile in front.

Before waiting for a low laugh, a blue elf suddenly flew into the sky smiling in front of the low body, while Pan Chen's Shuanghuangding flew into the sky suddenly.

"take it!"

As soon as Shui Huangding flew to Xiaotian, Pan Chenzhi opened his mouth and drank. I saw the blue three-legged Baoding suddenly burst out with strong suction, and then absorbed all the gold chains that attacked Xiaotian.

Seeing Shui Di Ding dissolve the attack of the old man in red robe, he smiled and brushed the sky behind the tail feathers, this time directly brushed out a straight five-color light wheel measuring the size, and quickly rushed towards the red robe devil family Near.

"The vortex of the divine light!"

Faced with an overbearing five-color light wheel attack, the 108 wings behind the red robe devil simultaneously fanned out a huge golden energy vortex, which will devour the five-color light wheel.


After the five-color light wheel was engulfed by the golden energy vortex, the five-color light wheel exploded directly under the control of Xiaotian, and became a violent five-color energy wave, not only the collapse of the golden energy vortex, but also the aftermath of the red robe.

The old man in a red robe was hit by the aftermath of the five-color spirit lamp, and immediately bleed from the corner of his mouth. His body flew backwards and was injured a lot.

In such a period of time, the old man in red robe fought against the smiling sky for such a period of time, hiding under the protection of the five emperors, and three others succumbed to Xu Shandan, raising the real RMB one by one to the quasi-emperor Realm. At present, among the seven people of the White Jade Emperor, only white and white remain, and only two remain.

"let me help you!"

Seeing that the red robe demon was injured by Xiaotian at low altitude, the short-haired middle-aged demons and other four subdued demonic demons, worked together to urge the emperor to fly Zhu Xian four swords out of the world.

Then the four people, each with a monarch, rushed to Pan Chen and smiling Tian Tian and other places. As for the white crack and the white royal family, they urged the Demon King together, staying in place and unintentionally shooting.

With the joint efforts of short-haired middle-aged demons, two colored elves appeared in the low eyes of the smiling sky, and then his figure soared into a colored peacock with a size of one hundred feet. After the size became larger, the smiling peacock turned on the screen, and its tail feathers shot countless five-color light arrows from the five-color aura, as thick as a storm, to the short-haired middle-aged devil four People pass by.

Laughing at the low-level attack was very fast. The arrow that turned the five-color arrow into the screen quickly rushed in front of the four men with short-haired middle-aged devil, and quickly rushed to the front of the four men with short-haired middle-aged devil, soon It rushed to the front of the middle-aged devil family with short hair.

Although the effectiveness of the four-person middle-aged demon family in the chemical magic pill will be upgraded to the peak kingdom of the quasi-emperor, but in the face of a crazy attack, the four people still dare not fight the enemy, but at the same time sacrifice in their hands The imperial artifact, a thick elemental barrier in the air, blocked the dense five-color arrow attack.

After blocking Xiaotian's low attack, the short-haired middle-aged devil raised his hands and built a nine-story tower made of white jade.

"Curse the soul tower, accept it!"

As the magic of the emperor rushed out of the White Jade Fort Tower, the size of the original White Jade Tower suddenly soared to the size of a thousand feet, and became a huge pagoda, facing the low sky and smiling.

Before the nine-story white jade tower approached the laughing sky, the bottom of the tower opened, and then a huge suction flowed out of the tower door and fell on the low laughing sky.

"It's time to come!"

Looking at the smiling sky, the low sky will be absorbed by the Baiyu Tower. At this time, no two people were suddenly moved to the distant place by the smiling Xiaotian. At the same time, the gray spirit in his hand flickered and fell. His baby fairy basket was sacrificed by him.

Without the second sacrifice, the fallen treasure fairy basket immediately flew out of the dim light of the elves and quickly landed on the white jade tower.

The white jade pagoda, which looks as big as the sky pillar, was shaken by the dark magic lamp, and then shook the whole body, and then directly reduced from the size of a thousand feet to the size of the ruler. At the same time, a dim aura of light flew out of Luo Bao's fairy basket. This time, Baiyu Tower was directly involved in the falling Baoxian basket.

There were never two sudden gunshots, and then the White Jade Tower was snatched away by the Treasure Fairy Basket. All of this was slowly said. In fact, it was an instant effort. The short-haired middle-aged devil did not respond at all. When he reacted, The nine-story white jade tower cut off contact with him.

"Ah! What is this magic weapon? I can't believe it can restore the spirit from the spirit of the instrument!"

As the emperor's sacrifice was collected, the short-haired middle-aged devil reacted, and he couldn't see how ugly his face was, but before he had time to move again, a blood sword suddenly flew from the empty sky beside it. Come out, and then a sword will cut off its head.

The head was cut, and the body of the middle-aged demon with short hair suddenly turned into a blood mist, which was then absorbed by the blood sword light. This is the absolute fairy sword of the four swords.

"White shock!"

When they watched their companions were killed, they were still under the power of the emperor, preventing the other three magic families who mocked the low-avatar attack. At the same time, they drank a large glass. The three of them went all out to push the emperor's power to the limit and shook off the magical attacks from the low sky.

"Don't fight them desperately, our goal is to kill thousands of years!"

In the flash of spirit, the purple old hair of the devil was repulsed by the laughing sky, and the three demons joined together. He spread a voice to three people, and then the four people smiled in a low voice toward Ye Chongtian, neither of them nor Pan Chen.

"No, they want to disperse the enemy, be careful!"

Watching the four demons kill each other, Ye Chongtian next to Pan Chen saluted Pan Chen. Then he withdrew four swords and killed the devil quasi-emperor who attacked him. ..

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