The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2077: Many magic saints [Wang Wen, 6 million words, please kill]

Four blood swords flew out of these four swords, and a blood sword curtain appeared in the center of the sky, in front of the leaves.

Although the Blood Sword Curtain doesn't seem to be material, its defense is surprisingly amazing, and white cracks and other attacks are blocked by it, even the five emperors.

"How could this happen? This is impossible. He is not a real emperor. How can he have such a strong fighting power that he can use his own power to block the attack of so many of us?"

Seeing that his offensive was easily blocked by Ye Zhongtian, Bai Qing said that his eyes were filled with incredible colors. He knew that they not only had more than 200 magical saints, but also five emperors. Such a lineup, Even the first order of the devil is not necessarily as easy as Ye Chongtian to block their attack.

After Ye Chongtian blocked the attack of the White Royal Family and others, he sacrificed the battle map and controlled it to fly close to the four swords of Zhu Xian.

"Kill the fairy sword array, kill!"

Zhu Xian's formation map flew around Zhu Xian's four swords, and the blood-colored formation map immediately turned into four blood lamps, which were not included in Zhu Xian's four swords.

With the integration of Zhu Xian array maps, the lethality of these four swords immediately rose several times, and then became a **** sword spirit, attacking and killing white people and others. ?

Sword Qi horizontal space, but Blood Sword Qi flew through the space, all holes, these blood sword gas will soon attack white cracks, etc. near the front.

Feeling a lot of **** sword breath, white cracks and other strong breath, several people suddenly changed their appearance, they immediately called back the five emperors, and then combined the power of the five emperors, a white appeared in the air in front Spiritual light barrier.

White Rift and other people combined, the emperor's power was free from the light barrier, and the defense was very strong, and he was forced to block a large number of blood sword attacks, but White Rift and others also showed great efforts. Obviously, the attack of the four swords made them Very uncomfortable.


After a strong attack, Ye Chongtian's spirit moved. A large amount of blood sword poison gas attacked the direction, directly surrounding the white light barrier and the white spiritual light barrier in front of others, and rushed to the demons hidden behind the spiritual light barrier.

Do not

Watching a large amount of blood sword poison gas surround themselves and others, the white crack immediately drank, and their bodies were opened for the first time, and all were injected into the Five Emperors.

With the rapid rise of the spiritual light of the Five Emperors, the spiritual light barrier before the white split and other people immediately stretched out. It is about to become a white light ball to protect all the demons inside, but the movement of white splits and so on is slow after all. A step. ".

Without waiting for the five emperors' spiritual light barrier to be completely spherical, thousands of scarlet swords rushed into the crowd of the Holy Spirit.

A heartbroken scream, continued to ring, in the face of the sword spirit attack, the ordinary magic saints such as Emperor Baiyu were not their opponents at all, although they had come up with the most powerful defenses to resist, but these blood The spirit of the sword is still like chopping tofu, reaping the lives of many magic saints.

After a large number of magical saints were slaughtered, some blood swords went straight to the White Royal Family and others to kill the past, and the speed was very fast.

"Ah! Take it!" Watching many magical saints around him being slaughtered by the blood sword spirit, the white royal family couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and saw some blood sword poison gas rushing towards them, he rushed to Bai Zhai greeted the others, and then several people worked together to reduce the size of the Five Emperors to a few feet, and turned into a mask, a few of their first people, to protect them inside.

Although the aura barrier has shrunk, there are still a few people who are protected inside, even if the blood sword gas is difficult to achieve at 01:30, but the rest of the magic saints are not so lucky.

However, for a period of time, more than 200 magical saints of the White Jade Emperor died under the blood sword poison, leaving no remaining corpses. After death, they all turned into blood mist, absorbed by the blood sword poison.

After killing more than 200 magical saints of the White Jade Emperor, the blood sword spirit in the whole sky was transformed into four ancient swords again, and then floated around the White Royal Family and others, surrounded by several people.

At this time, in addition to the cracks of the royal family and white people, there are five wizards. They are all true quasi-emperors, but under the suppression of the law, only the second half of the Holy Spirit is revealed.

"Father, you are so good. I can't imagine a man killing so many amazing saints!"

Under the influence of Shengdan Medicine, Pan Chen's injury recovered from seven or eight, and he and Qi Tian flew to Ye Chongtian successively.

"Slaughter Sun Niu is very strong and has seen the owner and the old man."

The cow saluted Ye Zhongtian, and his eyes were full of worship.

"It is too early to say that it is powerful. There are still seven evils to be eliminated."

Ye Chong angel nodded vigorously to the cow, and then looked at the White Royal Family and others, who were surrounded by Zhu Xian's four swords.

He said: "There are so many people killed, and these people certainly won't talk about it."

Niu Qiang smiled and was flattered. In fact, in the Holy City, he learned a lot of past. If Ye Chongtian was closed, he and Qi Tian and others had long known Ye Chongtian. Now, seeing Ye Chongtian's true face, Niu's heart is really admirable.

"The monarch does not kiss their ass, and killing these people is not so easy."

Ye Chongtian whitened the cows with intense eyes, and then slowly flew towards several people. Pan Chen and Niu Niu naturally did not fall down, one by one.

"How stupid, you didn't expect things to change so fast, you were so confident before, what's wrong now, do you feel particularly lost!"

Pan Chen looked at Bai Jie and others surrounded by four swords and couldn't help but sneer.

"Pan Chen, you are not so proud. It is still unclear whether victory or defeat is still possible. Whether you can break through our defense line is still a question. Our reinforcements will come here soon. This war is not over yet!"

Faced with Pan Chen's cynicism, the White Royal family was particularly suffocated, but he still resisted to withdraw and refuted it.

"With reinforcements, Emperor You Baiyu is one of the five great emperors in the real world. So many people died in this war, and there are reinforcements. But what is the use? No matter how many people you find, my master None of his old men can match it. "

"In addition, those magical emperors in your real world are timid one by one. I am afraid that the power of the interface law of my Beidou world will not come. Do you think you can leave this Tiangu alive?"

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