The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2066: He does n’t want to do this [Wang Wen, 6 million words, please kill]

"The second brother, there is no need for this. Although the third brother does not know when to reunite today, we will see you again at the end of the world."

Pan Chen saw Yun unwilling to walk with others, and quickly dissuaded him from doing so.

"Yes, two brothers, go back, the big brother is wandering around anyway, I must come to disturb you in the future."

Huang Linnan also said that he also had some feelings for baldness that he didn't like at first, but he didn't like it at first. Of course, this does not mean worship, but Huang Linnan learned in Pan Chen that in order to retrieve his body, Yun Dai almost died in the tomb of the ancient emperor.

"It doesn't matter. Let me take you away. This is not accidental. I have been a light rain all my life. Both brothers are not ordinary people. Maybe when I come back in the future, I will already be an actor!"

Yun Dao sighed and rode his own horse. Both Pan Chen and Huang Linnan knew that they could not persuade each other, so they had to give up, so a tiger, a horse, and three people quickly left Qingyun Town and flew away.

Less than half an hour after Pan Chen left Qingyun Town, a red-hot hermit fell from the sky and fell on the streets of Qingyun Town. Qin Ao came from Qingyun Mountain.

Qingyun Town was celebrating Qingyun Mountain's corpse disaster, and suddenly came to see the naked and fierce Qin Ao. They were all stunned and immediately quieted down on the bustling streets.

Qin Ao was not surprised by all this. He stretched out his hand every once in a while and grabbed it. A strong suction suddenly appeared and took a picture of the middle-aged man closest to him.

The middle-aged man was trembling with fear of Qin Ao's sudden arrest. Although he had never seen a practitioner of the magical kingdom, he was not stupid at noon the day after tomorrow. The phobia that looming on the other side is comparable to the horror of primitive martial arts, not to mention the appearance of other people from the sky.

"What can I do for you, this ex?"

Facing the strongest man in the most proficient state, the middle-aged man asked with a trembling mouth.

"If I ask you a few things, you answer truthfully, if there are half lies, you will bear the consequences!"

Qin Ao looks cold, like a middle-aged man in his eyes and so on, and ants are no different.

"Yes, the younger generation must know everything!"

The middle-aged man was frightened with cold sweat and nodded.

"I ask you, what happened to Qingyun Mountain recently?" Qin Ao asked.

"There used to be an ancient emperor's tomb on Qingyun Mountain, where there were many demonic bodies. It is said that Xiaoyu and an outsider came in a few days ago and came back with their entire bodies. Soon the ancient emperor's tomb collapsed Many evil bodies have disappeared. We are celebrating this. "

The middle-aged man did not dare to lie and said everything he knew.

"Imperial Palace? Xiaoyu, outsider, um! This is not easy, but have you heard that there is a disciple involved in the split Yunzong?" Qin Ao's face changed, and then asked.

"Split Yunzong? No, we all listened to the words of several large families headed by the royal family. It seems that there was no mention of the disciples of Emperor Yunzong." After thinking about it, the middle-aged man shook his head.

"Well! I don't think they have the courage to mention that I split Yunzong and take me to the palace!" Qin Ao murmured to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was confused and did not know what happened, but he did not dare to disobey the master in front and hurriedly walked to the road ahead.

As soon as I heard that there was a suspicious supernatural power to visit, the Haitian emperor hurriedly called several masters of the emperor's family to the gate of the imperial government.

Qin Ao stood alone at the gate of the court. He did not intend to enter the door. Not far from the gate of the court, he had surrounded a large group of people from Qingyun Town who were listening to the news. "In Haitian under the Emperor, I met a senior, I do n’t know what order the senior came?"

Di Haitian, and several elderly emperor masters, saw Qin Ao standing at the door. He couldn't see the taste in his heart. He hurried forward to see the ceremony.

In general, there are a few elderly people who will be laughed at when they look down on a young man who looks only 26 or 7 years old, but no one dares to say more today, because there seems to be only 26 or 7 years old in front of him It is a powerful avatar that can fly in the air, but no one dares to talk about it today, because the young man in front of him seems to be only 26, 6 or 7 years old, and is a powerful avatar that can fly in the air.

Practitioners of innate realm can reach 200 years, supernatural state is naturally more than inborn realm, it is said that it can live for nearly 500 years, and the real land fairy is like a character.

Although Qin Ao looks young, for practitioners in this field, if he looks more at his appearance, he will suffer a lot.

"Are you the owner of the emperor's family? Is Xiaoyu your son?"

Qin Ao looked at the respectable emperor in front of him, his face was not good, he asked coldly.

"This is the case with the younger generation. I don't know what the elders have to say."

Xiao Yubei bowed and smiled, he did not understand that this small town of Qingyun, so it can attract the powerful arrival of the magical kingdom.

Qin Ao asked quietly, "Did your son Xiaoyu go to Qingyun Mountain not long ago?" Who was with him? "

"Yes, I have helped me solve it for a long time. The person traveling with him is Pan Chen. He is just an outsider. He left a while ago and is not currently in Qingyun Town."

Facing Qin Aodi's cold expression, Haitians returned honestly.

"The blame has to be in Qingyun Town. You tell me why they both went to Qingyun Mountain. I don't believe anyone will die in such a place!"

Qin Ao's eyes turned around, and the hand in his sleeve held tightly the transparent crystal beads branded by Zhao.

"This is how things are."

In order not to convict Qin Ao, to understand the process of Pan Chen and Yun Da, and the poisoning incident of Huang Linnan, they all found the body of Qing Yun Mountain at Pan Chen, and gave a detailed explanation of the departure of the three. Xiaoyu told him privately that although he did not intervene, he knew it clearly.

"Are you sure that no one will go with them except the two people who went to Qingyun Mountain?" Qin Sheng pulled the elder road with a somewhat impatient tone.

"No, because of the corpse, the residents of Qingyun Town generally don't dare to go to Qingyun Mountain easily, and I haven't heard the dog say that there are others." The Haitian Emperor said very positively.

"In that case, your emperor's family will no longer exist!"

Qin Ao said that he took off a leather bag from his waist, and then a large horned black viper appeared in the surprised eyes of the crowd.

"Old man, you are."

When they saw the black venomous snake appear suddenly, they had a very bad feeling in their hearts. They all changed their faces, and the emperor did not need to survive.

"Black viper, there is no one left!"

Qin Ao ignored the Haitian emperor. He rushed to a black venomous snake released from his leather bag, and then flew into the air.


The black venomous snake with horns received an excited roar from Qin Ao. Not long ago, it suffered a lot in the hands of Qin Ao. Where it worries, it is not breathless. It showed a cruel light in the eyes of a pair of large snakes, and then opened its mouth to Xiaoyu and the others in front of him. ..

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