The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2047: The fierce fire [Wang Wen, 6 million words, please kill]


A loud noise broke out again, a large fierce fire raged, and several demon corpses guarded at the entrance of the road. It was inevitable that five nitrite rock bombs exploded in the power roll, which was instantly engulfed by flames, and the body ignited a flame.

"let's go!"

After solving several obstacles, Pan Chen did not mind the aftermath of the still-dissipating smoke bomb, grabbed the size of the clouds, and flashed into the channel.

After running into the passage, Pan Chen looked back and found that the red altar was no longer there, the crystal coffin was opened, a phoenix crown was worn on his head, and the body of a banshee was wearing a golden phoenix robe.

The body of the Phoenix Bubble Demon exudes an extremely terrible atmosphere, which is stronger than the body of the White Hair Demon, which reminds Pan Chen of the legendary magical realm.

After waking up, Feng Bao's body seemed very angry. She glanced coldly at Pan Chen in the article. Pan Chen immediately had a very depressed feeling, like a rabbit stared at by an eagle.

The white-haired demon's body roared, turned into silver light, and walked straight to Pan Chen. Pan Chen took out ten smoke bombs without hesitation, bombed the stone walls at the entrance of the channel, and then grabbed without looking back Lived in the clouds, crossed the river to the limit, and rushed deep into the strait.


The entire underground passage was shaking, many gravels fell from the surrounding rock wall, and at the entrance of the most explosive passage, many large boulders rolled down, blocking the entrance of the entire passage.

After running with Yun for a long time, Pan Chen found a remote corner of the passageway and stopped. He ran out of real RMB and overdrawn to the limit.

"Brother, have you kept up?"

Yun doesn't pant so much, and his voice is a little low.

"I have exhausted the real yuan and the sensitivity has been greatly reduced. If we really follow up, we will ask for our own blessings!"

Pan Chen sighed weakly and weakly.

"Oh, I didn't expect that we would be so embarrassed because we had so many bombs and almost died in the hands of the demon corpse." Yun smiled bitterly.

"I don't want you to come, but you don't listen. Do you regret it now?"

"Sorry? I have never regretted these two words in my life. Although this war has paid a heavy price, it is also very happy and not worth coming here!"

Yun Shao said that he was chest-tight, and he was not afraid of the earth when he looked at the sky, which was obviously fake.

Pan Chen smiled, but didn't speak. He was furious and knelt on the ground.

"It seems that a strict bomb blew up the passage. In a short period of time, some demon bodies should not catch up. We must restore Zhenyuan as soon as possible. We cannot wait for death." Pan Chenning reorganized.

"Yes, unfortunately, I only prepared some low-level panacea, and it is difficult to recover in a short time."

Yun said that he took out two bottles of pill in his arms, poured out a few pills of pill, swallowed it, and handed it to Pan Chen.

Pan Chen was impolite, and the people of the size of the cloud poured a few bottles of Elixir. He also knew that two bottles of Elixir, one bottle of Qiqidan, used to restore the true Yuan, and the other bottle of Baicaodan, used to cure injuries Although the two are in terms of market value, they are not very useful and can only be regarded as the lowest grade of medicine in practice. After taking the panacea, Pan Chen suddenly moved in his heart, then touched it for a while, and finally found a golden bag in his arms.

"What is this? Are you a big guy in this kind of clothes?"

There is almost no cloud moving in meditation work and methods. After seeing Pan Chen touch for a long time, he found a golden bag, which was very puzzling.

"This is a good thing. It depends on whether you can leave here alive."

Pan Chen said to open the bag, as soon as the bag is opened, various colors of light will be lit inside.

Pan Chen grabbed two diamond-shaped blocks the size of an adult's thumb from the brocade bag and threw them into the cloud.

"Is this the Meridian? I can't believe you have such a thing. This thing is worth tens of thousands of silver, worth tens of thousands of silver coins, and has a price without a market!"

Looking at the diamond chips Pan Chen threw to himself, the clouds were rarely shocked to the extreme, and their faces were incredible colors.

"This is just a remote and barren place like Zhao Guo. It is said that in some vibrant countries, the currency of martial arts trading is calculated in Yuan Jing. It is said that Zhenyuan ’s recovery rate is amazing and will also improve the spirit of Yuan Jing. The role. "

These are all derived from Ye Zhengkun's "Yuan Jing". Pan Chen has studied it many times, so it is not surprising that the thumb is so small, but it is full of a very pure spirit.

Pan Chen grasped the original crystal by hand, and at the same time the great works of the Vatican also disappeared. The pure elemental gas that can be seen with the naked eye was extracted by Pan Chen from the rhombic crystal and directly inhaled into the body.

Yun Dao was ecstatic. Although he was the owner of the emperor's family, he did not have the luxury to practice with Yuanjing. Although he had experienced it once before, it was still a long time ago.

Looking at the "Yuan Jing" in his hand, Yun looked at Pan Chen gratefully and then absorbed and refined the spirit of "Yuan Jing" like Pan Chen.

At the same time that the refined circular scenes of Pan Chen and Yundao were restored to Zhenyuan, a fierce war was held in another stone chamber of the ancient tomb of the emperor.

Zhao Yuxiang sweated, holding a purple long sword in his hand, wrestling with a hammer and a dead body with white hair.

If Pan Chen saw this white-haired demon corpse, he would be surprised because, apart from the various weapons he made, it was almost exactly the same as the white-haired demon corpse that Pan Chen fought desperately not long ago.

The power of the white-haired demon corpse is comparable to the late congenital period. Although Zhao Yu has a natural breath, he is fighting with the body of the white-haired demon, almost in a passive beating situation.

Not far from Zhao Yu, Ma Zongyun also met his opponent. This terrifying natural master does not use any weapons. He must give a green light when he splits his hands. His strength is very powerful, and his opponent and Zhao Yu are also white. The devil's body is different, but his opponent is not one person, but three people.

At the same time, in the face of the late congenital gray-haired demon corpse with three forces in parallel, although Ma Zongyun was not in the wind, he was extremely passive, busy dealing with the time he had no time to care for.

In addition, Lin Kai, Lv Niangyun, Liu Zhenyu, and Liu Li also fought fiercely with their opponents. Most of the opponents were ordinary white-haired demon corpses and soldier corpses. In addition, three red-haired demon corpses were stronger than the frontline.


Ma Zongyun patted the chest of a white-haired demon corpse and patted the opponent's silver armor fragments. Ma Zongyun was really like the abyss of the sea, and finally hit the body of the white-haired demon.


Ma Zongyun drove away the body of the white-haired demon and pulled out two gold knives from his sleeves. He flew by, and the two knives in his hand shot at two other opponents with strange arcs.

The golden knife shone with dazzling gold, and the speed was creepy. In a blink of an eye, he came to the faces of the two white-haired corpses without a dull expression on their faces. ..

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