The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2035: Punch me! [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

"Punch me!"

Pan Chen drank very badly, the black gold fist gathered the strength of the whole body, and punched the body of the red-haired demon in a punch.


Suddenly, Pan Chen punched the body of this red-haired demon and stumbled forward. At the same time, Huang Linnan's offense is also close to the front. Huang Linnan cut the sword on the opponent's head with a long sword. In his view, the weakness of the demon's body is usually on his head.

Therefore, Pan Chen and Huang Linnan faced a change at the same time. After being detonated by two people, the body of the red-haired demon had just shivered without any harm.

"More perverted than my body!"

Pan Chen mumbled in his heart, staring at the power of the red-haired demon corpse.


The body of the red-haired demon was clamped back and forth, blazing in anger, yelling at Huang Linnan in front of him, waving his paws, and rushing towards Huang Linnan.


Huang Linnan ’s long sword turned, it turned out to be a lavender sword shadow, which was repeatedly cut on the body of the red-haired demon, but what made him speechless was that all his attacks did not work, but he was almost caught by the paw on the other side hit.

"Wood, this guy is not worse than you, is it your brother?"

After Huang Linnan punched dozens of swords and failed to harm the red-haired demon's body, he joked to Pan Chen.

Pan Chen turned his white eyes and fought back: "This guy, like you, has two eyes, a nose and a mouth. Why not say that it is your brother?"

Yunda couldn't speak at all. He didn't expect to face such a powerful opponent. Pan Chen and the two were still laughing in the mood. Seeing the red-haired demon's body attack again, he clasped his hands tightly. , Straight up.

"Dragon Elephant Boxing"

Yun took less than a sip of wine, a punch gleaming a rich golden light, and if it contained the power of a dragon elephant, a punch hit the red-haired demon.


The body of the red-haired demon shook for a while, the part of the body that was rarely hit by the clouds, but with its roar, the huge energy in the body rocked backwards and then took a few steps back.

As Chen retired, the red-haired demon corpse jumped with two claws. He pawed one claw after another, and because Yun had lost his blade, he could only fight with a double fist. Bigger breathing, obviously can't beat the enemy.

"I don't believe your meat is made of iron!"

Pan Chen whispered that the hands of the dragon claws rushed open, and his claws turned into yellow gold. On the steps across the river, he flashed behind the red-haired demon corpse. A pair of imitations could break all the obstacles of the golden claws. Severely caught on the two arms of the red-haired demon, trapped in the demon's flesh.

However, no blood flowed out. The body of the red-haired demon trapped in the flesh by Pan Chen's claws was trembling, and it seemed very painful.


These two arms were caught by Pan Chen, and the swing of the claws of the red-haired demon corpse was restricted. This good opportunity did not let go of nature. The golden fists resembled sandbags, hitting the bodies of red-haired monsters one after another.

A series of punches and kicks smashed the body of the red-haired demon and kept roaring. Although it was in the wind, it did not cause fatal damage.

"look at me!"

At this moment, not far away, Huang Linnan stood up for a drink, and his long sword poured Zhenyuan into his hands, emitting a strong purple light.

Huang Linnan's every move, the whole person was like a string of sharp arrows, turned into a purple shadow and rushed to the red-haired demon on his body, and used a lightning to stealth a sword through the red-haired demon's left eye, this continuous action Fell off.


The left eye crossed the sword, and the red-haired demon's body shouted angrily, loudly, and could be heard throughout Qingyun Town.


Circle after circle of green waves suddenly broke out from the red-haired demon. Pan Chen felt that he was grasping the dragon's claw hand of the other person's flesh. He was forced out by a force and was rushed by the green waves. The whole person flew Go out.


Under two loud noises, the red-haired demon's body danced two paws respectively, photographed the bodies of Huang Linnan and Yun Jiao, and photographed the bodies of these two people, but Huang Linnan's long sword was taken from Huang Linnan. Was separated from the control and inserted into the head of the red-haired demon corpse. The long sword originally held by Huang Linnan was separated from Huang Linnan's control and inserted into the head of the red-haired demon corpse.


Pan Chen had a sweet throat and couldn't help but spit it out. He was swept away by the green airflow. He was injured a lot, which is still the result of his meat's strength and level.

As for Huang Linnan and the clouds, it was not so good. He was beaten by the airflow. He also received a paw and suffered many injuries. ?

Especially the dark clouds, his pale face knelt half on the ground, although the claw was not fatal to him, but hurt his roots.


The body of the red-haired monster roared like a roar, his paws were dancing, and black blood flowed from his left eye pierced by a sword, emitting a disgusting smell.

Suddenly, the crazy red-haired demon's body glowed with green light, staring at Huang Linnan. He pulled out the sword in his left eye, ripped his claws, grabbed the sword into pieces, and then turned into a gray shadow. He jumped towards Huang Linnan and looked at the posture.

"I can't believe I hurt Master Ben! I'm really afraid that you can't live!"

Huang Linnan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, a circle of purple light rose from his Dantian, and a real energy burst.

"Split the sky!"

Huang Linnan took a drink gently, holding a knife in his right hand, and suddenly split into the body of a red-haired demon in the air.

I only saw a purple half-moon sword grow two meters long and flew out of the palm knife of Huang Linnan. The speed was terrible. In a blink of an eye, the body of the red-haired demon was shredded. There are four or five meters away from Huang Linnan.

The silent, purple half-moon blade passed through the red-haired demon's abdomen through its body, and had flown a few meters, and then slowly dissipated in the air. The red-haired demon's body stopped and seemed to be shocked.


When a heavy object fell to the ground, half of the red-haired demon's body fell to the ground, and the intestines of the abdominal wound also flowed out, accompanied by a large amount of black blood and maggots, and was cut into two pieces by a purple light blade.

"The spirit is out! The realm of nature!"

Pan Chen's head was blank, and the scene in front of him was like an illusion. He wiped his eyes carefully, and what he saw was the same. That is true.

The clouds were also gloomy. He looked at the bodies of two red-haired monsters and Huang Linnan. He was punched and paralyzed on the ground. His face was incredible.

"Now you will not die!"

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