The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2033: Yun rarely explained [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

"At that time, we only knew that there were demonic bodies on Qingyun Mountain. In fact, there were not so many at first. These demonic bodies were very strange, but if they were bitten by them, or if they were not killed, they would quickly attack their hearts. , Into an evil corpse! "

"In Qingyun Town, most of the things we encountered before were changed by people infected with dead bodies, and they were characterized by corruption and gray hair."

Cloud rarely explains.

"Although the bodies of these demons are very powerful, if there is a strong attack from a natural field, it should still be able to deal with it. Is it difficult for You Qingyun Town to have no natural master?"

Huang Linnan didn't understand that he and the demon's corpses held hands. Although it took some effort to solve the problem, if the repair was to achieve the innate and vitality of the body's attack, it should not be difficult to deal with these demon corpses.

"As Brother Ren said, we naturally think that although Qingyun Town is a small place, there are also two strong people in the inborn world, their ancestors are one of them, as early as thirty years ago It has reached the late birth stage and is also a famous place in Qingyun Town. "

"Shortly after the outbreak of the demon corpse, my ancestors united with another ancestor in the middle of the town to explore the mountain and find the source of the disaster."

"This is an ancient tomb deep in Qingyun Mountain, but unfortunately, with the joint efforts of these two naturally strong people, they also encountered many troubles. In the end, they were seriously injured and stopped. Their The ancestors are still kept at home. "

Xiaoyu smiled bitterly and mentioned the grave in his mouth, showing great helplessness on his face.

"Grave? What's going on? How could the source of these demon corpses be in the ancient tomb?"

Pan Chen and Huang Linnan were confused one by one.

Xiaoyu explained: "According to his ancestors, this tomb is the tomb of the ancient emperor. I do n’t know how many years ago a mortal emperor was buried there. I do n’t know what caused the corpse to change. The ancient emperor ’s The resurrection of the corpse spread the venom of the corpse, and the serious injury of his ancestors was caused by the corpse of the ancient emperor. "

"Is this the legendary rebirth of thousands of ancient corpses? No, the average mortal corpse, even if there is a corpse, is at best a low-level low-level demon corpse, and there is no light, which can hurt two natural corpses. Are you definitely the emperor among mortals? "

Huang Linnan seemed to know this and asked.

Xiaoyu shook his head: "I don't know Zhao, because my ancestor and another predecessor were badly injured, no one dared to go to Qingyun Mountain easily, and the two are also lucky. If you cross Qingyun Mountain at night, this time you I may not be able to see me. The bodies of these demons usually do n’t come out during the day, and only act at night. "

In this way, the three people talked and hurried off. Half an hour later, an ancient town appeared in the eyes of three people. Its area is not less than the dusk of Yuncheng, that is Qingyun Town.

As night fell, Qingyun Town was still brightly lit, and dozens of armed men wearing armor and weapons were still standing guard at the entrance to the town.

"I have seen a lot of clouds!"

Seeing that Xiao Yu took Pan Chen and Huang Linnan to the front, the martial arts guards watched the ceremony one after another, and obviously respected Xiaoyu very much.

Xiaoyu smiled lightly and said, "Work hard. When you encounter difficulties, remember to send a signal."

The leader nodded and gave way to light rain.

Qingyun Town is very large. Although it is only a small town, it is not very different from the average small city. Under the leadership of Xiao Yu, Pan Chen quickly came to a heavily guarded government gate. Above the gate, the two characters of "Emperor Government" flashed with a faint golden light, which was noble and unusual.

"This is my house, Brother Ye, please!"

Xiaoyu led Pan Chen into the palace, and the guards did not stop. It seemed that Xiaoyu's identity was really different.

Pan Chen and Huang Linnan were taken to the guest room. Xiao Yu ordered people to serve a large table of wine and vegetables, which made Huang Linnan very satisfied and impolite, and began to eat.

Pan Chen was not weak, he was hungry, frantically cleaning the wine and vegetables on the big table.

"By the way, I haven't asked these two brothers yet. Is it important for you to come to Qingyun Town? Although the next one is not talented, in this Qingyun Town, it is still helpful to ask yourself."

Xiaoyu looked at Pan Chen and Huang Linnan and asked with a smile.

"It's good not to ask," he said. "When you ask me, I really have a little thing to ask Di Ge."

Pan Chen swallowed a big chicken leg in two bites and said seriously: "Di Ge was born and raised in Qingyun Town. I don't know what happened in Qingyun Town 16 years ago."

"Sixteen years ago? Is there something important?"

Xiaoyu touched his head and shook his head and said, "Although I grew up in Qingyun Town, I was only three or four years old 16 years ago. I really don't know, and I haven't heard anything important."

"Well, I have an old man who was here sixteen years ago, but somehow he disappeared, and there is no news of him anymore, so this time I come to ask."

Of course, Pan Chen wouldn't tell a story out of a red dress and panicked.

"So, I have a way, Xiao Cui, you go to Mr. Zhao and say I have something to ask him?"

Xiaoyu thought about it and came up with an idea. He called the girl to tell him.

The girl named Xiao Cui nodded skillfully, and then ran out of the room. After drinking less than half of the tea, Xiao Cui led a 50-year-old or 60-year-old man into the door, which was obviously what Xiao Yu called "Zhao Manager".

"What is important to you to call an old slave?"

Butler Zhao gave Xiaoyu a gift and asked slowly.

"Uncle Zhao, you're welcome, do you know what happened to Qingyun Town 16 years ago?"

Light rain let Pan Chen take a look.

Pan Chen nodded and listened carefully.

Mr. Zhao answered strangely: "16 years ago?" Master, why do you ask this? You were still young. "

Xiao Yujiao looked a little unhappy and said, "I have my intentions, you said that."

Mr. Zhao thought for a moment, and a flash of memory flashed in his mind: "Our Qingyun Town has been very calm. Apart from the sins of these years, there are not many major events, but 16 years ago, a major event really happened."

"I remember one night, in Hongye Valley, from Qingyun Mountain to our Qingyun Town, there was an inexplicable war. I could hear it within ten miles, definitely the hand above it."

Later, someone went to find that the Red Leaf Valley was smashed, and witnesses said they saw lightning and thunder in the distance, violent fire, and even left a large gap of hundreds of meters on the ground!

"I heard it was cut off by a woman in red. Of course, these are rumors. No one knows what happened."

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