The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2031: Such a good voice [6 million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Sure enough, in less than half a column of fragrant time, a huge black cow was engulfed by these humanoids, leaving a pool of blood.


Pan Chen swallowed dry saliva and looked at the unfinished appearance of these humanoids, but he cried and became hungry.

But it was this whisper that caught the attention of humanoids not far from us. Pan Chen was not good at yelling, nor did he expect these half-human and half-ghost monsters to hear such a good voice.


These humanoid creatures were called, and they all gathered around the big tree where Pan Chen was. In a blink of an eye, Pan Chen stood under this tree full of humanoid monsters.

These humanoid monsters looked up at Pan Chen in the tree. I don't know who was the first to do so. They all waved their paws at the big tree, which was thick and thin, and within a few hours they began to shake their desires.


Hearing a broken voice, Pan Chenli's big tree was broken. Pan Chen's face reached the extreme. He didn't want to fight these monsters. He crossed the river and galloped away in the distance.


When Pan Chen fled, these humanoids chased them. Although their single attack power is not weak, but the speed is obviously their shortcomings, some flash points were thrown away by Pan Chen.

"Damn it! This Qingyun Mountain is full of weirdness. You still have to meet Xiao Yao first and then meet again. You shouldn't stay here for long!"

Pan Chen ’s feet were like the wind, and he ran to the track. After drinking a cup of tea, Pan Chen went to where Huang Linnan was.

"go to hell!"

As soon as Pan Chen approached Huang Linnan's resting place, he heard Huang Linnan's fierce anger and fierce fighting.

"What happened!"

Pan Chen felt very sad to hear the sound, and the speed was a little faster. After breathing for several hours, he came to the place where the fighting took place.

"It's this thing again!"

Looking at the fighting situation in front of Pan Chen, not far from him, Huang Linnan fisted with five humanoid monsters with bare hands.

Not far from Huang Linnan, there was a combat regiment, a young bald-headed young man, fighting with five humanoid monsters with a large round knife in his hand. Although he was at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, he did not fall to the bottom.

"Knife falls all over the world!"

The balding young man drank very badly, the big ring knife in his hand suddenly gave out a golden light, and the arm of a humanoid monster was cut off by the knife.

An amazing scene appeared, the severed humanoid grabbed the injured arm on the ground and quickly pressed it against the wound. As a result, a green light flashed past the wound, and the broken arm was picked up again, looking exactly like it was before it broke.

"Wood, you are really a piece of wood! Brother, I can't stand it, so I can't help quickly!"

A punch blown out a humanoid monster a few meters away, and Yu Guang at the corner of Huang Linnan's eyes found Pan Chen and immediately shouted.

"I'm coming!"

When Huang Linnan shouted like this, Pan Chen remembered that he was the partner of the other party, and immediately pulled out the parrot sword and rushed into Huang Linnan's battle group.


Seeing another person, the humanoid monster is not half timid, but more excited. Of the five humanoid monsters fighting Huang Linnan, two of the five humanoid monsters were killed in the direction of Pan Chenbo.

"It looks so fierce, let the little master try your strength!"

Pan Chen is operating the great sky of the Vatican, Jin Yuan is surging in his body, and at the same time the golden light of the parrot sword rises suddenly in his hand.


The crisp sound of thin iron struck, Panchendu River Stage flashed, behind him was a humanoid monster, with a sword on the other side of the back.

What frightened Pan Chen was that instead of hurting each other with a sword, he rocked back a few meters away. This is still the reason why his physical strength is too strong. If not, he would have no effect.

"The body is so powerful, what changed this monster?"

Pan Chen muttered to himself, it was unbelievable.

"If I am not wrong, this is a zombie demon, commonly known as a demon corpse, also known as a zombie!"

Huang Linnan, who was close to Pan Chen, warned.

"This is a **** demon corpse! Indeed, I can bear such a great reputation!"

Pan Chen said a crude word, and simply threw the parrot sword aside, changing the magic of heaven.

The whole body exudes black golden light, and Pan Chen has raised the body's strength to the limit.


Another demon body-a paw-flew at Pan Chen, patted Pan Chen, and an explosion broke out.

Pan Chen stood still, motionless. In order to test the opponent's offensive power, he was deliberately hit by this attack.

Despite some adventures, Pan Chen is still gambling and the opponent's physical strength is very strong, but compared with Tmall's nine changes and three changes, he is still a bad one.


In addition to Huang Linnan's battle, he also happened to see that Pan Chen was not injured by the demon's body. Rao is his usual pride and pride, he can't help mumbling.

"You come to pick me up too!"

After being hit by the demon corpse, Pan Chen drank very low. He urged the hand of the dragon claw. The claw shone with golden light, grabbed the opponent's arm separately, and then used the claw to forcefully tear off the arm of the demon corpse.


The arm was ripped off by the troops, and the body of the white-haired demon gave an angry roar, opened his mouth, and bited Pan Chen.

The demon's body was covered with sharp fangs and a mouth, and Pan Chen smelled a bad smell and wanted to spit it out.

"go to hell!"

Although Pan Chen is confident in his body, he does not want to be bitten by the stinky mouth of the maggot in front of him. He turned his paw into a fist. Tmall Nine changed to the extreme, punching him with a punch.


Pan Chen hit the body of the white-haired demon with a dull voice on his head. His head exploded, and disgusting red and white objects splashed all over the floor.

The powerful vitality of the white-haired demon's body was bombarded, and the body fell straight to the ground without moving for half a minute.


Another demon corpse with white hair saw his companion Pan Chen killing him, and rushed towards Pan Chen frantically, a pair of sharp claws, walking in the air from the shadow of the claws towards Pan Chen's face door.

"The weakness is in the head!"

Pan Chen shouted, of course, he reminded Huang Linnan and the bald five not far from the enemy. Waving claws in front of the demon's body, Pan Chen no longer entangled the other person's head, he crossed the river under his feet and went around Walking around, the dragon claws stretched out and caught on the other side of the head.


There was another dull voice, Pan Chen's Golden Dragon claws grasped the other person's head with force, and they were squeezed alive.

Like the previous one, the body of the demon with the head exploded fell to the ground immediately, and there was no life at all. ..

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