The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2011: You won't be his opponent

"What if I am an emperor? Even if I am a fairy, my master will always be my master. As for whether he is a good question, I can only say that as long as you give him time, you will not become his opponent. "

Speaking of Pan Chen, Jin Ming's face was full of pride. Although his actual practice is stronger than that of Pan Chen, Pan Chen's position in his heart is irreplaceable.

"What a big tone. I haven't seen Pan Chen yet. Although it can be said to be a dragon and phoenix, it seems to be in the early days of the emperor. Even if you give him time, you can compare with the three elders in our family."

As soon as Jin Yu's words came out, they immediately caused the resentment of Hong Yun, who was fierce and majestic. They think that Jin is a bit exaggerated, not to mention themselves, but the first night in the world and the reeds in the snow are already the most important characters in the world of heaven and earth. After all, fairy objects have not appeared for long.

This is not only a red cloud of three people, but also an evil night and snow. They can practice to the point where they are today. If they are proud of themselves, if they say that Pan Chen will grow up to reach their height in the future, it would be great, but Jin said he was not Pan Chen ’s opponent together, this is a disguise to them insult.

"Okay, let's stop talking about this. Is there any way for the three of you to wake up Pan Chen? Tomorrow is the fifth day we plan. Since Pan Chen hasn't crossed the border, I can't wake him up. I don't know what to do do."

Seeing that the atmosphere in ancient times was a bit wrong, he hurriedly changed the subject and talked about business.

"Master's profound understanding of Dao may not be able to feel your call. We can do nothing about it. This water top has been integrated with my master. Only he can control it, and we cannot enter it."

Jin helplessly said that he almost said the ancient martial arts tree. Fortunately, he blinked at him in time, which did not say that he had a bald mouth.

"It's a pity if you can't help it. If we can't send troops as planned, if we miss the time, the demons of the twelve states may advance, ah, it's troublesome to lose the right place at the right time Now. "

Eternally speaking, it is difficult to say.

"What are we afraid of? In my opinion, it is not impossible for the three of us to unite and promote chaos to smash this spiritual sword and destroy this gravel. Hacking the spirit sword is not only a fairy weapon, but also a heavenly spirit treasure. Fairy weapon of the same level, and it is impossible for the three of us to cooperate to break this tripod. "

Said Devil Night.

"No, Shui Ding cannot be broken. It has been combined with the wood. Once broken, the wood will be seriously injured and die!"

As soon as I heard that the Devil's Night was about to break the Emperor's tripod, Kong Ling was the first to speak out against it. At the same time, he swallowed the Emperor's tripod in front of him.

Sun Qitian and Jin Xuan were not idle. They were blocked in front of Kong Ling respectively, and the Emperor of the Water Emperor guarded behind a tripod. His attitude was also obvious.

"You think only three of you can stop us. You are too naive. Although you are all extraordinary people, you cannot make up for the gap in this field in a short time."

Hongyun said coldly, the red fire on his body roared, and an extreme fire attribute suddenly burst out, putting gold on the three people.

"Let me do it!"

Seeing the powerful emperor Wei Mian, Kong Ling raised her hand, the five-colored halo was gorgeous, and her breathing was chaotic. She quickly became a five-colored aura mask, and three of them were protected.

Once the five-color spiritual light mask was condensed and formed, the great pressure of the late Emperor Hongyun fell on the five-color spiritual light mask.

This red cloud exudes the emperor's breath in a very fiery way, including a very fierce breath, if everything in the world can be burned. However, this is such a powerful and unimaginable emperor, after falling down, the mask of the five-colored spirit, it immediately melted into nothingness.

"It's worth being born out of the five elements that were born in chaos. It's really powerful. It can control my limit fire. Come again!"

When his head was broken by Kong Ling, Hongyun closed their hands, and then cut off a tens of feet of red inflammation light blade in the air, worrying that it would burn to the earth and the earth, and then cut with a five-color light mask broken.


In a violent explosion, Kongling's five-color lampshade was disillusioned by a halo of red light, and the surface was recessed into a large piece, but it was not broken yet, and death also carried the blow of red clouds.

"Break me!"

In the shadow of the five-color divine light, Sun Qitian raised his hand and raised a bright golden light, and fell directly on the edge of the red face lamp, because the incarnations of Qian Yun and Kong Ling saw the difference between Chiyun Shentong and these two people, Under the light of five colors, Sun Qitian raised his hand with a bright golden light.

Another amazing sound sounded, the red cloud was chopped out of the red light blade, and was blown away by Sun Qitian's blow, and even the five-colored lampshade collapsed.

"What a monkey, how much strength, come again!"

Seeing Sun Qitian's intervention, Hongyun immediately ignited a fire. He wanted to do his best, but he was surrounded by the ancients.

"We are allies now, not enemies. What are you doing?"

After stopping Hongyun, he shouted loudly.


He was reprimanded by an eternal drink, and the red cloud suddenly turned white, and he could not be said to be suffering.

"Allies are allies, but at that time they were willing to borrow us to cut thousands of autumns, and now they can't get out of this situation. It's a bit far-fetched to call it an ally."

When Chiyun was scolded, Xue opened his mouth coldly.

As one of Tiangang ’s heirs, he certainly wanted to help Pan Chen and others, but Xue Di was completely right, and now he would not speak.


Suddenly, the purple aura flew out of the water emperor's tripod, and soon became a young man wearing a purple robe, such as Sun Qitian.

The young man in a purple robe was tall and thin, with long hair and a shawl, and looked dusty, with a lot of fairy breath. His breath also reached the peak of the emperor, only half a step away from the palace.

The emperor suddenly flew out a stranger, immortality, etc. all showed the color of suspicion, even the three Sun Qitian, it seems that they do not have this person in front of their own people.

"This is Qianqiu, it's here."

Looking at his eyes, he stared at himself, the corner of Zipao's youth mouth, and then the flash of space fluctuated in his hand, and he was cut out. ..

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