The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2002: Really good mind

"A good plan, a really good mind, is worthy of a think tank, Pan Chen. Although I don't pay much attention to you, your people are really good."

After a shock, Cangwu Zhaowu nodded brightly, and then told Pan Chen that it was neither cold nor hot.

"You say my brother Ye is wrong. You have been with him for a short time, you misunderstood him. If you get along for a long time, you will definitely make a difference."

Wu Liang opened his mouth to help Pan Chen speak.

"Wu Liangdao, you don't have to say good things for him. This is the third condition you put forward for him. I will do it."

Cang Song's words were not finished, and immediately felt the eternal cold eyes, scared him to close his mouth immediately, did not continue to speak.

"Well, I know you are still doing this. In fact, Brother Ye cannot be blamed. Yes, his request is a bit big, but it is also a helpless move."

"My Beidou Heaven and Earth spirit is a few hundred thousand less, and the high-ranking strongmen are pitiful. Even if Heaven and Earth are restored, in the face of the invasion of the magic clan of the twelve states, it is difficult to match it."

"Brother Ye asked for so many original magic liquids, not for himself, but for the hundreds of millions of creatures on my Beidou. This is the same as the magic domain that prevents the people of the Twelve Kingdoms from destroying chaos."

"As long as I have the original magic liquid, my Beidou's advanced combat power will be several times more, and then I will naturally be able to calm down the devil's robbery and return it to a peaceful and prosperous period."

"Although this is a bit selfish, after all, my Beidou has nothing to do with your chaotic magic field, and we should not use the benefits of your chaotic magic field to make up for our shortcomings."

"But on the other hand, the demons and the Protoss of the Twelve Kingdoms are our common enemies. We are powerful. This is not without any benefit to you. At least the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Since he is a friend, he will not touch you at all. reasonable."

"Of course, if friends are too stingy to let us undress, it will be different."

Wu Liang said to him helplessly.

"Is this what you mean by my chaotic emperor? Isn't this 1/10 of the original magic liquid of the magic ancestor? Since the ancient elders have promised you, we can't go back!"

When Wu Liang spoke, the outspoken bully immediately retorted.

"Even if I, at least the chaotic emperor, is the direct line of the devil's ancestors, will I be as stingy as you said? Since the elders have promised you, we will never go back!"

Cang Wu also followed.

"In this case, I would like to thank several Taoist friends. Before, I had no eyes, no beads, nor saw the personality of several people. I made some compensation here."

The change in attitude of Cang Wu and others was obviously expected by Wu Liang. He said that since clenching his fists, he was grateful for Cangwu.

The three of the warehouses heard the words without saying much, then saluted the eternal, and then left together.

"Brother Wu Liang, I really admire your mouth, I feel inferior!"

With the departure of the three Cangwu, Pan Chen could not help but thumbs up.

"Hey, admire it. Sometimes the brain is more useful than power. I am the best personification."

Wu Liang said proudly.

"Well, now that the plan has been basically formulated, you come with me. I will take you to see the chaotic ancestor tree while I still have time. I hope you can understand this few days."

"Eternal" said hello to Pan Chen and others, and then walked out of the hall. Pan Chen and others are watching closely.

The main palace of Wangyue City is large, but the ancient city did not fly in the sky, but it was not in vain. Obviously, the Chaos Ancestral Tree related to the destiny of the Chaos Emperor should also be in the main palace of the city, not far from the conference hall.

Walking in the Forbidden City, because there is an eternal guide, no one stopped, and Pan Chen and others met all the people along the way, without exception, all paid tribute to ancient times, to see how ancient the emperor's status in chaos high.

It didn't take much time. Pan Chen and others went to an independent courtyard gate after seven and eight circles.

The courtyard did not look too big from the outside, but the security was strong, and even the six guards were in the sacred place, which surprised Pan Chen and others.

At the entrance of the yard, there is a pale golden forbidden light curtain with a majestic giant wave, which is not illusory at first glance except for the early emperor figures.

At the entrance of the courtyard, there is a jade plaque. The three simple characters in the messy garden in the book seem to be full of simple atmosphere, I don't know how many years have existed.

"I've seen ancient elders, and I don't know who they are."

With the arrival of ancient times, the six magical saints who guarded the chaotic garden paid tribute to the ancient times, and some people looked at Pan Chen and others who followed them curiously.

They cannot doubt eternity, but Pan Chen and others exude a completely different atmosphere from the real devil family, which makes them unprepared.

"They are my friends. Don't worry. You don't have to be suspicious. I will take care of some things."

He knew what the saint meant, and said with a smile, Jin Guangri flashed in his hand, and he took away a gold coin with countless runes.

After removing the mark, the real elements of the ancients moved, and a golden elf immediately flew out of the token, and then fell on the golden screen of the entrance.

Along with a golden rune flying, the golden screen that originally completely enveloped the entrance melted automatically from a hole.

"let's go!"

Collect the gold coins, say hello to Pan Chen and others, and then take the lead into the chaotic garden. Pan Chen and others saw it, and they followed them one by one.

As soon as he entered the chaotic garden, Pan Chen and others completely changed the scene in front of him and came to an independent dark space.

I don't know how wide this dark space is. All the stars in the sky emit starlight, as if it were an alien sky.

However, after Pan Chen and others came in, their attention was not focused on the sky, but their eyes were turned to the next towering tree in the starry sky.

This is an unimaginable gray-green giant tree, rooted in the void, thousands of feet thick, its height is almost inestimable, because it has grown directly into the sky, if it does not have a distance, see the big tree The outline, at close range, Pan Chen and others never thought that this tree would be a tree.

The chaotic gas flows on the giant gray-green tree. The chaotic gas here is more than a hundred times stronger than the chaotic spirit contained in the chaotic Dragon and Tiger City, which seems shocking.

There is no need to explain forever. Pan Chen and others know that this is the Chaos Ancestral Tree of Chaos Emperor, also known as Chaos Mother Tree, because many Chaos Emperors have merged Chaos Tree Species from this.

Due to the existence of the Chaos Ancestor Tree, the entire independent space is full of chaos, making Pan Chen's Chaos saplings involuntarily become active, but there is also an eager attitude, if Pan Chenqiang wants to stabilize, he may fly directly.

"How big a tree is, it's really magnificent. There is such a chaotic spirit at all. No wonder your messy emperor's development is so prosperous, there are dozens of emperor characters alone."

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