The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1989: You can't joke about this

"What! Star friends, you can't joke about this. You came here with half-step ancestors. How can you reassure me and believe your sincerity?"

When Pan Chen heard that his face had changed, his face suddenly changed, and at the same time deliberately opened the distance between him and them.

"It's not his fault, I forced him to bring me!"

Pan Chen's words just fell off. At this time, the space in front of the star was undulating, and the hair of an old humpback man was white and curvy, and suddenly flew out of the sky.

The humpback old man was wearing a gray cloth shirt and looked too old. Standing in the void, he didn't think he was an ancestor of half-step because he was not real at all, but he looked like a mortal.

"Are you the so-called elder longevity?"

The appearance of the hump-backed old man made Pan Chen face death, he kept a certain distance from the other party, and at the same time couldn't help asking.

"Old decadence is eternal. You are that Pan Chen. It is really not a general generation. I think you are only over a thousand years old. I did not expect to reach such a height. It is simply a Grignard Wizard."

The muddy old eyes looked at Pan Chen's body, and the hump-backed old man said quietly.

"In front of you and other characters, how can I be called a wizard. I don't know why my elders went there in person today."

Pan Chen remained vigilant and asked in a low voice.

"For what? It is also necessary to say that naturally your hands cut down thousands of autumns, and the messy tree species on your body, one of these two, one belongs to us and the other belongs to our own things, old The decadent Taihang Emperor, of course, wanted to get it back! "

The eternal voice said coldly.

"Presbyterian Church, you didn't tell me that before. We are here to talk about cooperation. Why don't you understand the younger generation now?"

As soon as I heard what was said in ancient times, Pan Chen immediately showed a cold light in his eyes, while the starlight's face opened his mouth ugly, and Yue Ji's face was not much better.

"No rules. When I talk, you don't have to interrupt me. Stay away from me. If I don't say that, you will take me to see him."

"This son has such a big appetite and ambition. I don't care about my chaotic emperor at all. Of course I have to visit him in person for a while!"

In Yueji the two yelled and followed Pan Chen forever.

"So, Pan Chen, since you came for me, what else do you need? Just to see the power of this half-life ancestor, is it really scary?"

Pan Chen said that the laws of the Yuan Dynasty were confused, and then the spirit of Jin Gengjian was awarded, pointing directly at the past shot in the ancient times, and the goal was its eyebrows.

The attack on Pan Chen did not flash or avoid in ancient times, but let Jin Geng's sword fall on his eyebrows.

Jin Geng's sword energy just fell into the eternal eyebrows, and a strange sight appeared. It originally added power to Emperor Panchen's Taoist law. The supposedly invincible Jin Geng sword energy was absorbed directly into the body and disappeared.

And the eternity that absorbed the Jin Jianqi, not only had nothing, even the brows were not wrinkled, but also took a step closer to Pan Chen.

"How is this possible? Even if you are a half-ancestor, you can't easily resist my Jin Geng Jian Qi!"

Looking at the slightest losslessness, getting closer and closer to his eternity, Ye Liang's face was hard to look like ugly.

This is not to say that he has never felt the power of a half-step ancestor. A few days ago, when he looked at Moon City, he had already experienced it, but he did not expect it to be so terrible.

"That's all. It's not very good. Use more, otherwise you won't have a chance to do it."

After absorbing Pan Chenjin's sword energy, he said coldly that he was getting closer and closer to Pan Chen.

Seeing the heavens and earth being so proud and arrogant for a long time, Pan Chen's body was so large that he immediately stirred the world and formed a huge momentum.

"Five forms of war demons, split in the sky!"

A black magic light flashed in his hand, a magic knife condensed by the power of the law of mixed elements appeared in Pan Chen ’s hands, and then the power of the law surged in his body, raised his hand, and cut out a long black The sword gang, exuding an unparalleled legal atmosphere, was cut off from ancient times.

Pan Chen's knife was cut from the black knife. Although it is only Zhang Xuchang, this does not seem surprising, but the power contained is so powerful that even the stars and the moon feel a very dangerous breath.

It is important to know that Pan Chen is only promoted to the emperor, and the starry sky is already the existence of the devil in the mid-term, which can make him feel extremely dangerous. You can imagine Pan Chen's knife, to what extent. ?

Obviously also felt the horror of Pan Chen's knife. This time, Pan Chen was not allowed to attack again. His thin chicken claw's right hand quickly reached out, and even caught him cut from the black knife gang.


A strong energy shock sounded, Pan Chen and others quickly cracked countless cracks on the mountain, and grabbed the black knife gang's eternal exit with two hands and stepped back.

Although he was taken back two steps in ancient times, Pan Chen's powerful blow only made him take two steps back and grabbed it with his right hand. The scary black knife gang broke up and scattered in countless pieces everywhere.

"What's going on, Pan Chen!"

"the host!"

When Wu Liang and others flew out, Pan Chen quickly opened his mouth, drank a lot, and then cut it out with a knife in his hand. This time, he directly cut off countless magical characters, accompanied by ghost roars, shouts, wolves, and rushed to the eternal past. ?

"Ah, shall we go? No one will leave!"

Facing countless attacks from gods and demons, an eternal sneer and irony, he opened his mouth and took a sip. All the gods and swallows swallowed into his mouth, but Pan Chen's attack was easily quelled.

After swallowing all the gods and demons into their mouths, they will move and appear directly in front of the sky, and so on.

Do not

Looking at the eternity between the unity of heaven and man and the eyes of others, Pan Chen immediately roared. He quickly sacrificed the clock of the East Emperor and moved towards eternal repression.


Until the Eastern Emperor Bell hit eternity, the turbid heaven and others also found something wrong. Instead of sitting on the ground and waiting to die, they urged Avatar to attack and go to eternity.

"Oh, even the emperor can't do it. I dare to shoot at me, I don't know if it's dead or alive!"

He completely disdain the attack of mixed heaven, etc., he opened his mouth again and again, not only inhaled all the attacks of turbid heaven, etc., but also swallowed them into his mouth, and even some living people, such as mixed blood heaven, then Plus the stones that dare to be together, he swallowed into his mouth.

As soon as he swallowed the cloudy sky, he raised his hand and punched a black boxing shadow on the East Emperor Zhong attacked by Pan Chen. When he engulfed the turbid sky and others, he raised his hand and landed on the East Emperor Bell attacked by Pan Chen.

When "Langdang" sounded tough, East Emperor Bell was attacked by black boxing, and then the faint light moved towards Pan Chen.

Do not..

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