The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1986: blood cells

Seeing that Pan Chen really had a hint of starlight and rose, Wu Liang was stunned first, then raised his hand, sucked it into the air, and swallowed the two blood cells on his hand into his hand. ?

Wu Liang took a **** photocell in one hand and sat down with his knees closed. The power of law played a role in his body, and then a black, a white, two spiritual lights flew from his heavenly soul come out.

After this black and white aura flew out of its gods, it immediately formed a Yin-Yang Taiji map from the air above the head.

With the formation of Yin-Yang Taiji diagrams, there are many strange black and white runes in addition to Taiji diagrams. These runes intermingled with each other, intertwined together, and finally, together with the Tai Chi picture, they became a complete eight-hexagonal picture.

As soon as the gossip chart is formed, it immediately exudes a very mysterious atmosphere. It does not belong to any attribute of the law, but after careful perception, it is much more mysterious than any other law.

The right hand spit out, the blood on his hand shattered, a grayish green gas floated directly to the sky, and flew to the gossip table.

The gossip chart has a strong attraction. Once the gray-green gas approaches it, it will automatically absorb it and then melt into an invisible gas.

"Man governs the land, the land law heaven, the law, the legal person, gossip!"

There was a mutter in his mouth, and then Wu Liang bite the tip of his tongue and spit out a drop of red essence blood, without going into the gossip picture above his head.

With the fusion of Wu Liang's fine blood, the Tai Chi picture in the middle of the gossip picture quickly rotated, and then the hexagon on it began to change rapidly and constantly changed. The picture seemed extremely mysterious.

When the yin and yang meet, the hexagon reverses. Over time, the eight pictures on Wu Liang's head slowly stop rotating, and are completely fixed on a fixed hexagon.

The light of Yin and Yang flashed in his eyes, and Wu Liang looked directly at the eight charts above his head. Soon, he frowned, and seemed to realize something.

Along with Wu Liang's eyes, Pan Chen could see nothing. In his view, how to place these hexagons is the same, and there is not much difference.

Seeing Wu Liang for a long time, he did not draw a conclusion. Although Pan Chen was a little anxious, he waited patiently.

After a period of incense, Wu Liang's eyes slowly returned to Qingming, and he was relieved at the same time.

"So, did you infer anything?"

Pan Wu asked as soon as Wu Liang returned to normal.

"The breath just now should be the magic emperor, and he concluded that he will be robbed in the near future, but this is not a robbery, and his luck will change greatly after that."

Wu Liang opened his mouth to explain.

"Did it change a lot? Is it good or bad?" Pan Chen continued to ask.

"The Sixth Party shows Zhongping, also known as Zhongping, which is good or bad. Depending on what you think, it may be good for you, but not necessarily good for others."

Wu Liang looked complicated and explained clearly.

"Then you don't know why. Try again, maybe she is different from the stars."

Pan Chen hesitated for a while and continued to urge.

Wu Guangdian nodded, and then crushed another mass of blood with his hand, and then the gray-green gas, which was absorbed by the gossip chart.

Biting the tip of the tongue, spit out another drop of essence blood into eight pictures, then rotate the eight images of tai chi in turn, and start its mysterious change again.

It turned out that Pan Chen thought that this time, he had to wait for an incense burner time before Wu Liang could push the result of the show down. Unexpectedly, there was only half a column of incense time, and the gossip road map on Wu Liang's head broke open, and then he spit out a vigorous blood. no no.

"Brother Wu Liang, how are you?"

Seeing Wu Liang vomiting blood, Pan Chen rushed up.

"I'm fine, twice in a row, but I got a little feedback. Yuezhi's situation is not very good. From my inference results, she can't live long."

Wu Liang wiped a handful of blood from the corner of his mouth, took out a red medicine and swallowed it, then gave a message to make Ye Liang look a little ugly.

"What's wrong, she won't live long, it seems that the trip to the tomb of the devil's ancestors may be the place of Yue Ji's funeral!"

Pan Chen whispered, frowning.

"That's exactly what happened, so this trip to the Tomb of the Devil Ancestors will not go smoothly. Otherwise, I don't think you should go. Even if you want to go, you must take us with you!"

Wu Liang stared at Pan Chendao seriously.

"No, I have to go, and you, when Sun Qitian and Beihai come back together, go back to Beidou World!"

Pan Chen did not want to open his mouth to decide.

"You can't remember! How many difficulties and obstacles have we experienced together? At this time, you know that there is danger, how can you bring us back to the world of battle?"

Wu Liang growled, his attitude was very firm.

"If you don't go back, what about the Big Dipper? Don't forget, you are the skyport, the king of the stars, you are gone, and you bring water."

Pan Chen said coldly that there seemed to be no discussion at all.

"What are you arguing about? I heard you arguing along the way. Why did the brothers quarrel again?"

Suddenly, the sky and the herd mingled together. Two people came in from outside the cave and took them, and they became nine small stones.

"There's nothing to dispute, just chat."

Seeing people coming in, Pan Chen smiled and shook his head.

"What else? Do you think you can hide this matter, let us make it clear!"

Wu Liang said angrily, a ray of blood came out of the corner of his mouth again.

"Uncle Wu Liang, what's wrong with you? Why are you bleeding?"

Seeing the blood bleed from the corner of Wu Liang's mouth, he quickly cheered up.

"It doesn't matter, it's just not good." Wu Liang shook his head.

"Come on, you are not as injured as me and my brother. We are all fully recovered. Why haven't you recovered yet?"

"What's going on? What did you just mean? We are not outsiders. If you have something to say, just say it!"

Qi Tian is not easy to fool, he feels that this matter is definitely not as simple as Wu Liang said.

"Boy, what happened, you quickly said, we are not without eyes and mind, it is difficult to see it!"

Haotian also asked, he was a good person, and naturally found that the situation was wrong.

"Okay, sooner or later, I have to tell you this. This is how it is now."

Pan Chen knew that the matter could not be hidden, and there was no mother-in-law. He carefully stated the cause and consequences of the incident.

"What! Master, do you want us all to go back to the world of Beidou and be alone with the chaotic emperor to find the tombs of the ancestors of the devil?

"That is to say, Uncle Wu Liang has figured out that the trip to the tomb of the demon ancestor will become more and more unlucky. How can we guarantee that you can be alone?"

When Pan Chen explained the cause and consequences of this incident, Niu and Qi Tian couldn't help but open their mouths. Their attitude is very clear and they do not agree with Pan Chen's attitude. ..

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