The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1979: Bloody butcher knife

The two purple figures could not see their faces clearly. Their bodies were condensed together by a powerful force of heaven and earth. Everyone held a **** butcher knife and looked majestic.

"Interfere with Heavenly Law Enforcement, die!"

As soon as they came out of the cloud, the two purple men had cold voices in their mouths, and then flew towards Baiqu and Roland respectively. Their speed is very fast, almost instantaneously, they come to the opponent's body.

When the blood knife flashed, the purple character in front of the Baiqu Demon King raised his hand, cut out a blood arc, and chopped directly in front of the Baiqu Devil with a terrifying speed that was inaccessible to the naked eye.


Facing the attack of the blood arc, the devil of Baiqu didn't have time to take care of the gold. He raised his hand and patted it, and then made a real Baiyuan fingerprint, with the fear of the devil later, and fell on the blood arc.

In silence, Divi's True Yuan handprint seems to be easily penetrated into the past by the **** arc, just as easy as cutting tofu.

After penetrating the white Zhenyuan fingerprint, a blood arc immediately appeared on the right palm of the Baiqu Demon King, and the half palm of the Baiqu Demon King was directly cut off, which looked as easy as before. ?

Chopped in half with the palm of his hand, the devil of Baiqu immediately screamed. The blood from his broken palm dripped. What made him feel the most terrible is that he wanted to stimulate the body's qi and blood.

Because the surface of his injured palm was covered by a powerful legal force, it was precisely because of this legal force that he could not be born again in the flesh and blood, even if he only contained blood.


Until the reaction of Emperor Baiqu, the purple man leaned again with a butcher knife in his hand. This time he directly cut out dozens of **** arcs and swooped towards Emperor Baiqu, looking like the posture before Emperor Baiqu. .

"The law, the monument of the Holy Spirit!"

Seeing a large number of blood arcs striking at himself, the power of the law gathered on the left hand of Emperor Baiqu, then raised his hand and pressed his hand against the gap in front of his body.

As Bai Ling ascended, the Baiqu Demon King condensed into a 10-foot white regular light plate in front of his eyes.

The body of the white light film is very strong, with a large number of gold runes on the surface, which looks very gorgeous, and the whole person's white song devil is blocked by his back. ?

With the formation of the white light film, the purple characters cut from these blood arcs were cut on it. The shredded white light film was a spiritual disillusionment, and a large number of cracks appeared on the surface.

"let's go!"

Reluctantly blocked the blow of the purple figure, the Baiqu Demon King gave a drink to the white medicine and others behind him, and then he turned into white light and turned away, blinking and escaping tens of miles away, not at a glance Too much plan to escape.

Although Bai Yao and others also followed the emperor's approach, seeing that the late Baiqu Emperor was not a purple opponent at all, he drove one by one in the fastest direction and in all directions.

With the escape of Baiqu Emperor and others, the purple character did not give up the meaning of this point. He changed from a half-air to a purple remnant, just a few tens of miles away, chasing the Baiqu Demon King.

With a roar, Emperor Luo Lan sacrificed a black shield and was cut open by another purple figure of the opponent.

Although the Roland Devil also had the practice of the Devil Emperor in the later period, but in the face of the attack of the purple character, the game ended as well as the Baiqu Demon. Although he has thousands of households, how can he say that the purple character's attack is really overbearing, whether it is a magic weapon or a spell, it is difficult to stop his power of this knife.

After blasting the black shield with a knife, the purple figure was cut off from the magic knife in his hand again, cutting out a hundred-foot high blood knife awn from the air, and rushed to the past Devil of Lorraine with a sharp cold front. Rolandi felt that the blood knife was full of strong breath, and immediately took out a green bead as big as an adult fist and shot it toward the blood knife. He immediately took out a green bead as big as an adult's fist and shot at the blood knife.

With a loud noise, the blood knife and green beads were blown together from midair, but the adult fist-sized green beads were immediately shattered by the blood knife, followed by a cluster of green flames.

The green flame did not know where it came from. When it condensed like a wolf bone maggot and a general, it stuck to the blood knife's awn and spread immediately.

Sticking to the unknown green flame, before the Blood Sword Mansions were cut to Emperor Roland, there were enough Blood Swords Mansions completely wiped out into nothingness. The blood knife was completely wiped away by the unknown green flame, and the blood knife was completely destroyed into nothingness before it could be cut into the hands of Emperor Roland.


As the **** knife burned into nothingness, Roland Modi hurriedly pointed at the purple figure, the green flame spinning in the air, and then turned into a green fire dragon, facing the purple figure head-on.


When Emperor Roland resolved his attack, the purple figure had two dazzling blood stains in his eyes, and then his figure disappeared.

Without waiting for Roland's reaction, a blood knife flashed across his neck, his big head separated from his body, and then a purple figure appeared in front of Emperor Roland, holding a butcher knife in his hand.

From the sudden disappearance of the purple character to the separation of Roland's first body, all of this is very slow. In fact, there is not even half of the breathing time, so strong that the level of the emperor Roland, such as the character, has no time to react.

After the separation of Emperor Roland ’s first body, the purple figure did not stop shooting. His blood knife was cut out again. This time directly cut Roland ’s head in half, and the Yuanshen and the sea inside turned into flying gray.

"Wow, this is great. The role of the late devil is like slaughtering a dog!"

Jin Dazhong was hiding not far away, watching the whole process of the fall of Emperor Roland, and couldn't help murmuring that he became humanoid again, but his face was shocked.

He turned his head to look at the gold, and the purple figure dissipated in the air, as if it had never appeared.

"Fortunately, I did not do this, otherwise I would not be able to save my life."

The purple figure disappeared, Jin couldn't help mumbling, opened his mouth and sucked in, sucked the body left by Emperor Lorraine in front of it, and swallowed it in one bite.


King Kong swallowed the body of Emperor Roland, the purple robbery cloud in the sky thundered again, and then a huge robbery cloud turned into a purple face tens of miles in size.

The purple face is not only large, but also has a prominent golden rune mark on its brow, which is a unique symbol of the Protoss.

"Of course, don't pretend to be a ghost, show your own respect, let me see if you are a messy alien, or that **** false god!"

For the purple face in the sky, Kim did not show many unexpected colors, but he was still intoxicated in the sky.

"I didn't expect you to know many things. This is the first time in the world. I don't expect you to know many things. I didn't expect you to know many things."

Facing the golden drink, the purple face in the sky quickly condensed into a young man wearing a purple robe. His figure changed, and he came straight to the place not far from Jin Qiu.

The young man in a purple robe only looked in his early twenties. He wore a purple golden robe and looked no different from a normal person. The only difference is that there is a golden Protoss rune mark on his brow.

"You are a man!"

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