The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1958: This man is very mysterious [Wang Wen, 6 million words, please kill]

Pan Chen decided in his heart that until then, he took out his dagger and carefully dived into Dongfu's mouth.

Dongfu is cool and airy. There is only one lamp and one candle around.

That's how Pan Chen became vigilant in his heart. There are so many people on the other side. Although there are gods in the middle stage of refining gas, there is no one here, and no one is sent to increase vigilance. How could there be no one along the way?

Moreover, from the beginning to now, I have not seen Zhou Junhua's figure.

Zhou Junhua is very mysterious. Although Pan Chen can be sure that this person is not an immortal, his hand effort is far higher than Pan Chen's expectations.

There is a powerful Thunderbolt in his hand, it seems that his travel depends on this matter.

However, Pan Chen also has a lot of killing wands, although those few magic weapons cannot be driven at all. But is its power as a tool of the gods comparable to the power of all things?

Even if the flying sword is used as a secular sword, it is hundreds of times more powerful than the ordinary iron sword. The bone shield is not small and can resist some attacks.

Pan Chen calculated that these things are magic tools of the fairy family, not to mention the level of tenacity, at least they can still have a basic guarantee for their life, even if they encounter that alchemy in the middle of fairy cultivation, although they may Can't beat him. At least self-insurance is capable.

When Pan Chen was calculating, he also came to a hall, which looked very different. In addition to the piles of skeletons everywhere, only one high seat is built by the skeleton.

When thinking of these remains as Wu Xiu, all of them were naturally explained. At this moment, Pan Chen yelled softly and slowly walked towards a strange thing.

Pan Chen was immediately surprised to find that there was a piece of white jade with a figure on top. Pan Chen stared at it intently, startled. When he was about to leave, he suddenly saw a bright light around him, too bright, and he could not see clearly with his naked eyes.

The light is too dazzling, Xin Yilin is trying to pop it out, but the air jumps down a big net, Pan Chenyun dodges and is tied to the big net.

Soon, the bright lights stopped, and Pan Chen gradually saw everything around him.

The gangster is one of them, Li Jia, Yan Hong and others are watching.

Li Jia looked at Pan Chen with unbelievable eyes, but his eyes were thoughtful, and his eyes still showed a light of worry. The people on Jianmen are full of doubts.

It turned out that Pan Chen came under surveillance at Dongfukou. The stone mirror is as white as jade, and is used to monitor the array prisms around the Eastern House. If you accidentally touch the array, you will be immediately informed by the people in the East House to stay alert in advance.

This method, of course, was extracted from the remains of human beings. Otherwise, compared with it, only the Qixian in the middle stage does not have such a financial and power extraction system. Of course, Pan Chen also knew about it on the hand knot of the body, but mistakenly believed that there is no body here, the fairy in the refining period should not be so easy to find, just because he underestimated Fairy of time. This is now the case.

"This friend, it's hard for you to come along. If it's not for the god, otherwise I might know because of your follow-up. Hey, hey." The robber said triumphantly, as if all this was done with his own hands of.

Pan Chen has a calm face. Although he knows that the other party is a fairy, he can at least compete with each other. Even if he really cannot kill each other, he can still have some hidden secret hands.

The robber leader saw that Pan Chen's face had not changed, and stared at himself coldly without saying a word. He immediately became furious and said, "Tell me the truth!" What do you want to do behind us, your bitch? If you do n’t say that, watch out for the knife without eyes in Uncle Ben ’s hand! "

Pan Chen glanced at the robber leader and did not put it in his eyes. With his current strength, even if he meets top experts, how can he put the first-class master in his eyes?

Just as the robbers were about to catch fire, a cold buzz came.

In an instant, everyone present shivered, and the robber's head immediately respectfully said to a man in black: "Master, this guy really has no long eyes. The little man just wants to teach him a meal."

Pan Chen knew the details of the man in black and his surname was Su Mingdong. This is just an accidental exercise. They have just entered the path of evil cultivation. When these remains were first collected by the disciples, they did not have any good ideas. Think about it, if one day, when they are in danger of life, they will take away their flesh by robbing the house, so they limit the strength of the disciples to five layers of refined gas, and will never let Su Dong break through.

Su Dong glanced coldly at the people present as if they could penetrate people. For a while, everyone felt as if they were being stared at by a viper and felt a cold on their backs.

Li Jia finally came out and said bitterly: "Are you the leader of these dog legs?" It doesn't look good either. "

After hearing this, Su Dongfei was not angry, but instead smiled, but said nothing. When he reached Li Jia in one step, Li Jia was speechless.

Because Li Jia felt that the unparalleled pressure was coming, that pressure was like the pressure of Taishan, but he felt that his knees were sinking and he could no longer move.

Li Jia was taken aback, staring at Su Dong intently.

Su Dong smiled coldly and said, "I want you to live or die." It's just the fate of ants, life and death are only between fairies, but today, in order to donate blood, you all have to live well and enjoy the last day of life. Ok. "

After he had just said this, he ordered the gangster to take good care of himself and wait until tomorrow to take action.

Others were relieved to see Su Dong gone. Somehow, when Su Dong came over, everyone felt a lot of pressure, although not as strong as Li Jia's. But I also felt an unstoppable fear.

But Pan Chen knows that this is the fairy's usual method and a way to stop the weak. It is to turn the aura into the mental pressure of spitting. In this way, people with insufficient strength will naturally be intimidated by the powerful mental pressure and will not move at all.

Although Pan Chen understood it, he was also surprised by the powerful mental pressure. His heart was not a surprise, but a joy. Is it difficult to say that this is the power of a fairy practitioner?

At the beginning, I always had a very skeptical feeling about the fairy master, but now it is terrible to see Su Dong using only one momentum, so what if he is self-defeating? If one day they also embarked on a fairy road, then they will no longer be compared with these pure mortals. ..

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