The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1954: Better than magic weapon [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Net, please kill]

& # 160; Pan Chen was very excited, he carefully ordered these things, and found that there are a total of four or five books, a dozen kinds of herbs and some strange stones, but nothing is better than a magic weapon.

Although Pan Chen was a bit disappointed, he was curious about these things. This is a book, because as long as people are in the world and carry some books, they will definitely record things related to them, so that Pan Chen can really understand who these people are.

Pan Chen was the first to open the book "Gu Lingzhiyi". This book is 7 inches long and is the thickest book among them. Naturally, I picked this book to read it.

Pan Chen put the meat in the book into his eyes and felt a shock of spirit, restrained his excitement, and quietly read the content of the book.

Facts have proved that what this book explains is that in the area where Pan Chen lives, this is a place that practitioners call ancient practice. In this regard, it records several major events in the fairy world and the strongholds of many fairy practitioners in the fairyland.

In addition, the division of the realm of the gods is also introduced in a general order: refined gas, building foundation, Jindan, Yuanying, etc., in turn: refined gas, building foundation, Jindan, Yuanying, etc.

Wait a minute, aren't the two areas where they practiced bamboo slip art "refining gas and building foundations"? how to say.

Pan Chen was shocked again. Facts have proved that the skills he has practiced since he was a child are actually immortal!

Pan Chen couldn't believe the bamboo slips he took out. According to the records of "Lingzhi Ancient Books", compared with the special shocks of the gods, he finally decided that this was a fairy work!

Pan Chen was not excited, but shocked and deeply shocked. Since I was a child, I have not been valued. I live at the border of war and often live a day without a day, but I am a person with a fairy body!

According to the introduction of "Ancient Ganoderma", there are very few mortals who can really cultivate fairies in the world, which is worthless! On the other hand, Pan Chen is such a person with a fairy body. Under the coincidence of such opportunities, he successfully practiced a set of fairy.

Pan Chen is not happy. On the contrary, he is a little nervous. He is not afraid of repairing the fairy, but he also doubts whether he can successfully enter the fairy list.

Since he practiced bamboo slips, he has been practicing bamboo slips for several years, but so far there is no sign of breakthrough. All of this shows that he is probably a practitioner of a bad spirit root fairy.

Generally speaking, there are only five kinds of spiritual roots, namely: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and also includes five special spiritual roots of ice, thunder, and wind.

Fairies with a single spiritual root are born from the roots of the gods. This is a very rare fairy physique. Not only are they walking on the road of immortality, but the speed of absorbing the aura of five elements is also far from the bad spiritual roots. You know, among many fairy practitioners, most of them are mortals, so they will also produce different spiritual roots, of which more than four are the most mixed, and few two Spiritual roots and three spiritual roots.

In addition, as mentioned above, the higher the qualification of these spiritual roots, the first state of gas refining begins, which can almost reach the highest level in more than a decade, and the time to break through the refined gas layer is only two or three year. Tianlinggen can break through the first level within one year.

Pan Chen carefully calculated his practice time. It has been six or seven years since then, but until now, he vaguely felt signs of breakthrough. It can be said that he can be sure that he is a real demon.

Therefore, Pan Chen lacked confidence in the road of the fairy, and he was not sure whether he could truly practice with the gods of heaven, earth, and the road of eternal life. This book clearly shows that if the evil soul wants to have a foothold in the field of fairy cultivation, it can be said that it is difficult to move forward.

First of all, on the issue of spiritual stones, speaking of this point, the fairy world we want to talk about is also divided into two types of fairy practitioners and scattered practitioners. As the book says, Shi Xiu is a group of monks from the same family. Each family will have a strong patriarch. Generally speaking, these families are also divided into large and small.

Small families are generally established by casual practitioners who have no opportunity to enter the fairy road. Most of them are monks during the cultivation period and can only be regarded as temporary repairs.

During the foundation period, the middle-aged families were served by monks. Although their strength is not as great as that of large families, they are also the backbone of the fairy field. The big family is even more terrible. It is generally composed of one or two ancestors during the Jindan period. Its strength is deep. Every ancestor of the old Jindan, even if he only stepped on his feet, the entire Xiuxian world will shake.

As for the real person of Yuanbao, it has less information, almost not mentioned in the book.

Pan Chen saw it here and took a deep breath. Unexpectedly, Xiuxian ’s industry is also a very strong place. If he walks around in the world of Xixian by accident, I ’m just afraid to annoy which powerful Xixian family , I am afraid it is not easy to provoke.

Pan Chen looked at the next content again, sighed slowly, put the book away, and his eyes fell on several other books.

He didn't have much time, so he had to return to Zongmen, so he also read the remaining books. He said in surprise: "I didn't expect these books to introduce some fairy forms and fairy magic."

Pan Chen was most interested in one of the spells and couldn't help but pick them up and read them several times. He now knows that the mysterious heat generated by the magic he practiced has become part of the magic list, and naturally he ca n’t help but want to try one of them.

There is the magic of a small fireball. After looking at it, Pan Chen closed his eyes, meditated on several spells and gestures, and a small fireball appeared on his finger.

Although it was just a small fireball, Pan Chen was still very excited. He stared at the fireball with his eyes motionless. He did not expect Tian Bin, who would perform his magic, would be very good. Because as mentioned in the five-element basic spelling, although basic spelling is easy to learn, it is very difficult and difficult to operate it successfully.

If you want to practice a small basic spell so that you are familiar with it and move it at will, it is impossible not to practice the last one hundred and eighty times. Among them, it also involves net mana consumption, but also meditation to restore mana. Pan Chen called the fireball for the first time, and he could easily shout it. Except for the spiritual roots of those days, it was difficult for anyone to have such talents, so Pan Chen was a little complacent.

However, Willie in these spells is Pan Chen's most surprised. You know, these little spells don't seem worth mentioning in the eyes of fairies, but in the world of mortals, it can be said to be a big killer, any basic spell. You can easily kill world masters, such as martial arts masters. ..

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