The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1952: Unexpected things [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

& # 160; But something unexpected happened. When the black wind blew the black disk, only heard a roar. The black disk did not resist, but had a feeling of control.

The remains on his face were a bit gray, it seemed that he was expecting good, and the other side of using the black wind was really a high-grade dirty spirit. When the black wind blew into the golden mask and only listened to the buzzing sound above the head, the body was like a bull, pale and pale.

At the same time, he was also absent-minded, manipulating the flying sword opponent to launch a fatal blow, his calculations were also good, flying sword strength was very strong, even in the downwind, he must be able to hit the opponent hard.

Soon after, the two screamed at the same time, defeated by the flying sword pierced their chests, but the flying sword fell to the ground, losing control of the flying sword, while also hiding a common mental appearance.

Although the remains were beaten badly by the opponent, he was hit by the black wind, his mouth spurted out blood, fell to the ground, and his breathes seemed to be dying one by one.

The black wind also became the original form due to the failure of the master's control, which turned out to be a black cloth.

At the same time, they also announced the fighting situation of the two men: both sides lost!

These two people are now dying because of the strongest blow between them. However, none of them died. Although their injuries are so severe and it takes a long time to recover, if they are not given a fatal blow, as long as they rely on some of their Danish drugs and abilities, they can recover their lives.

But these things are easy to say, but they are also difficult to really do. First, he was defeated because he was pierced in the chest. This fatal blow caused him to lose most of his life's blood. Then, because his own power could not directly resist this attack, he could be allowed to leave. Jianfeng. It is not inserted into the heart, that is to say, he is only one step away from death.

However, so is the remains. Under the fierce attack of the Black Wind, he has been unable to support his mana. He used a golden shield to repel most of the attack, but it was already a candle in the wind, and he was knocked down to the ground. Only half a step away from the ghost gate.

In other words, due to the battle between the two men, both sides were about to fail, and there was no way to launch an offensive and take any evasive action. If a fairy found them at this time, then they are the target of slaughter.

Moreover, with their current power, even an ordinary mortal can easily kill them!

He did not want to die so early, he continued to repair the damaged parts with the remaining mana to avoid premature death due to excessive bleeding.

Now, because he can't even move his fingers, he can't even get the most basic storage bag. He knew there was a bottle of Elixir used to save lives, as long as he took it himself, even if he really ca n’t be resurrected from the dead, he can at least kill each other now, at least he can use the fact that he has no soul beads. Then he can be considered a real resurrection.

At the thought of this, the defeat calmed down and lay motionless on the ground as if it had really become a dead person.

The other party's body was in a hurry in the dark. Unexpectedly, the other party did not die or fell under their terrible blow. In fact, he already knew that his body would not last for an hour. If he does not use the other party's early decision now, he will only worry that he will eventually be sucked into the soul. How evil is Ghost Brother's method.

He was thinking about himself, and he found that there was no other way but to take a breath. He can only watch the failure lie not far away, he does not blink, he does not know whether the failure will continue, you know, if you want someone to be killed between the same command, although he is still sure in his Heyday. But now, this is an illusion.

In addition, there is a sharp magic weapon in the opponent's hand, it seems that there are one or two moves left, even if he can really recover immediately, he may not be able to kill undefeated.

So, in this way, the two of you are on your guard against me, I am very careful about your situation, time has passed unconsciously for half an hour, and the two have not taken any action.

Failure still lay on the ground, still motionless, as if really dead. However, the chest of the human remains fluctuated slightly, apparently with a faint gasp. Due to his vigilance against failure, he seemed to have increased his desire to survive, but he was no longer willing to sit still, but he tried to manage his working methods. As if to restore their mana in order to seek miracles.

However, things were not as smooth as they thought. At this moment, rustling footsteps suddenly came from a distance. The two men immediately became alert. They knew that their current situation, even if they were just an ordinary mortal, would pose a great threat to their lives. If they were a fairy, the situation would be more uncertain.

You know, a fairy, if they are not relatives, they will not save each other, if there is something good, they will not let go easily. You know, in the fairy tale world, the competition of low-level practitioners is far more brutal than that of senior practitioners.

So, just as the two men lifted their hearts to their throats, a figure appeared gradually, and at the same time, the two men were relieved.

It turned out that this is just a mortal.

However, these two people can not relax their vigilance, who knows what kind of personality this mortal is, will not die if they meet them, take the opportunity to kill someone and grab the treasure.

And this person does not need to say much, but Pan Chen himself.

Pan Chen is a mortal who has been concerned about the struggle between the two since the beginning. Of course, he has been paying attention to their every move.

When he saw the two men fighting, he flew tens of feet away and couldn't help but want to keep track of them, and when he just caught up, he saw them shot down at the same time.

With great joy, I became cautious. Although these two people seemed to be dead, because they saw that these people could manipulate the first class of ghosts, they naturally regarded them as ghost kings, in case these two people were deceived to death and tempted themselves. What way can they grasp the soul, then they will not suffer great losses.

In fact, this is also based on Pan Chen's current limited knowledge and can be guessed out of thin air. After all, Pan Chen is just a mortal and does not know the world of fairies at all, so the thoughts that come to his mind may be known to any fairies, and they might laugh at their big teeth.

However, this also reflects Pan Chen's extremely high psychological quality. He is not surprised and suspicious when facing danger. The reason why Pan Chen stayed still for half an hour after the two of them lay down was that he worried that some of them would be cheated to death. In case they become targets, won't their lives be cut off?

He was not sure if he could take over any of these two people's steps. Pan Chen's caution could easily give the other party a chance. ..

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