The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1948: It's about to collapse [Six million word Wang Wang, please kill]

& # 160; & # 160; As soon as he turned around, he walked towards the depths of the cave with great speed, because the cave was about to collapse, and if he did n’t leave, he was afraid of drowning himself.

Soon, the area began to twist and curl, and the gravel on the top of the cave continued to fall, filling a cave that was already too wide, but it was filled for a moment.

The shock spread to almost every corner of the mountain, and almost everyone felt it. At first, these people thought it was an earthquake, but then they felt something was wrong, but they couldn't think of anything wrong for a while, so they had to go their own way.

In the cave, the smoke gradually dissipated. In the gravel, a small pile of soil gradually loosened, and began to rise slowly, then shaken, and after a while, I heard a loud noise, and a figure came out from the inside. Accompanied by coughing.

And this person is Pan Chen. From the beginning, Pan Chen has been hiding very cleverly in a relatively angular place. Most of the gravel was wiped over with his body, plus his mysterious skills, even if the gravel falls on the body, it will slip away.

Although these things eventually disappeared, Pan Chen was not in a hurry to go out. He is not sure whether Zhou Junhua will stay outside. If he uses the current danger to launch a sneak attack, he is likely to fall here.

He was injured in many places, no matter how powerful he is, in the face of the power of nature, there will naturally be an unsupported situation. Pan Chen did not dare to act at will. He first took a breath against the wall, then slowly found a hidden place.

Fortunately, the terrain here is still very complicated, and Pan Chen quickly found a very hidden hiding place.

He only brought some ordinary herbs, these things are commonly used by him, and most of them are just some physical wounds, as long as these things are smeared on the line.

It took Pan Chen half a day to complete all this, and then he meditated on his own. From the beginning of his own consumption, to the consumption behind the explosive resistance, Pan Chen is indeed a bit unbearable.

However, the energy of mystery also recovered quickly. After two hours, Pan Chen basically recovered to the best state.

He was not in a hurry to go forward, he took the sunny thunder from the other side out of his arms, it was inevitable, he must be a little excited. He knew it was too powerful to imagine. According to some information they got, knowing the power of this thing can blow a world's master into a serious injury, so even in the face of a world's master, Pan Chen can have the power of one-time self-protection.

With this thing, the action here also adds a guarantee.

Pan Chen smiled secretly, gradually remembering some feelings when he was blown up by Burak just now, which made him have a bit of hope for further breaking through the bottleneck. San Panchen smiled, turned off the thunderbolt, and gradually remembered some feelings, because when he was broken just now, he suddenly had a little insight, which made him have a little hope of further breaking through the bottleneck.

He vaguely felt that this was an opportunity to break through the bottleneck. If this breakthrough is successful, then, according to calculations, he may really be able to have the ability of a real top master. Even in the face of the world, Master can have the ability to protect himself.

However, this is not the ideal place to break through the bottleneck. It seems that the purpose of travel must be achieved before you leave. Tianchen iron can allow people with this thing to absorb the essence of heaven and earth anytime and anywhere, greatly enhancing their strength. The butcher is crazy because this thing became a top master at an unimaginable speed. Maybe this is an important opportunity for this trip to break through the bottleneck. As long as we get this thing, even if they do n’t know how to exert their true maximum power, they just It has such a sacred effect with you, I am afraid of how many martial arts experts dream of.

He carefully calculated, first of all, Zhou Junhua in his arms, may be the biggest enemy of his trip, followed by the people of Baijianmen and Ruyimen. It may also be their own pedestrian. Jiang Cheng did not say what the reward was, but after the incident, no matter how stupid he was, he knew what it was.

However, at present, he must not easily appear in front of others, otherwise, it is easy to get involved in this crisis. After all, who dares to give it to those who fall on the horizon, such as Tianchen Iron, who dares to take it? In other words, life is too long.

But Pan Chen is not afraid, even if he is separated from the first ten doors, it does not matter, as long as he really gets the iron of the sky, what if he walks out of the first ten doors? In addition, their current situation is absolutely unknown in the eyes of others. Who can think of getting the iron in the sky?

Pan Chen calculated carefully, and felt that there was a great possibility of catching it during this trip, and it would definitely not be discovered by others.

However, if he wants to return to ten years old, he must first solve a person, of course, Zhou Junhua. This guy is too dangerous. If he suddenly "resurrected", in case he recovered his rumors, would he be in danger everywhere?

Although they have evidence against Zhou Junhua, it is very difficult to successfully return to the top ten.

However, Pan Chen still has certain confidence in this trip. Pan Chen estimated the time, thinking he would stop again, but only let others take the hand first, modify himself, and cover his face, he went out with satisfaction.

It turned out to be a labyrinth like a cave. Due to the explosion, a straight hole was exposed. Pan Chen went out like this without encountering any obstacles.

Outside the cave is a very green jungle, a burst of fresh air immersed in the cave, Pan Chen suddenly felt a consolation.

However, this is not the time to enjoy, because Zhou Junhua is still alive, of course, you can go somewhere outside. If he goes out like this, he will probably be found.

Pan Chen leaned on the mouth of the cave, thinking about something, but suddenly a scream came from the bottom of the mountain.

Seeing what happened below, Pan Chen was surprised, how could there be such a miserable scream?

Although Pan Chen did not want to pay attention to this matter, because the heart of good deeds killed people, he knew his way, of course, he would not be stupid enough to find his death. However, Pan Chen felt that what happened must be related to himself. If there is any connection, he has to see what he said.

Judging from his current strength and the information that can be determined at present, it is unlikely that there will be any strong opponents here. If he really meets an absolute master, he will ask himself, he still has the ability to protect himself.

After careful consideration, Pan Chen decided to go to see what name there.

As Pan Chen expected, there is a difference below. A thick **** smell spread, and Pan Chen frowned. Although he had heard this **** smell on the battlefield numerous times, this time the **** smell was very different from the past. ..

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