The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1944: Distribution Center 【Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter】

& # 160; The two thieves were very careful. They turned around eight turns on the escape route and looked back from time to time. If it were not for Pan Chen ’s ability to follow and change ordinary people from a distance, he would not be able to pay close attention to these two people without panic.

Half an hour later, the three came to a remote place in the distance.

Pan Chen looked around and found that this was the distribution center of the dustbin. A smell is disgusting.

Then the two thieves came to the door of a larger dumpster and found a wolf dog tethered in the dark by a chain. Pan Chen pointed to his hand, and the animal lay down.

He came quietly to the window of a house in the dump and heard a few thieves talking.

"Xiaoqi, Xiaolin, why is it that you are the only one coming back?" A middle-aged man walked out of the room and asked the two people who came in.

The weather was a bit hot. At night, the middle-aged man's face was covered with grease. His image was disgusting, and he lost his appetite.

"Don't say it, it is almost yellow now. Fortunately, the two brothers are alert and bit the **** at a critical moment." The thief stole Pan Chen's travel bag and said frustratedly that he was middle-aged Xiaoqi in the.

After that, he took a bottle of beer from the refrigerator next to him, bit his teeth apart, mumbled, raised his head and drank.

"So, did you do it tonight?"

The other was named Xiao Lin, sitting on the broken sofa next to him, and answered, "Boss, don't say, the person we met this time looked like he had practiced, Xiao Qi just touched his Bag, he was pulled down. "If we don't run fast, I'm afraid we won't be back! "

"Have you practiced? Are there martial arts masters?" The boss apparently didn't believe Kobayashi's words and asked in another chair: "What about the others?"

After drinking half a bottle, Xiao Qi took out two bottles of beer from the refrigerator, walked to the two people, handed them over, and said, "They will cover us and come back later, depending on the situation."

When the three were drinking beer, Pan Chen was also thinking about how to clean them up.

Since these people are criminals, they should leave evidence after the crime. It is better to ask the police to catch them, but if not? If the police come, if they ca n’t find anything, or if they ca n’t prove what they did, because they do n’t have a license? Pan Chen himself did not want to waste time here.

"By the way, how about this? Not only did I give them a lesson, but I might let them change it from now on!"

After thinking for a while, he thought the idea was good, so he flinched in the dark and patiently waited for the other thieves to come back.

Time was running out, and the seven thieves slipped in one by one. After saying hello to the original three people, they all sat together to discuss what happened later.

After listening to their conversation, Pan Chen realized that there were two people who did not return. According to the thief, one of them was transferred to the crowd himself, and he was worried that he could not get up from the bed within a month or two.

As for the other person leaving, he did not return, just because he was taken to the hospital.

Speaking of which, if it was not because the person beaten was wearing completely different clothes than Pan Chen, he might be killed by the crowd they instigated to death!

It was almost dawn, and several thieves were going back to rest. Pan Chen no longer hesitated, hiding in the darkness, using magical means.

The lights in the room suddenly dimmed, and in the panic of the crowd, everyone's ears gasped heavily.

"Who?" Some people asked casually, not knowing what it was.

"woo woo woo woo"

However, he only answered the cry of a woman who had no one, or a somber laughter.

"Who is it? Come out!"

"M, who dares to go crazy here?"

After all, they are a group of big names, and they are not too scared in the face of this strange change, but first, they think someone is messing them up. Ha

"Brother, go to you. I want to see who dares to pretend to be a ghost here!" From the sound, it seems that the boss said.

After that, ten people tweeted for something in the room.

Suddenly, someone found the phone from his body and lit the screen, so there was finally a faint light in the room. In this case, some people found sticks and some people took out fruit knives. In addition, some people thought of opening the door and going out.

"Bangkok" a random swing, the original tattered wooden door, could not be opened.

"Boss, the door won't open!"

"I'll go get the flashlight first." Then, the boss turned back to the room through the faint cell phone light to get the flashlight. Looking back, I suddenly saw a woman in a white shawl.


Suddenly, anyone should be surprised to see such a person. But when I heard the old man crying, everyone else turned around, but they disappeared from the woman.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

The boss palpitated and did not answer what he said, but scolded in the dark: "m, who is it?"

"Oh, ha, oh."

As these people looked around, a guy with a mobile phone lighting suddenly felt the harvest was wrong. He looked down and found that the phone in his hand did not know when it turned into a ferocious viper.


"Xiao Zhang, what's wrong?"


When he shouted, another person with an iron rod suddenly pointed at the boss and shouted, "Boss, you." You, you. You have a nosebleed. "

The boss reached out and touched it. Sure enough, a little sticky feeling, the fear in my heart increased, so he hurriedly shouted to the crowd: "Let's go out first!"


"I can't drive, boss!"

"M, cut with a knife!"

A few big men worked together, and even after a hard meal, they couldn't open the broken wooden door. When everyone was sweating eagerly, the white ghost who had just lost his hair floated quietly.

"Oh. Oh, hey. Oh. Ha."

"Ah" When he saw this terrible thing again, the boss's face changed in fright.

"do not come"

"What's wrong with you, boss?" When they heard the boss yelling, the little brothers looked back over and over again. But they can't see anything. On the contrary, it increases the fear in everyone's heart.

"There are ghosts, there are ghosts"

"I'm so quiet and lonely"

The ghost reached out and pulled out her hair, revealing two empty eye sockets. There are bright red blood stains inside. When her tongue was talking like a viper, she stretched out and shrunk, looking strange.

"Ah, don't come over!" The boss tried to take a step back, trying to hide behind his little brother. Unfortunately, the room was too small, ten people huddled together, there was really no place for them to turn around. ..

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