The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1932: Condensed in the arrow [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

"Okay, General!" Pan Chen pulled his bow forward and shot an arrow. Pan Chen had an amazing understanding of real anger. For example, as long as he spreads out a painting, even if he closes his eyes and releases his real anger, he can know what is in that painting. Real anger is like his ears, his eyes, his nose, he can feel a lot of things with real gas.

Pan Chen gathered his true anger on the arrow to make the bow and arrow more balanced.

His eyes fell on the distant target, and the bow and arrow were shot.

When! The bow and arrow landed steadily in the middle of the center of the target.

At this time, not only the officers were shocked, Zou Wei was also shocked. Although he is a born master, the arrows he shoots only fall around the target. He does not guarantee that the arrows he shoots will fall in the middle of the target.

Zou Wei flashed an idea that he thought was absurd. Is this Pan Chen a born master? is it possible? Pan Chen is so young?

Zou Wei licked his dry lips and asked, "Pan Chen, are you born?"

Pan Chen shook his head and said, "No!"

Zou Wei was silent for a while, remembering the relaxed expression on Pan Chen's face when he just shot an arrow, but he had no doubt.

"Pan Chen, you keep archery. Let me see how many arrows you can shoot." Zou Wei said suddenly.

Pan Chen nodded. He bent the bow again and shot an arrow. After shooting more than ten arrows in a row, his hand was sore. He wanted to rest for a while before shooting again, but he turned around and saw Zou Wei and a group of officers behind him staring at each other like hell.

Pan Chen rolled his eyes, wondering if he was too shocked. The police officers just killed a few people.

Seeing that Pan Chen stopped shooting arrows, Zou Wei asked, "Isn't it?"

"Well, my hand is paralyzed!" Pan Chen didn't want to be the attention of everyone. He knew that Zou Wei should take him seriously just with these dozens of arrows. In fact, as long as he has a little rest, he can still shoot more than twenty arrows.

Zou Wei said in surprise: "Pan Chen, although you are not the first paradise, your true density is quite amazing."

"General Xie praised my father as an archery master when I was a child. I spent countless days learning archery with my father." Pan Chenyan's Road to Light.

In Zou Wei's eyes, the color of appreciation is more intense: "Very good, Pan Chen!" Victory is not proud. With such a skill and such an open mind, there are not many such people now! "

"The general was flattered!" Pan Chen smiled.

Deep in the desert.

This is an oasis, once a desolate oasis. After the Huns came, after several generations of unremitting efforts, a prosperous city was built on this oasis that was originally only water and some green vegetation.

During the prosperous period, it was not comparable to Changan, and even the small cities of Datang, but it was an important stronghold for the Huns. Around the oasis, Xiongnu soldiers patrolled back and forth.

In a large courtyard in an oasis, a heavy voice asked: "What?" Charlie Yan was killed? The Tang Dynasty also discovered Yan Charlie's five eagles, the whole army was wiped out, and 45 arrows fell on Datang? "

The voice was full of anxiety and disbelief.

"Yes, this is the news from the black line we arranged in the city. This is true!" A middle-aged Xiongnu who was in charge of intelligence work answered cautiously. Because at this time, sitting in front of him was the first owner of the Huns, jewhar. Jehar is known for his grumpy times in the Huns era. At the same time, he is also a very short person. That strict Charlie is the heir of Jehar. Now that Yanchali has been killed, this Jehar must be angry.

As the backbone of intelligence, middle-aged Huns dare not break their heads.

This scene was silent for a while, and Johar said to him, "You're going to bring Su Da, Mei Daxiu and you two!"

The middle-aged man answered quickly, and then he went down. Three days later, Pan Chen heard the bell ringing in the sky at the Alchemy Hall. He frowned, wondering if another emergency happened.

He dare not ignore it. Hearing the bell, he flew out of the courtyard where he lived and came to the playground of the alchemy pavilion.

This time, he was no longer the inner disciple who stood under the stage to watch, but stood on the high platform of the playground, with only three real disciples.

Many disciples on the stage looked at Pan Chen with envy.

Pan Chen also saw Yan Lihong. Yan Lihong looked at Pan Chen suspiciously and asked: "You are so good, just joined the alchemy pavilion, and soon became a real disciple?"

Pan Chen wanted to know why he became a disciple of a true biography. He smiled bitterly and said, "It's an honor to be able to escape Gao Sister. Why can I still be a disciple of a true biography so far?"

Yan Lihong and He said with a smile: "The cabinet must invite you as a true disciple must have his reasons, you can rest assured, brother, if you encounter any difficulties in the future, remember to contact me."

Pan Chen nodded. He remembered what happened last time in Xuehai. His eyes flickered and asked, "Sister, do you remember what happened last time in Xuehai?" I want to know what happened. "

Yan Lihong said: "We have made it clear that the North Lakers suspect that there are a large number of star-strip mines under the snow, so they sent a team to explore." But they were unlucky. When they met us, we Kill them! "

Suddenly Pan Chen, if there are really many star-shaped mines hidden under the snow, this is an invaluable treasure. Imagine that if the people of North Lake really found a large amount of star particles from below and then refined them into weapons, then Datang would be in danger.

Pan Chen's eyes flashed and said: "Sister Gao, what are your findings in Xuehai?" Is there really a star seal there? "

Yan Lihong shook his head and said, "Now it's time for the beast to wake up to find food. We have to wait at least six months to do an investigation."

Pan Chen, oh, he thought to himself, the people of Datang seemed to thank those blue-blooded beasts.

"Well, sister, why do we get together today?" Pan Chen asked.

Yan Lihong said: "Ten days will be the 70th birthday of the Holy Land, and the envoys of neighboring countries will celebrate their birthdays in Chang'an."

"This is a good thing!" Pan Chen did not understand why Yan Lihong's face looked dignified.

"So, what? You don't know, Datang's national strength is decreasing day by day, and the surrounding countries are salivating about it. They sent envoys not to celebrate their birthdays, but to humiliate Datang." .

Suddenly, Pan Chen's original scenery in the Tang Dynasty was infinite, but now it is declining. Naturally, neighboring countries look down on them and naturally want to use chaos to create waves.

Yan Lihong continued: "Every year's birthday celebration, there will be a martial arts meeting, experts from all over the world will raise their hands at the meeting." We gathered here to select some masters to deal with the provocation of various countries. "

I understand.

After Yan Jie introduced the Wushu Conference to everyone present, he shouted: "Who are you willing to attend the Wushu Conference?"

Those who understand the situation of the Wushu Conference have retreated, and fewer than 30 people have actually signed up.

Pan Chen asked: "Sister, can I be with you?"

Yan Lihong said with a smile: "We are not a question of whether we can do it, but we must do it!"

In every battle, if you encounter some powerful martial arts, the defeated person will eventually be very sad. For example, the last time a person was cut by each other ’s hands and feet, another person ’s meridian was torn apart and turned into a deserted person.

At the thought of such horror, the internal disciples present did not want to participate in the so-called martial arts conference, except for some people who were not afraid of death and wanted to stand out. The name is sincere and valuable, and the price of a small life is higher!

More than 30 people can go to a martial arts meeting together, which is the largest number of people participating in a martial arts meeting.

Pan Chen was excited when he learned that the Wushu Conference was held in the Royal Palace. At this moment, he used this opportunity to familiarize himself with the layout of the palace. ..

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