The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1928: Horrible Enemy [Six Million Words Wang Wang, Seek Slaughter]

Although this is not a natural disaster, but *.

Even if they knew that terrible enemies were hidden around them, they could only pray that the dust storm would end.

Pan Chen took a shot and took one fresh life after another.


The head of a Xiongnu soldier was blown open, and there was a hole in the head, mixed with red and white liquid. The eyes were wide open, and the eyes could not be closed.


Pan Chen shot through the heart of a Xiongnu soldier, and blood flowed from his heart. The soldier looked down at his heart. As soon as he closed his eyes, his body fell off and he couldn't breathe.

In Pan Chen's view, they are like a group of slaughtered lambs, without resistance. However, Pan Chen will not be weak. These Xiongnu soldiers are so sinful that they are speechless.

Many Huns began to fear in their hearts. I do n’t know who picked up the machete in his hand to protect himself. When he saw a vague figure appearing, he thought he was the enemy and he cut it off.

Soon, the entire camp became a battlefield where the Xiongnu soldiers killed each other.

Although Yan Charlie is very powerful, he is still a mortal and can hardly be compared with the demon Pan Chen. In this dark sandstorm, his eyes can only see a few meters.

The enemy was hiding in the darkness, it was terrible. Charlie opened his eyes wide and raised his ears without knowing where the attacker was hiding.

He wanted to command the army, but reluctantly, the sweeping sand was deafening and his voice was blocked.

This was the first time in his life that there was cold sweat on his forehead. He could only hold the machete tightly, his eyes wide open, and he would split into haunted and terrible enemies at any time.

Fortunately, the dust storm covering the sky has finally passed.

When night fell, more than a hundred people watched in fear, and all their companions fell into the pool of blood.

They are all dead.

Yan Charlie saw Pan Chen, his dress was different from his own. When he stared at the red eyes, he split Pan Chen with a knife.

"Kill him!" Strictly check Ricoh's voice.

The other soldiers raised their choppers and shouted to kill them.

At this time, Pan Chen was covered with blood, just like Shula from hell. His eyes were as electric as electricity, and his man came with a spear. He killed so many people and refused to let go of the frightened Huns.

He was really angry with the spear, the Huns only wore soft armor. Under Pan Chen's attack, they resisted only a few times and lost their lives.

"Damn!" Yan Charlie saw that Pan Chen would hit a Xiongnu soldier every time he shot him with a spear. If the Xiongnu soldiers were killed, they would be injured even if they were injured. The soldiers were all elites he trained, and the death of one of them was a great loss to him. Now almost all of them have died here.

Yan Charlie saw that there were only more than 80 people standing on the ground at this time. Just now, they lost more than 20 people.

Charlie Yan's heart was bleeding.

"I am going to kill you"

Strict Charlie raised a beast like a beast to kill him. His eyes were red, eager to tear Pan Chen's body into ten thousand pieces.

The rest of the Huns also rushed high with their machetes.

In such a short distance, you can only win with a machete.

Pan Chen saw it clearly. The machete in Yan Chali's hand emitted a blue light, and his eyebrows frowned. He knew that Yan's machete must be poisonous.

"Blood Shadow Crazy Knife"

Strangely, there seems to be a mysterious power on Yan Charlie's machete. When Pan Chen's spear came into contact with Yan Charlie's machete, Pan Chen's spear was rebounded by a sudden rebound.

Pan Chen's face changed slightly, guessing that Charlie's machete must be a spiritual weapon, but only rebounded his attack.

Yan Charlie saw Pan Chen avoiding his fierce knife and frowned. He knew that the enemy was powerful.

Yan Charlie unexpectedly withdrew from the battle with Pan Chen, but let other Xiongnu soldiers go with him.

Pan Chen was surprised, looking at Yan Charlie in disbelief. Only then did he notice that Yan Charlie had eaten something. At this time, Yan Jiali did her best.

Pan Chen's face changed a lot, he felt too familiar. He knew that Yan Charlie must have taken some kind of pill, which quickly strengthened his strength.

"Protect the master!"

The Xiongnu soldiers rushed forward without fear. Pan Chen's spear, cold, took their lives in one shot.

However, these Xiongnu soldiers knew they were dead and had to stop Pan Chen from attacking their masters. Pan Chen's people killed them mercilessly, without leaving a chicken and a dog.

Seeing that Pan Chen had killed more than 500 companions, Yan Charlie's eyes were red. He wanted Pan Chen to dismantle 10,000 corpses at once and raise his ashes.

Pan Chen's real gas was almost consumed at this time. When he saw an unusual light from the machete in Yan Chali's hands, he knew that Yan Chali would urge his mental weapon.

No, his condition was so bad that the lights were out of oil, and he couldn't give Charlie any effort.

Pan Chen took a deep breath and rushed into the distance like an arrow.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!" Strictly Charlie with a gloomy face, with a strong sense of homicide in his eyes, his machete glowed brilliantly in his hands, escaping towards Pan Chen away .

At this time, Pan Chen fled feeling the great pressure from behind Taishan and others.

Pan Chen was surprised that the pressure of the machete was too great, and that machete was nothing special.

He also noticed that the light of the machete was getting stronger and stronger, and his eyes dared not look at it. Even more frightening is that the machete is still getting bigger, and soon becomes a machete, which is high enough for an adult.

The pressure is coming again!

Pan Chen burst into tears in his heart and soon hid aside. The machete was inserted straight into the sand that he was standing just now, and there was an earth-shattering roar. A huge pit appeared in the sand, filled with blue poisonous gas smoke.

The face of strict Charlie has changed dramatically. The gesture he just made consumed 80% of his real anger. He thought he could beat the opponent with every move, but he was scared away by the other side.

He frowned and took the machete back into his hands.

Pan Chen's eyes were shining, he knew that Charlie was the weakest machete, when he didn't use the disease to kill him.

He jumped for a while, raised his spear, and hit the machete hard. With a bang, Pan Chen was beaten aside. ..

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