The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1916: There is nothing to clean up [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Sure enough, Chen Fanlin knocked on the door of Pan Chen's room that morning and asked him to clean and prepare.

Pan Chen sat in the room, there was nothing to clean up. I immediately set off with Chen Fanlin.

Zhou Jing and others were already waiting at the door. After the two of Chen Fanlin came, they left the square after a few words.

Outside the gate of Fangcheng, Chen Fanlin sacrificed flying equipment and invited Pan Chen to go up. Pan Chen guessed that this time he took a flying device to find Chuzhuang. Fortunately, he got one before leaving. This is definitely not a shame. Now Chen Fanlin asked him to ride his flying device with him, which surprised him a little.

"Maybe I'm afraid I will fly very slowly and miss the time." Pan Chen had no choice but to smile and stood on the magic weapon of Chen Fanlin's flying dance.

The remaining four people each placed flying instruments and were ready.

Chen Fanlin ordered the five people to fly off the ground to their destination, Chuzhuang.

Chuzhuang is located in Jiaying, Chu Kingdom City. Jia Ying is not only the capital of Chu, but also the economic center of Chu. The degree of abundance is conceivable. Therefore, the number of fairy people here is also the largest in Chu. This is not because the Chu family lives here, but because the aura here is a dense place within the Chu Kingdom, and naturally attracts many powerful fairy practitioners. Several major schools in Chu State are located in several dangerous places near Jiaying, preventing people from entering the earth.

Although not far from Jiayin, fairy practitioners will not interfere in worldly affairs unless they are their own home for future generations. Therefore, Jialing also has a certain number of fairy practitioners. They will also obey the rules of elf practitioners and will not use mana at will. The most severe of these is that immortals will never be allowed to participate in wars between nations. If this crime occurs, it will inevitably be condemned by the gods.

Pan Chen and his party flew all the way to Jia Ying, passing both countries. During this period, when they passed the country, they all stopped to rest in a market for half a day. Pan Chen, because he didn't need to spend his mana, ran a few laps to Plaza City during the break and found many things he hadn't seen. He also took this opportunity to buy some books and learn more about the fairy tale world.

Under the leadership of Chen Fanlin and others who worked hard to promote the flying device, they arrived outside Jiaying City within half a month.

As the capital, Jiaying is certainly not as good as Yangxing. The gate of Jiaying City is as high as seven feet, and it is made of stone bricks, which is tight and seamless. Three major figures hang on the gate of "Jiaying City". What is motivating is that there is a pair of couplets on both sides of the bottom of the large character.

"Jiacheng Dingjiang Wantu"

"Everything should be open to all clouds."

At this time, the five people stopped at the door, and people who were in and out were very busy, not paying attention to the sky at all. Even if I saw it, I thought it was just a few birds. "Ten days before the opening of Chuzhuang, let us stay in Jialing City for a while, almost all the places outside are occupied by others." Chen Fanlin looked down at Jialing City and said thoughtfully .

Pan Chen said nothing. In fact, Chen Fanlin is right. Along the way, they met more and more fairy practitioners, some alone, some like them, forming a group. This is also for security reasons. After all, no one can guarantee security at present. A large number of sporadic repairs show that no one or two people colluded to mislead them, and no one believed them. At first, Pan Chen was worried that there would be too many people to participate and there would be a lot of trouble, but Chen Fanlin told Guan Yeming that most people came to join the party, not that there were too many people to participate. There is no guarantee of strength to go to Chuzhuangtai, only death. The person hosting the school doesn't care if they die. They only want powerful disciples. Pan Chen thought about it and understood the truth, and there was a feeling in his heart.

"Yes, yes. I want to play in Jiaying for a long time. I don't know if my uncle's shop is still there. The last dish was delicious." Zhou Jing clapped in favor of this road. She regained her previous vitality, with anticipation in her eyes, and a bright smile on her face.

"You know how to eat, anyway, we have to live in the city, so let's go find him. But you can't run around, it's bad to miss a big event." Chen Fanlin touched Zhou Jing's head and whispered . **** said to the people: "Let's go from a distance to avoid trouble."

Then five people landed in a remote place outside the city. Slowly walked to the door and entered Jialing City with the flow of people.

Sure enough, Jiaying City is more prosperous than Yang Yingcheng. The street is very spacious, with vertical and horizontal rules. Street vendors yell, pedestrians walk or stop, people yell.

Pan Chen was a bit excited to see such a lively market for the first time. Looking up, a high-rise Keanu loft stood in the center of the city, surrounded by a large red wall, extending far away. That is the palace. Pan Chen thought that his palace was already of interest and wanted to see it.

Chen Fanlin patted Pan Chen blankly, asking him to keep up. When Pan Chen returned to reason, the other three had already gone a long way.

Zhou Jing bulged his cheek slightly, watching Pan Chen complain, and said nothing. After Chen Fanlin laughed a few words, Zhou Jing put down his complaint.

The five went to a restaurant in the southeast corner of Jiaying City. This restaurant is five-storey high, and it is very rich in its carved window style. This is obviously not an ordinary restaurant. During this period, people who enter and exit either wear expensive clothes or hang in gold and wear jade.

Chen Fanlin walked in one step, Zhou Jing could not wait to take a step forward. Pan Chen looked at the plaque in the restaurant and wrote "Yunxing Restaurant". The large calligraphy is very strange, and there is a small signature in the corner. Pan Chen did not pay attention to it. He went side by side with Chen Fanlin and went into the restaurant.

The restaurant is more lively than the outside market, and the air is filled with a variety of wine and vegetable flavors, which is very tempting. The sound is reflected, giving people a warm feeling, just like the family public hall.

Chen Fanlin went straight to the counter. A man wearing a square hat is burying his head. The abacus crackled. He looked up at Chen Fanlin and continued to settle accounts. Fortunately, Chen Fanlin is not a grumpy person. He tapped his finger on the abacus and said, "I'm going to the boss."

The man looked up at Chen Fanlin again, and Chen Fanlin seemed to be a bad person. "The boss is not free now," he answered simply. "Wait"

Chen Fanlin frowned, stared at the man, took a small piece of gold from his waist, threw it on the table, and shook it. The word "cloud coming" on the gold medal reflects a flashing light.

As soon as the man saw the gold medal, the movement in his hand stopped, his eyes widened, and a dry sentence spit out in his mouth: "You." Are you Master Liu? "...

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