The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1905: Your face is swollen [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

The five small pieces of soil outside were under pressure as they approached the small piece in the middle.

Who knows, when these five small pieces of land are about to touch the small piece of land in the middle, as soon as the spiritual light explodes, the six small pieces of land will explode together and become a small spiritual light to dissipate.

"Failed again" Pan Chen sighed and lay on the bed.

At this time, the morning light penetrated the paper in the window and shone in.

Pan Chen took out a spirit stone and held it in his hand to restore the mana he had just consumed. Soon, Pan Chen went to the first floor, preparing to go to the animal farm.

"Brother Geng, I went to the livestock ranch so early." A sleepy disciple walked out the door, still wiping his eyes. He just seemed to wake up.

This disciple is not surprised. This is Pan Chen's custom. It used to be his earliest, and now he only got up. Pan Chen went out. At first, he was beyond his expectations. Later he had to marvel at his efforts. ? In fact, Chunmu people rarely go to animal farms. On the one hand, there is not much time, and secondly, their animal control practices are not deep enough.

Pan Chenyueran responded and walked out of the gate of Chunmu Building.

Quiet in the barn. The air is still attached to the loneliness at night, cool and cool.

Shortly after leaving the gate of the animal fence, Pan Chen saw Chen Zhengkai talking to three people, and he walked over.

"Good morning, Brother Huang." Pan Chen said hello.

"One short?" Pan Chen felt that there were some inexplicable reasons, and anyone who was said would do so.

Chen Zhengkai also felt a little inexplicable and explained to Pan Chen.

It turns out that Chen Zhengkai needs some materials to make magic devices. Go to the Black Animal Hall in Black Beast Mountain to get news of nearby monsters. The black animal hall and the middle spirit hall have the same effect, but the black animal hall is much colder than the middle spirit hall. Later, he really got some news, but the problem was that there were three monsters there, so Chen Zhengkai asked several people to help. Everyone agreed that one of them could not come today. When Pan Chen appeared, Chen Zhengkai was in a hurry.

Pan Chen listened to Chen Zhengkai's story, understood the background, and agreed.

"Wait, if he repaired it so low, would he slow down? At that time, the task was not completed, but it was not good to rely on yourself." One of the disciples looked at Pan Chen sideways.

"Regardless of success or not, as long as you do your best, I will give you the original spirit stone number, and I will pay for the medicine." Chen Zhengkai was a little angry and said to his disciples.

"I am not afraid that the friends of the zodiac will not give the spirit stone, but I am afraid that I will be dragged back and lose my life." The disciple is not afraid of Chen Zhengkai.

Pan Chen also considered this issue. These three monsters have four layers of refined gas, three layers of refined gas and one layer of refined gas. Chen Zhengkai's spiritual beast is the third layer of refining gas, and may not be able to deal with it.

"What do you want to do?" Chen Zhengkai expressed understanding and asked.

"Either compare with me to see how good you are, or find someone else." The disciple said simply and briskly.

"I can't wait any longer. It's very late. If the monster wakes up, it will be more difficult to deal with." Chen Zhengkai was in a hurry again.

"Then try the animal farm with me. If you have the strength, I will agree." The disciple raised his head slightly and said.

"No, there is still a long way to go from here to the animal farm. I can't wait to go back and forth." Chen Zhengkai immediately refused, his eyes rolled around in the eye frame, and then the facial features stretched out and came up Having an idea, I said to the disciples:

"Why don't we go to wait for the place first, and when I know, the two of you will try again. If you think that Pan Chen is not strong enough, I will distribute the rewards of these four to you three." The three thought about it and agreed.

"Let's go" Chen Zhengkai soon went up and down with the people. On the way, Chen Zhengkai gave Pan Chen a wooden card. Pan Chen played a wooden sign, which looked similar to the Zhongling Hall.

At the entrance of Heiwei Mountain, it was exactly when the two disciples changed hands. The three disciples were replaced by three sleepy disciples.

Chen Zhengkai and his party also happened to be here.

"How many of you are going?"

"We are performing a task." When they spoke, people took out their own wooden cards.

After checking the correct result, the gatekeeper released the five people from the mountain gate.

After the five people left the mountain gate, they went straight in a certain direction.

When Pan Chen walked out of the Black Mountain Gate and the Black Beast Mountain outside for the first time, he couldn't help feeling excited.

In fact, it is just a large forest evenly distributed on the ground.

Half an hour later, five people came to an open space.

"Okay, let me look at those three monsters first." Chen Zhengkai said, then went to Pan Chen, let him be careful, and then moved, and disappeared without entering the mountain.

"Let's start too." The disciple smiled evilly. The animal bag was thrown out, and a tall black horse appeared. There are various riders on the black horse. The disciple smiled again, took out a wide-edged knife, jumped to the ground, and steadily rode on the horse.

"As long as you can push me off the horse, even if you win, I will stay in place." The disciple is already the fourth layer of alchemy. If he really started, he would not dare to let the other two disciples Laughed. The disciple said again: "Help me if necessary, I don't want to hurt him. Ha."

Pan Chen also knows that his opponents have not fought on the field before, so they can compare. Since he dares to challenge Pan Chen in this way, his power must be extraordinary. Pan Chenzhao, Black Horn Bull, Flying Sword, and Loess Ball all appeared in their hands, and all the tricks came out.

"Don't let your soul beast attack, boy. Maybe I can kill him with a knife. Ha." The disciple said proudly.

Pan Chen focused on the broad blade in the disciple's hand and believed 80% of his words. Pan Chen looked up and down at the disciples and the dark horse, thinking of countermeasures.

"When the zodiac returns, you will lose before I dismount." The disciple saw Pan Chen thinking about countermeasures.

Pan Chen hummed, the loess ball in his hand was thrown out immediately, immediately. When God urged him, the flying sword flew out from the side, then changed direction and attacked it from the side. The hand was printed, the soul was urged to mark, and the blackhorn cow was ordered to quickly rush behind the loess cone.

When the disciples saw the attack of the three men, he smiled coldly, waving the broad-bladed knife in his hand. First, he patted the fastest loess cone, and the loess cone should be broken into yellow dust blowing away in the air. ?

When Pan Chen lamented the strength of this man, he also felt that the strength of the loess cone was not hard enough.

I only saw that the disciple just smashed the loess cone, followed by the sword with a broad-edged knife in his right hand, and a knife was swept away! This flying sword, like a goose that was shot down, flew out with the sound of King Kong's handover.

At this time, the black horn bull rushed to the black horse one foot away, possibly knocking down the whole black horse.

"Sculpture skills!" The disciple drank so hard that he gripped the handle with his left hand and pressed on the handle. The whole wide-blade knife turned quickly, with the right hand as the shaft, just in front of the black horn. All hands were working hard. The wide-blade knife made a sound of breaking the air. At the end of the day, its head split Now!

Pan Chen was surprised, he did not expect the other party to be so agile. If this continues, the Black Horn Bull will definitely be cut off. We have to hurry up the blackhorn to change its movement.

The Blackhorn received Pan Chen ’s order to avoid the four-foot pedal. But the bull horn suddenly changed its momentum, and the body could not adapt. The whole body fell to the ground, sliding to the side. ..

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