The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1899: Is this beautiful lady all right? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek to slaugh

"Is this beautiful lady OK?" Ouyang Yin turned his head calmly, Liu Qing said, soft and gentle.

Fang Liuqing looked up at the man on the table, frowned slightly, but finally nodded.

After Ouyang Yin sat down, Pan Chen called the waiter again, added a pair of chopsticks, ordered a few more dishes, and a pot of daughters became red, so she did so.

"The last time I listened to Yu Xuan's speech was too sloppy. I didn't know my brother's name. It was hidden by Ouyang. It was bold. Ouyang Yin and Pan Chen touched the glass, drank it, and praised it Good wine ", and then said slowly.

"Unnamed boy, I can trouble the fourth son to write it down today. It's really embarrassing. The next surname is Ye and the surname is Pan Chen." Pan Chen answered briskly.

"Pan Chen, this is a good name." Ouyang Yin shouted again.

Fang Liuqing couldn't help but whispered, "Good name, want to vomit!"

"I heard that Ouyang Brothers recently won five consecutive elections and was crowned as the fourth son by everyone," Pan Chen asked suddenly.

"Oh, what a pity. How can you compare this with the three famous sons? Brother Ye really ruined me." Ouyang Yin took care of himself, drank a glass of wine, and refused to be humble.

Pan Chen smiled desperately, but Fang Liuqing hummed softly beside him. Although the voice was very low, both of them could hear clearly.

Ouyang Yin is not angry. After eating the plates on the table, he said, "Brother Ye came to this border town to get rid of the harmful livestock shortage?"

Pan Chen was a little shocked, and was delayed in that cave for nearly half a year. Currently, he knows nothing about what is happening in the outside world. When he asked what happened, he heard the sound of ridicule from the opposite table, and the three looked at the source of the ridicule together.

I saw a person sitting on the opposite table, but his appearance was ordinary and arguably unusual. That's why they stayed here for so long without noticing his presence. Such a person would throw him into the broad masses of the people and he would be drowned immediately.

In any case, Ouyang Yin's temper is very good. He walked a series towards that person and said, "I don't know what my brother has to say."

"People who don't know what to do often die terribly. The man poured himself a glass of wine, took a sip, and then said:" Don't think you are a little fluttering in the spotlight. "In my opinion, you can't even match the fingers of three sons, three sons, huh, if there is a hero in the world, just like me!"

The man's voice was low, but it was clear that when he finished his last sentence, it seemed that the world and the earth resonated with each other. The plain temperament had long since dissipated. At this time, he was as noble as a **** more than nine days.

Pan Chen and Fang Liu Qing couldn't help but frown, and he was always looking for who this character was. Ouyang Yin is still warm and full of spring breeze. Pan Chen couldn't resist a heartfelt compliment from the bottom of his heart, and secretly reminded himself that there was nothing that could shake this person's nature. This is the most terrible place for a person.

Ouyang Yin took the sentence and said: "Tingtai Brothers said that the three sons could not match each other with one finger. He very much agreed with him, but if he said that these three world-famous sons are veritable, they would not agree. As for whether they are heroes, "It still needs to be judged by people all over the world. "

"Rotten wood cannot be carved, only rotten wood." The man sighed "rotten wood" and stopped talking, as if nothing had happened just now.

Ouyang Yin will no longer ask himself boring, and then chat with Pan Chen, but after being interrupted, they just lost their interest, the conversation seems a bit boring, no nutrition.

"By the way, what is the shortage that the Ouyang brothers just said?" Pan Chen felt that the atmosphere was too dull, coupled with his inner curiosity, so he was straightforward.

Ouyang Yin was also a little confused, and said uncertainly: "This shortage is really a bit strange." There seems to be no record of him in Qi Hesheng. "

"Have you seen the harmony?" Fang Liuqing suddenly interrupted Ouyang Yin's words and said coldly.

In the next genius, I was lucky to see the "harmony" of this book. Ouyang Yin was still very enthusiastic, as if he didn't care about Liu Qing's rudeness, and continued: "Listening to rumours, famine seems to be just a skeleton and remains, but it controls the source of the wind."

Ouyang Yin's words were just finished. Pan Chen and Fang Fu looked at each other at the same time, and they saw a clear color in each other's eyes.

"Brother Ye, what's wrong? The news just now is just rumors. I don't know if the letter is credible. Does Brother Ye know some inside information?" Ouyang Yin looked at the two people in front of him in doubt and asked.

"Brother Ouyang praised him, how could he know such a fierce beast? If I saw it, I am afraid that Brother Ouyang could not drink and chat here." Pan Chen waved his hand and continued, "I don't know this famine How it hurts people. "

"This animal is haunted and no one can find it, but it always abuses a woman with a shadow as if repairing her broken body." Ouyang Yin thought for a while and then said.

Pan Chen began to meditate and no longer speak.

Ouyang continued to take care of himself, "But Brother Ye doesn't have to worry, since God sent God to help him, I have to help God lead his son to destroy this fierce beast, not to mention that the beast has been seriously injured." This time must be by hand Caught. "

Pan Chen thought about it and hurriedly smiled beside him, saying: "It is natural for God to lead his son to destroy the beast."

"The ignorant child" said the man on the opposite table again, immediately stood up, threw some broken silver on the table, turned a blind eye to them, and went straight to the door of the restaurant. Finally, he looked back at Fang Liuqing, his eyes seemed to be deep.

Pan Chen looked at his back with a little doubt in his eyes, and Ouyang Yin sighed slightly.

As soon as the man reached the door, the whole restaurant was trembling, shaking, and then stepped on the ground, immediately stabilizing his figure. Ouyang Yin saw his smooth movements, his eyes shining brightly.

The guest in the restaurant passed by the man in a panic, but he didn't know that the so-called "still water flow" was like a statue.

Where men stand up is like another world.

The waiter hurried to the table of the three Pan Chen, shouting: "Run objectively and fast, famine is coming again." Just finished, with everyone, is a cigarette without any trace. In the end, there were only four people left in the entire restaurant, and the world suddenly became quiet, like a rainstorm was brewing.

The sky outside the window suddenly dimmed and shouted loudly from the distant sky, as if it could swallow the general spirit and breathtaking soul. In the blink of an eye, a broken skeleton appeared in their horizons. The man standing at the door of the restaurant was a little shocked and immediately said, "I can't believe this road is badly damaged now." Even the yellow-haired boy dared to anger our majesty! "

"Don't be self-righteous, when you fall, you must know that it is good." The man snorted contemptuously and shouted loudly at the sky.

"The ants want to shake the tree and block their arms to block the car." Alice was still smiling, spitting out a few knives, as if she could dominate, there was no awareness of the enemy at all. But at the next moment, Ulis yelled in surprise. The wind blades it had just released were silent and dissipated in mid-air.

"How is this possible? The wind is my only power. Can anyone else dispel it besides me?" At this time, Alice couldn't help but look at the person below, there was nothing unusual about it, which made her a little bit **** off. Then Julius shouted: "You are looking for death!"

Alice turned and swooped towards the man. It ’s just that the man did n’t move, and his feet were firmly nailed to the ground, just like the roots. He did n’t move. The mysterious gas figure slowly appeared on his feet. The three people in the restaurant showed different Color, because the side of the refined gas chart, even as good as they are, has never been seen!

"Did someone invent a new method of refining gas? Ouyang Yin frowned slightly and said to himself:" This must be shocking, because those who know that they can make natural gas themselves, no matter how powerful, they The ultimate achievement must be a world-renowned monk. Being on top of the world.

At this time, Ulysse rushed to the man and beat him hard. There is a flash of light that cannot be seen directly between heaven and earth. Only after all the white light disappeared did they see the scene in front of them. The man and Alice stepped back dozens of feet each. At that moment, the man sprinkled a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, but smiled shamelessly: "It is difficult to find your opponent!"

He reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes condensed, and he growled and said, "I will take you to break through the bottleneck that troubles me today!"

Alice's lungs were about to explode, and she shouted: "Pediatrics, arrogance will have a capital too!"

In the second minute, they bumped into each other again, fighting fiercely with each other.

Pan Chen looked at the battle in front of him and analyzed his movements one by one. Although Alice suffered a heavy blow, her strength was already 100, but the thin dead camel was bigger than the horse, and the man could stand with it, and its strength could be seen. Every time they collide, they can hear the fracture sound, the man's crazy laugh, the man said: "Today and help me break through, your beast is not worth it, remember to choose a good place to reincarnate."

Although people's injuries are getting worse, the outbreak of combat power is getting stronger. Julis, who had the advantage before, this pediatric can only have the advantage, this slight advantage still depends on her own physical advantage, you know, it is considered to be close to the body of God!

Pan Chenqing couldn't help but take a breath, this man is really a fighting lunatic.

"Why do Taoist friends work so hard? Let me help you." A gentle, almost feminine voice sounded, and the voice just fell, and a straight figure suddenly appeared on Alice's head, if God Who would it be without taking him to find his son?

As soon as he appeared, he slammed a sword at Alice, which exhausted all his strength, and even the space around him was eclipsed.

Alice was caught off guard and had to hurriedly open her body, but because she was too big, she was bruised by a knife, like a broken kite, and fell heavily on the ground. Alice stood up hard and said fiercely: "I want me to be invincible in nine days and ten days. Now that she was bullied by these two yellow-haired children, she really told the tiger to fall into Pingyang and cheated by the dog. "You give this seat, etc., when our power is restored, we must let the whole world fall for me! "After that, he waved his wings, and some flashes disappeared, disappeared.

At this time, there were two people left in the field, the man and the moon. Both of them stood on the same place and confronted each other.

Suoyue said for the first time: "I didn't expect Taoist friends to be so deep, which is really admirable." I don't know the name of Taoist friends? "The voice is still so gentle.

"Does God guide my son? You should know my name, my trumpet night." Ye was seriously injured, but the tone was still so arrogant.

Su Yue frowned and said, "If we go all the way, we will cut off harmful animals."

"No, I'm enough." When you gave up this sentence at night, you turned and left.

Soyou watched the departure behind him, didn't know what to think, finally smiled, looked at the Moon Tower, and then continued to leave.

In the building, Ouyang Yin only changed his mind at this time and said to Pan Chen at the dinner table: "Brother Ye, I can't be the lowest talent." But I am also willing to do my best to return peace to the people of the world. I wonder what Brother Ye thought? "

"Oh. Brother Ouyang is really pregnant with this world. Ye is ashamed, and can't stand her sister alone, so she has to go back to take care of her and can't go together." Pan Chen embraced him and apologized to him.

"In this case, Ouyang Yin is no longer reluctant. It was a blessing in my life to see Brother Ye today. It's just that things are forced to say goodbye, and I will be idle one day and drink 300 glasses with Brother Ye." Ouyang boldly Say.

"This is natural," Pan Chen said with a smile.

Ouyang Yin said goodbye and got up and left in a hurry.

Pan Chen and Fang Liuqing could not stay for a long time, so they stood up and dared not go to Huang Huazong.

Xuan Xu sat motionless on the futon, followed by sandalwood on the incense burner. On the side of metaphysics, the four elders of Huang Huazong sat on the general regiment, and the atmosphere seemed a bit dull and frustrating.

"Did God find anything on the other side of the pavilion?" Xuan Kang asked on the opening of metaphysics.

"Return to the cabinet senior, there is no clue." The old man Xuankang still has a white hair and a long beard, a pair of fairy wind road bone dress.

"If you can't find anything, stop studying." Xuan Xue still closed his eyes, Gu Jing said there was no wave.

"This is a mysterious incompetence." Elder Xuan Kang blamed himself. The two elders beside him also held their breath and calmed down. There was silence in the hall behind.

"We have no intention to blame our brothers, but this is too weird. What God did to attract the exhibition hall was not out of consideration and reason." Xuan Xu said.

"Brother, did the group of people deliberately use a space shuttle-like method to confuse us? But when we shuttled through this space, it broke away from the Word of God." Xuan Kang asked his own question.

"Did the teacher ever hear the spell?" Xuanxu interrupted and asked him before the emptiness ended.

Xuankang listened to the metaphysical mention of Shen Yun, suddenly shocked his body, patted his head, and hurriedly said: "This is stupid brother, even forgot to have such charm."

Xuan Xu sighed slightly.

"Why does brother sigh?" The other side of the mysterious law suddenly opened the path of helplessness.

"Since the child has reached Huang Huazong safely, the sea has almost killed their people, let it go." Xuan Yu said seclusion.

"But what about Huang Huazong's face? Now the whole world is staring at us!" The three elders said almost together.

"The three brothers don't know anything." Xuan Xu sighed again.

"What are you talking about, brother?" Xuan Fa frowned and asked suspiciously.

"Now the world is about to change. A few days ago, we discovered that there are indeed people in the world who control the power of life."

"What?" Cried the three elders of Huang Huazong.

Xuan Xu seemed to correct their unbelievable, nodded seriously, and continued: "I also heard that I didn't know where a man named Ye appeared and created a set of Qi refining formula."

This time, the three elders were taken aback. Creating natural gas refining methods is not interesting. From the latest set of technologies to the present, the new natural gas refining method has not been heard for hundreds of thousands of years. But now, someone has succeeded, and is still a teenager, whose talents and qualifications can be imagined, I am afraid that it is not weaker than Huang Huazong's new Tianzi Yu.

"Have you ever thought about what is behind these things?"

"We are ashamed." The three elders couldn't help but apologize. ..

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