The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1895: Will you die [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

Pan Chen was also not angry. He closed his eyes and rested. There was silence in the cave, so after half a month of silence, the injuries of both people almost recovered. Pan Chen moved his hands and found that this was no longer a big problem. He looked at Fang Liuqing and wanted to say something. In the end, he said nothing. He turned around and walked towards the entrance to the next floor of the cave.

"Are you going to die?" Fang Liuqing looked at Pan Chen's back and asked aloud.

"I have to go," Pan Chen was a little shocked, and then continued. Fang Liuqing thought for a few seconds and then followed.

"Don't go, this is very dangerous." Pan Chenfa Fang Liu Qing followed him, couldn't help being angry, turned around and stopped her.

"Keep off" Fang Liuqing said a word coldly, but when he saw that Pan Chen did not give in at all, he still stood coldly in front of her body, an angry voice poured out from her body , Pushed him away and immediately walked forward a few steps. Stop and say, "I have nothing to do with you."

Keep going. She walked in front of him, still maintaining a cold expression that had not changed for thousands of years. Pan Chen watched her figure disappear at the entrance of the second floor, sighed helplessly, and then quickly followed her pace.

As soon as they entered the door, they were very happy. The hall was wide, and the chandelier hung from the top, giving a bright and soft light. They spent too long on the aisle on the first floor and relaxed, and the light on the chandelier almost crushed their sight.

The hall is very wide, there are not many things around, how many years have passed, but there is still no dust and sparkles here. In the center of the hall, there is a rectangular stone platform that is slightly recessed inward, and there is nothing to see on it. Pan Chen walked slowly to the stone platform, waiting to see the scene in front. He couldn't help but take a breath.

The stone platform is ten feet wide and twenty feet long, and engraved with mysterious patterns around it, giving a mysterious feeling. In that stone platform, there is a complete skeleton, almost the entire stone platform is full. Pan Chen looked carefully for a while. This is not a human skeleton, but it is like a butterfly specimen. There are such big butterflies in the world.

After a long time, he slowly calmed down, looked at Fang Liuqing next to him, and found that her beautiful cheeks were also full of shock. After all, when he saw you change his expression, Pan Chen came up with some strange ideas. There was a smile in my mouth that I didn't even notice.

"What are you laughing at?" Fang Liu Qinghuo looked back at Pan Chen, leaning his head to one side, regaining the cold expression of rejection thousands of miles away.

"No, nothing. But did I smile?" Pan Chen waved.

"Well." Fang Liuqing didn't investigate in depth, sneered.

At this moment, none of them noticed the complete butterfly skeleton on the base, shaking it gently.

Pan Chen looked at the lines on the stone platform and thought about it. He always had a feeling that when he saw the pattern for the first time, something suddenly flashed in his mind, but he couldn't catch it. Fang Liuqing, who was standing next to him, also carefully observed these strange lines, maybe a little boring.

She stretched out her white palm and touched the wing bone of the bone tray. Pan Chenmeng grabbed her hand in the air. Fang Liuqing just got angry, but Pan Chen shouted to her: "Let ’s go, this is the model of the soul!" She left Shitai soon. "

Just when they left, the bones of the disc were shaking and the whole world was howling. Suddenly, the whole body jumped in midair, and in the eye sockets on its head, it was the faint light of two green lights, that was the flame of the soul!

Soul Fire, Soul Fire! The Skeleton Army, encountered before on the first floor, is just a fire of consciousness, which is simply not comparable to it.

"What is the soul model?" Fang Liuqing was still calm at this time, freed from Pan Chenla's success, Zhangkou asked.

Pan Chen stared at the bone plate slowly waving his wings in the air and said, "When a powerful creature dies, it can use its soul to overpower its flesh to achieve alternative reincarnation."

"This little guy knows a lot and dies so tragically," said the bone plate floating in mid-air with his mouth open.

The bodies of Pan Chen and Fang Liuqing did not tremble, and foreign animals and souls drooled to spit. You know, the vermillion bird is still outside the cave and cannot spit, as can be seen from the horror of the power of this butterfly. Fortunately, it has been dead for many years and should have lost considerable power.

Pan Chen thought of it and took a deep breath, saying: "Dare to ask your predecessor's name, the younger generation is not talented." But the younger generation is familiar with "harmony" from an early age, and he knows very little about the world . He can think back for so long, but there is no information about his elders, so I ask my elders to forgive their faults. "

However, Fang Liuqing looked back at Pan Chen in surprise. You know, "Harmony" was written by a sage in ancient times. Now even the rest is extremely precious. He read the whole book. Very well. Suddenly, she discovered that she knew nothing about him.

"This kid can collect all the strange things in the world, but," the bone plate said, "something your mortal should speculate on."

such as me. So you are all dead. Ha, for so many years, now I'm bloodthirsty again! It's nostalgic in retrospect. "Laughter echoed in the hall, and even the chandelier on the top of the hall shook slightly.

Pan Chen and Fang Liuqing have sacrificed their gas maps for the first time, and soon floated to the entrance of the first floor. Because, the monster in front of them is not that the two of them can compete with each other.

Bone Pan looked at the two people's rapid retreat with interest, not ready to do it immediately. Maybe these years are too lonely, and now someone suddenly breaks in and plays angrily, like cats and mice. Be ready to kill the murderer at the end of the day.

Although there must be a reason why the monster who spit out his mouth behind has no hand, at this time they have no choice but to run away, as long as they escape this hall, they still have a chance to stay here. I don't know how I died.

Fifty meters, forty meters and thirty meters.

Pan Chen measures the short distance in front of him again and again at the bottom of his heart, and his heart beats violently every time he beats. This is not measuring space, but measuring one's own small life. The dominoes in the hall made him feel unknown. If he is a little low, what he does not find embarrassing is the guessing of the unknown and the collapse of the guess.

Finally, closer. He and Fang Liuqing looked at each other, and only one step away they could escape from the sky, but suddenly, a wind blew from the entrance channel, a small whirlwind, tightly wrapped around their skin, that This kind of cold spread directly to their hearts.

Pan Chen was born with the first kind of despair, that is the source of the wind!

In the second minute, their bodies were thrown up involuntarily and fell heavily in the hall. Under the terrible light and shadow of the half empty bone tray, their world suddenly lost light. ..

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