The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1893: So unfamiliar [Six million words Wang Wang, please slaughter]

Qing Xuzi moved a bit, he left a surviving place, the body has arrived near Fang Ling, even a little faster than when he saw Pan Chen that day. Fang Ling reached out his hand and made a trace in the air. Therefore, naturally, the rhythmic sky seems to catch Qing Xuzi's folding fan, as if it just passed through the space gently from the left, and the folding fan actually hit something. The sound of metal communication. Then, Sawyer's figure suddenly appeared, holding a long sword in his hand, just above the empty folding fan. They looked at each other and then came back. The three men hugged again.

I can't believe you are so strange to the natural way between heaven and earth. Su Yue looked at Fang Liuqing dignifiedly.

However, Fang Liuqing snorted coldly. In the second minute, the three of them moved again. It turned into three fiery lights, violently hitting each other, jingling, Fang Liuqing flew back in shock, couldn't help but spit out a big blood, scattered in the air, like withered bright red petals. ?

Haha, always ask, you are still as conceited as before, don't take everyone in the world into your eyes. In the past, I was impressed with you, but now. . . Qing Xuzi just said half of the words, and suddenly bleed a blood, it is you! He and Su Yue looked at Pan Chen's sudden sorrow and exclaimed. Su Yue leaned over her son, and there was no light in the air.

Do you know them? Fang Liuqing pushed away Pan Chen who had tried to help her, asked her, and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

I have seen. Are you OK? Pan Chen withdrew his hand and asked anxiously.

I can't die.

Where are you going now?

Let's go back.

go back? You go back. They caught up with me, listening to the rain, and then we went back.

whatever. Fang Liuqing coughed a few times and turned and walked back.

Really? Pan Chen hesitated for a long time and finally asked again, but Fang Ling'er suddenly turned around and stared at him coldly.

He stopped talking and she went back.

Fang Liuqing had just walked a long way, and Mao Zuwei and Xia Yanier caught up.

"What, is everything over? Kill the bird, why don't you keep me a copy, and miss me all the time." Pan Chen looked at the eloquent Mao Zuwei, pointing at the fairy Zhu Bode who was sleeping in front of the cave door. Mao Zuwei immediately choked up, ashamed to dig a hole in the ground and drill down. It was Jiang's painting that covered his red lips and smiled, no matter what the lady's past image was. Mao Zuwei's face was red and white, not embarrassing.

"Oh, Zhu Bode has finished reading," he said. "Aren't you going back?" Pan Chen said, changing the subject.

"Of course, go back, Xiaoye, what are you going to do?" Mao Zuwei seemed to grab a lifeline, and then Pan Chen said, in order to get rid of this shameful embarrassment, there were beautiful women around him. "I returned directly to Huang Huazong." Pan Chen answered.

"Let's listen to Yu Xuan's words with us." Mao Zuwei reserved this path.

"We have time next time." Pan Chen waved.

"Well, take good care of that leaflet." After Mao Zuwei said, he reluctantly took Jiang Zong's painting away.

Pan Chen looked at the immortal beast not far from him, his eyes squinted, his figure slowly dissipated, completely integrated into the entire dense forest.

In the middle of the night, a dark shadow flashed through the cave door, the last place where Pan Chen left. Zhu Bode, who was lying in bed, suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Pan Chen suspiciously, and slowly closed his eyes, and continued to doze. Pan Chen was shocked by the cold sweat. "Fortunately, this method is correct." He said a secretly secretly in his heart, and then entered through the hole.

Soon after Pan Chen entered, a dark shadow floated into the cave quickly, but the immortal Zhunia didn't respond, as if she was asleep. As soon as Pan Chen entered the cave, he found that he could not feel the existence of the brow and spirit. This space was forbidden. It wasn't until then that he saw what was happening in the cave. The cave was very narrow at first. He walked for a while, but suddenly he was happy. Pan Chen walked gently in the wide passage.

At every distance, a stone lamp was installed on both sides of the stone wall. I don't know what was burned in it. After so many years, it still lights around like daytime. Only Pan Chen's footsteps echoed in the sultry space, like his breath, even and stable. Suddenly "click", something cracked, resounding through the aisle.

Pan Chen lowered his head and found that it was Bessen's skeleton. It is estimated that this age is too old to weather. Pan Chen raised his foot, carefully walked around the bone, walked slowly, and then retracted forward. At this time, if Pan Chen is right, there must be an organ for this journey. So he must be careful, if he is not careful, he will die here.

However, Pan Chen only took a dozen steps. His foot stepped on a piece of bone. He couldn't help frowning and cheering up. The camera walked forward. This time he went further, but stepped on the bone again. Pan Chen can no longer calm down from the bottom of his heart, because there is obviously no bone in the place where the bone has just appeared. The road seemed magical, and at the moment he had just settled down, a skeleton suddenly appeared. Pan Chen took a deep breath and stepped heavily on the bone. When the white light flashes, the white bones immediately become fly ash. But at this moment, the light on the stone wall suddenly went out. It used to be like a day passed, but now it has become dark.

At this time, in Pan Chen's ear, there was a burst of crying like ghosts, but the haze continued. Pan Chen quickly cut the tongue of fire and "flipped", and the faint flame suddenly ignited the surrounding space. When he saw the surrounding scene, he couldn't help but take a cold breath.

Because in this flat channel, at this time, it is covered by the bones of the sensor. There is another "click" sound. Pan Chen saw a piece of bone slowly struggling to get up from the ground, it was the piece of bone that combined its body together.

Countless "Kaka" sounds came from all directions, only to see a skeleton, stood up beside him. The skeletons were empty of their eyes and flashing green lights. They raised their bones and feet, "cut" and stepped closer to Pan Chen.

Pan Chen's scalp was numb, as if suddenly realized that with a bang, he quickly closed the tongue of the fire and the aisle turned black again. Only this time the darkness was supported by countless green lights. The frame of white bones seemed to suddenly lose its target, empty eyes beating continuously in the green light, as if thinking about something, so they fumbled aimlessly. In the aisle,

Pan Chen had to be careful to let go of his spirit to avoid the numbness of his scalp by the skull. In that layer of space, it was difficult to move forward. In the meantime, a skeleton bone brushed his cheek, and a cold feeling hit his face . Pan Chen did not tremble deep inside. Finally, carefully passing through the aisle made of bone, Pan Chen couldn't help but spit out a thick saliva, and his body was always cold and sweaty.

He raised his foot and was about to move forward, and suddenly heard a slight noise from behind him. He turned around quickly, but seeing Fang Liuqing standing quietly on the skeleton, Su's feet let the gas chart rotate slowly. At this time, Fang Liuqing brandished a sword and cut off a skeleton that was rushed at her.

Pan Chen's sigh was just said, but it was too late. With a breath of smoke, the skull was torn open immediately, rustling everywhere. Pan Chen instinctively was dark in front of his eyes, and the roar that had been lingering in his ears became more turbulent at this time. It seemed to tear his eardrum and enter his mind.

Fang Liuqing turned around and looked at Pan Chen coldly, and asked, "What happened?" Pan Chen didn't have time to answer. The group of skeletons finally found the target to vent, and rushed up together frantically. Immediately drowned Fang Ling's petite body. ..

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