The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1853: Is this son Pan Chenchen? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek to slaughter]

"Ha! Is this son Pan Chenchen?" When the middle-aged man saw Pan Chen, he smiled more happily and greeted him cordially.

"Oh, just below. I don't know who your Excellency is." Looking at the smiling fat man opposite, I don't know why. Pan Chen intuitively defined the other party as a smiling tiger.

"Sin. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kong Yongqi, and Cuixianglou is the property of that villain. Indeed, it is better to be famous than to meet. They all said that when Chen Feng met him today, he was among his sons. It's an extraordinary person. "Looking at Pan Chen's correct answer and calm manner, Kong Yongqi was surprised. Once he didn't believe Pan Chen's precocious rumors, but the first time he met he let him know he was wrong.

"This is a myth. It turns out that your Excellency is Boss Jiang, which is really disrespectful." He has a sense of disrespect in his mouth, but Pan Chen's expression did not dare to say that he was disrespectful.

"Mr. Chen is too polite. In fact, it was a blessing to see him. Just now I saw a powerful wolf car from a distance, like a meteor in the night sky, from a distant moment. It must be Chen Mr. can have such a fashionable car in Qingyang City, and he must be thinking that Mr. Chen can drive such a fashionable car in Qingyang City. That ’s why I thought I was going to see you, but I did n’t expect it to be slow One step. If you have lost a long way to welcome it, it is really wrong. You have sinned. You have sinned. "Kong Yongqi said a sentence down, open and black, although the content is unparalleled Yes, but it looks serious.

"What did Mr. Kong say? Obviously, boss Kong has sincerely invited his younger brother many times. He is always entangled in common things. He didn't come up with casual ideas and missed the good intentions of the boss. No wonder Mr. Kong was invited. "Pan Chen was right.

"You spend all your time on bullying men and women to flirt. There is no other time. This is still a vulgar thing. It's really cheeky enough." Kong Yongqi thought in his heart, didn't make it clear, only Said in my heart.

Later, Kong Yongqi faked his face and said, "Lao Gang, I dare to say Master Pan Chen." Master Pan Chen, what are you talking about? Master Pan Chen, you can come today. Obviously it is the greatest glory of my Cuixiang Tower. Lao Gang and I are too happy to be too late. Why blame it? This is also very strange. I did not invite Master Pan Chen before. It's Lao Gang's fault. "

"Since the boss just said that, I won't mention it. In the future, I will call you brother. What do you call me brother?" Pan Chen obeyed Kong Yongqi, not only realized Kong Yongqi's sin, but also made Kong Yongqi more closely together.

Singing a cunning word in his heart, Kong Yongqi had to make an excited face, because Pan Chen Playboy's unreasonable virtue was vigorously taught, "It's too good to miss the pursuit of something that is not available". From now on I will yell at you, man. Now my brother said so, all of this is what my brother said. Let's not talk about it. I invite you to dinner tonight. Please be sure to appreciate your face. "

"Well! Do you look down on me?" Pan Chen's original smiling face instantly turned into Fenna's look, which can be said to be the ultimate face change.

"Oh, my brother is an elder brother, isn't this true?" "Oh, hey. How can I look down on my brother, but every time one yard, I can recognize that someone like my brother is repaired in my life Blessing. I have to treat you today, and I have to get drunk. "Kong Yongqi looked very serious, and seemed not to give in at all.

Although he still disagreed, Pan Chen's face was no longer so dark.

So Kong Yongqi quickly asked again and again.

"Ha. Very good. Then today my brother will listen to my brother and you will arrange everything." Finally, Pan Chen, who repeatedly refused, finally agreed.

"Very good, brother, please hurry." Kong Yongqi stretched out his hand, please hold Pan Chen's small hand.

"I beg you!"

Then, the two went upstairs side by side, holding hands, but in their hearts, they both called each other "old fox".

Seeing the exchange between the two, Gu En and Chen Nianming looked at each other with pride. From each other's eyes, we can see that the admiration for the boss has deepened again. They know that if the thickness of the faces of the two of them is used to calculate, even if you add them up, you can't say such hypocrisy, and you can't act like this. Suddenly, I admired the cheeky boss.

Baihua Hall is the most elegant single room in Cuixiang Building, and it is rarely open. Many young people in Qingyang City hope to enter Baihua Hall and drink flowers and wine all their lives.

"Brother, can you return the style of this place to you?" The design of the entire Baihua Hall was written by Kong Yongqi. He asked every time he brought people to Baihuatang.

"Okay, be careful." Pan Chen replied without saying whether or not.

"Ah, my brother is really different, and his vision is very high." Kong Yongqi praised him in his mouth, secretly unhappy. He accused Pan Chen of being a dude who knew nothing, but he also knew that it was difficult for a dude to admit that your things were better than him, so Kong Yongqi was no longer obsessed with it. Instead, he quickly turned the topic off and said, "Do you want to make some girls happy?"

"It's natural, please arrange it quickly." Pan Chen's tone was a little impatient, and a little impatient.

"No problem, my brother has arranged it." After that, Kong Yongqi patted his palm twice. In the applause of Kong Yongqi, sixteen girls walked into the fish from outside the Baihua Hall. These girls are 28 years old, and the beautiful face with a little wind is like a hundred flowers in bloom, each one is very delicate, and each one is different. . The proud and invincible brothers sitting at the table and Chen Nianming looked directly at them.

"This is the top girl in the building, many of them are still very young, please feel free to choose."

"Okay, let me take her." Pan Chen pointed to the tallest girl in a purple dress. Pan Chen chose this woman because she is very much like a star in her previous life. Now she is considered to be a little complex in her heart.

The woman present did not pinch at all, but smiled gently at Pan Chen, immediately twisted Liu Yao, invited Ding Ting to find Pan Chen, and then sat beside him. Pan Chen didn't dare to let his arms touch the woman's chest tightly, so he smiled and was impolite. He lies in the arms of a woman in purple. In fact, Pan Chen really wanted to hold this woman in his arms. He had short arms and could not hold hers, so he had no choice but to do the opposite.

"You two choose two people each." Pan Chen waved to his proud brother, beckoning them not to be restrained.

After listening to Pan Chen's words, Chen Nianming immediately chose his two favorite. Pride and invincibility were the first time he came to such a place, he seemed a little restrained.

"Okay, don't pretend, we won't talk to Wu Cui'e, come on, are you afraid of your wife? Ha." Recently, under the careful coordination of Pan Chen, the relationship between "proud" and "Wu Cui" is getting more and more The closer. Although it is not clear, both have certain meanings in this regard. Therefore, Pan Chen often takes pride in this matter and finds pleasure in all battles.

"Well! Who is afraid to say that I am just watching carefully?" He listened to Pan Chen proudly and invincibly. He could not hang up in the face, so he simply chose a plump girl, and then he pointed at the woman in Chen Nianming's arms. And then said to Chen Nianming: "Give her to me."

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