The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1847: The devil's mist scattered

The mist of the demon dispersed, the ancient demon came out from inside, the stone monument on the top of the town hit Pan Chen, and Pan Chen was hidden in Pan Chen. At the same time, he looked at the tyranny and ordered the apes.

The great apes roared to the sky, their fists kept hitting their chests. In Vermilion's eyes, a purple light flashed, filled with fierce air, condensed into a piece of armor. "Tears-this is a truly ancient beast."

Pan Chen took a cool breath, and it was not difficult for the gorilla to imagine that it must be an ape sitting on the shoulder of an ancient demon. At that time, he knew that the ape was not simple. A roar would shake his soul. However, no matter what he thinks, Pan Chen does not think that this violent ape is a real ancient beast. You know, this beast can absorb the ferocious spirit of heaven and earth for its use, but that battle can use its own two higher levels of terror than its own.

"Roaring-sage? How could they disappear between heaven and earth during the ancient times? How did this world exist as an ancient beast?"

Rowan was shocked, and even fear appeared in his eyes. Although he is also an ancient beast, to be precise, he belongs to the demonic race. It is completely different from the real ancient beast. However, as a member of the elves, he naturally knew the horror of ancient beasts.

Therefore, when the violent ape appeared, he was scared and tried to escape despite his injuries.

However, this gorilla did not give him a chance at all. In his roar, he became a big hand and grabbed Lowen. At the same time, he came out and extended his hands. Pan Chen could clearly feel a willingness to break up the world and wanted to spread it.

"Is this Avatar?"

Pan Chen was completely shocked and finally understood why Lowen ’s fearful violent apes would use Avatar, knowing that Avatar is no longer a fairy, this belongs to the ability of a group of people who really stand on the top of the world.

"This is not Avatar. It is just the prototype of Avatar. If a violent ape monkey grows into a real ancient beast, then he can form a real incarnation, and then the world will be torn by it immediately."

Pan Chen, who is late, knows more, and now explains to Pan Chen, and then watching the ancient demon rush to Lanzhen County, he has more doubts and uncertainties in his eyes, and does not know what is remembered.


Rowan ran away with all his strength, but he was still chased by the will, and his body was immediately killed in half, even his demon Dan. However, before Rowan's body fell, he was caught by ferocious hands and swallowed into his body by violent apes. But there are only two halves of the painting, and Dan is still there.


Pan Chen's eyes were shining, and he reached out to take a picture, took Demon Dan in his hand, looked at the hazy Demon Dan, and grinned. This is a good thing. If he keeps improving, he can completely decompose the image of God into alchemy.

"Oh, Wen Mo Dan, is really a good thing. If it is refined and absorbed, there will be a trace of real dragon blood on the body. At that time, the flesh of the Zhou brothers will become stronger and even comparable to the clan. "Looking at the Lowen Demon Dan caught by Pan Chen, his eyes gleamed with jealousy." But there was no greed. It turned out that the moment Devil Dan was revealed, he also wanted to fight for it, but after seeing Pan Chen, he gave up. After all, compared with Pan Chen's kindness, Demon Dan is nothing at all.

"It's been a long time since I said this, but thanks to the late elders."

Pan Chen also has a kind of self-knowledge. If it is not too late, he will not shoot intentionally, how could this evil Dan appear in his hand. ? Thank you very interesting now. It was too late to laugh, but his eyes were only on the battlefield.

Seeing the ancient demon coming, the face of Fairy Lan Zhen finally changed, and then suddenly raised her head and screamed. The piercing voice broke through the sky and walked far away.


The trembling of the iron chain sounded, which stunned the axe and the ancient demon at the same time, and then retreated in a flash.

At the moment they stepped back, their space exploded, and Lan Zhenxian randomly turned into a blood dance and entered the exploded space.

The ancient demon's eyes rolled back, staring at the exploding space, then suddenly screamed in surprise.

"Shangyang, you are still alive."

Wu Cui, a woman nearly 30 years old, is called a goblin by a boy less than 20 years old. At that time, her face was red with anger. She took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to scold. "Why did Zhi Zhi say that?"

"Dare to argue, I ask you, if the Chen family really wants to come, how dare these three boys sit here and eat? Do you let Mr. Chen come here to eat leftovers?"

Yue Quanzhi said this directly. Wu Cui was speechless, but wanted to explain but had nothing to say.

"Oh, the third brother should not be reckless." If someone sings a white face, someone will mix it with a red face. Chen Nianhu wrongly reprimanded Yue Quanzhi, and then put on a very kind expression, looking at Wu Cui and said: "The third brother is reckless and the boss is not strange." You also know that our brother is still a little thin in Qingyang . Now the boss just wiped my brother's face off, how can my brother not be angry? Why not let the boss accompany our brother to drink a few glasses of water and wine in the single room? When you talk, you will be fine. "

Wu Cui's beauty is also famous throughout Qingyang City. Qingyang Wuba, who likes to drink, coveted her for a long time, but because Wu Cui's support was too difficult, she could only wait to see it from afar. Now that the situation has been reversed, Wu Cui without backing becomes a beautiful fat man. None of these five greedy dudes can drool. Today, like a dream restaurant, on the one hand for Pan Chen's wolf cart, on the other hand, Chen Nianhu and Yue Quanzhi are for this beautiful owner, they want to eat this fat and tender meat as soon as possible.

Wu Cui couldn't understand the thoughts of the two in front of him. Once he had a drink with them, it was difficult to get rid of. So she quickly apologized: "Thank you for your kindness, but Cui really can't drink, so I can drink today." How about taking out the best wine in this building and letting the two sons drink at will? "

"Well! You are doing what you want. I tell you, you must stay with our brother today. Come here!" Yue Quanzhi did not have the patience of Chen Nianhu, just wanted to get this beautiful boss as soon as possible, saying Reached Wu Cui's shoulder.

Although Wu Cui looks delicate and weak, he is also a martial arts practitioner. Although her talents are not high, she has also practiced four realms of martial arts. Wu Cui and Yue Quanzhi are on the same stage, and Yue Quanzhi has already made the wine blank, so she cannot compare with Wu Cui at all. However, Wu Cui was too weak to resist too much. She raised her hand and easily removed Yue Quanzhi's dirty hands, but did not launch any other attacks. ..

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