The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1842: There are some beautiful, ha! [Six million words Wang Wang, seek to slaughter]

Pan Chen had been tired for a long time, he decided to go for a walk, because if he stayed again, he would go crazy. So yesterday I told the tailor of the Long family to prepare a new set of clothes for him, which was just finished today.

"There are some beautiful, ha!" Pan Chen stood in front of the mirror, a little complacent.

Since the practice of "Yangqi Recipe", Pan Chen's physique has undergone earth-shaking changes. Especially after breaking through the third place, his food intake has increased significantly. Now his height has completely exceeded his peers.

Look at your back, like a teenager from twelve to three years old. In addition, Pan Chen, who has been open for a long time, is not as fat as he was when he was a child, but is muscular, full of body, symmetrical and full of strength. In his own words, this is the standard model number.

At this time, Pan Chen was wearing the most popular green silk woven snow robe, with an emerald dragon engraved on the waist and a golden jade chain on his head, and he was casually tied with black hair behind his head.

It looks casual and chic. Fold the fan by hand, and there is a white lanolin jade pendant at the tail of the fan, a good image of a good boy. Wearing a big sapphire ring on his hand makes him rich and expensive. If it were not for the face of a child, Pan Chen thought his skirt would attract thousands of urban girls.

After looking at the mirror for a while, Pan Chen left Qingsong Building with a laugh.

When Pan Chen walked out of the Liu Yun stadium, Li Mo had already prepared the car according to his orders. Pan Chen's car is not a car for ordinary people, but a wolf car.

The wolf car, as the name suggests, is the car that wolf pulls.

The wolf pulling the car for Pan Chen is not an ordinary wolf, but a ferocious red wolf in Yanling in the north of Qingyang City. The red wolf is known for its fiery red fur and two unusually fierce eyes. It is not only huge in size, but also fierce in appearance. The strength of an adult red wolf is completely comparable to the four martial arts of humans.

And its habit likes to live in groups. At least 110 red wolves are in a nation, so even the human masters, such as natural martial arts, do not want to easily anger the red wolf's dangling eyes. .

Last year, Long Xingtian went to Yanling to investigate the situation of the bandits. As a result, he got lost and entered the territory of Xuanyan Red Wolf by mistake, just in time to catch up with the melee between the two groups of Xuanyan Red Wolf. Long Xingtian stole four coyotes, holding sheep in his hands. Give Pan Chen as a birthday gift.

Pan Chen was very happy. The sled pulled by the wolf in the previous life inspired him, so he asked Long Xingtian to build a wolf car for him. At first, the wolf cart was built according to the ordinary carriage, which made Pan Chen very unhappy. Therefore, Pan Chen made this matter public in the clan association.

When he was furious and threatened to run away from home without building a top-tier wolf car, Joan finally compromised and succumbed to his helpless elders, who used a lot of money to build a wolf car for him.

The body of the wolf car is 4.5 meters long and 3 meters wide. It stretched from the Dragon family to the skilled craftsmen around Qingyang City for 7 months and cost 52,000 pieces of silver to build. Not only the performance is extraordinary, the ride is comfortable, but the interior and exterior decoration is luxurious to the extreme. If all seats in Qingyang City are ranked, then regardless of performance, appearance or price, Panchen's dragon car can be called the first luxury car in Qingyang City.

"Master, the car is ready. Where do you think we are going?" Li Pan hurried forward to see Pan Chen out.

Just now the wolf car stopped in front of Liu Yunyuan, but Li Mo was standing far away. The reason is that the momentum of the four red wolves is too strong. Each red wolf is fat and fat, raised by Pan Chen, and his red hair reflects the dazzling blood red under the sun. The shoulder height of the red wolf is more than 1.4 meters.

If you add a wolf's head, the height when you lie alone on the ground is close to the height of an adult. Although each wolf was tightly tied to the wolf car, with thick fingers and a special bite net hanging on his mouth, Li Mo ran away in fright.

"Master, are you here?" When I saw the arrival of Pan Chen, I jumped off a middle-aged man from Wei Zhu, who was in the car in front. The man was forty years old with dark skin and strong muscles in the upper body exposed to the air like steel.

This man's name is Zhao Si, the skill is not high, and the practice of the fourth grade of martial arts, his job responsibility is Pan Chen to stay the big bad wolf, because only he and Pan Chen can order the four hanging red wolves, so he does Part-time coachman.

For Zhao Si, Pan Chen is very satisfied, is a simple person, cheerful and optimistic. "Zhao Si, why are you black again? Did your mother-in-law teach you again?"

After listening to Pan Chen, Zhao Sihan smiled and did not answer. Zhao Si's wife is Bao, and she is more than ten years younger than Zhao Si. She is born as beautiful as a flower, so Zhao Si usually spoils Bao and gradually gets used to Ah Bao's temper.

From then on, as long as Zhao Si did something that made A Bao unhappy, he would be punished for standing in the sun for an hour, so the honest Zhao Si became darker and darker. Pan Chen, who knows this, often makes fun of Zhao Si, but Secretary Zhao is never angry.

Pan Si, Zhao Si ’s performance, had already guessed it. Do n’t take it for granted. Li Mo, who was still on the side, said, “Go to the martial arts training ground, and I see the level of these boys in the Dragon family.”

Little Toad, follow me on a horse. Pan Chen shouted that the younger generation of the Dragon family is not selling the old, but that his generation is indeed relatively tall. He is a filial generation. Now most of the teenagers in Longfu are chanting. The generation behind Pan Chen is. Good, talent, filial, reading, Zhang, Zhi.

Pan Chen said he was not in a hurry to get on the bus. First, he stroked the four red wolves. They shook their heads, and finally walked towards him, and then looked at the wolf car carefully.

This car was used by Zhao Si to train the Red Wolf after it was completed, and the training was not completed until recently. So Pan Chen did n’t drive this car, it was the first time today, so he had to take a closer look.

Pan Chen was particularly satisfied that the car carved four different shapes of wolf statues in the four corners, which ignited the extraordinary momentum in the car, just like the journey of the wolf king. After watching it for a long time, Pan Chen finally smiled, shouted "start", and got in the car.

Zhao Si exclaimed, the four wolves immediately rose up, and after a long roar, the big and heavy wolf rushed out like a gust of wind.

Pan Chen sat in a wolf cart, sitting on a beautiful white tiger skin, and made a soft and comfortable pillow with precious red-headed goose feathers on his back, holding a pair of white jade cups in his hands. Inside is a hundred-year-old wine he stole from the secret wine cellar of Long Xingtian, and a strong smell of wine wafted from the glass.

Looking at the trees passing by the window, Pan Chen took a bite and said with satisfaction: "Yes, the speed is too fast, the car can remain stable and quiet, 52,000 gold is not white." He got Ting back At that time, he drove her out in this car. "

Many design policies for this car have Pan Chen's suggestions. For example, the most important point emphasized by Pan Chen is silence. He believed that if there were any strange sounds in the car, they could not be heard outside the car.

Compared with Pan Chen, he was very comfortable in the car, but at this time Longfu was messy. Four rare beasts, with their eyes down and a red wolf, pulled a magnificent car at a speed much faster than a carriage on an unspacious and bright road in Longfu, and immediately alerted pedestrians passing by to avoid . Some people are surprised by the ferocious nature of the red wolf;

Some people are surprised by the luxury of this car, while others are surprised by the owner of this wolf car. For a while, there was a lot of discussion in the peaceful Dragon Palace. The news of the mysterious collision of the luxury wolf car spread to every corner of the Dragon Palace, and the whole Dragon Palace was shaking.

Hanging his eyes at the speed of the red wolf, without a cup of tea, he came to the Longjia martial arts training ground. Instead of driving the wind-blown wolf car directly into the martial arts training ground, Pan Chen asked Zhao Si to park his car behind a rockery not far from the martial arts training ground, and he himself took Li Mo to the martial arts training ground. Essentially,

Pan Chen is not a blind arrogant person. Just now he was riding a wolf car to test the performance of this new car. There is no need to go to the martial arts training ground now.

Everything outside is unknown to the martial arts practice range. At present, this huge martial arts training ground is full of sound, some people use equipment to enhance physical fitness, some people are practicing, some are fighting.

At that time, Pan Chen was immediately attracted by the atmosphere of the martial arts field, lamenting that it was boring to practice martial arts alone. In fact, Pan Chen was not a martial arts man before, and Yan Lili had been with him all the time, but Yan Lili's practice speed was involuntarily rushing towards the sky, which made Pan Chen feel very ashamed, so he often practiced secretly at night.

After observing, Pan Chen found that in the seemingly chaotic martial arts training ground, there are some rules to follow. First of all, the level of martial arts gradually increased from the external martial arts field. Some of the most central people seem to have reached the level of martial arts. The outermost edge of the venue is still only at the level of seven martial arts.

Second, people of the same age will come together unconsciously. For example, some people in front of Pan Chen are currently five people, but they are divided into three groups, one group is young people, the other group is young people, the other group is the least, and has reached middle age. The last rule is that the higher the Kung Fu group, the more elderly people, on the contrary, in the seven major martial arts, some children and teenagers are mostly.

Among these people, Pan Chen did not find natural martial arts. He knew that natural martial arts already belonged to real masters and would not be practiced in this ordinary martial arts practice. After watching it for a while, Pan Chen gradually felt boring, so he planned to leave.

Just then, outside the gate of the martial arts field, five teenagers suddenly came in. The leader looked only fifteen or six years old, about 1.8 meters tall, and looked very beautiful, but was born with a Vice bear waist, the most typical one is shaved head. It seems a bit abnormal. ..

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