The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1838: What is dad's plight? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

An hour later, disciples from both schools came to Plaza City. Of course, most of them were Black Mountain Gate, and most of them were at the animal farm. The city is not as attractive as animal farms, and only a few disciples come to the city.

Some disciples at Heishan Gate set up stalls in the open space, spread a cloth, put some things on it, and waited for the people they like to buy to exchange spirit stones.

There are more and more people in the market, and people are yelling. Pan Chen looked around and was still looking for Xu Fan. Pan Chen seemed very anxious, and his foot stepped gently.

Suddenly, only feeling something soft on his shoulder, Pan Chen turned his head quickly. Just listen to a familiar voice:

"Are you looking for me?"

Pan Chen saw Xu Fan a little stunned, and immediately cheered:

"Brother Cheng!"

Pan Chen hugged Xu Fan for a while. Xu Fan opened her lips and smiled happily, touching Pan Chen's head.

Opposite the supervisor Zeng, eyes locked, looking at Pan Chen.

"Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked out of the door, I knew that you left Black Mountain Gate and went to Black Beast Mountain. What about Black Beast Mountain? Is that farm the same as your uncle said?

Xu Fan began to ask about his black beast mountain. When Pan Chen first entered the animal farm, he excitedly talked to Xu Fan about his feelings. When it comes to the place of love, he can't help but add a few actions.

Pan Chen once again recounted his experience in Black Beast Mountain.

At this time, a person from the Black Mountain Gate came to the plaster booth. In front of the stucco booth, there were as many as seven people on the gate of Montenegro. The disciples of Heiwei Mountain got used to this and went to the side of Heishan Gate.

The man looked at the stall and said to Director Zeng:

"I want ten ointments."

The other disciples in the plaster booth looked at the man. Most people at Black Mountain Gate are interested in taking a look. Few people actually buy it. The Black Mountain Gate is different from the black veterans' cattle ranch, and the possibility of injury is also very low. Gypsum is their choice.

"What do you want?" Manager Zeng glanced at his eyes and said. The disciples were even stranger. Zeng Gong is obviously much taller than that person. When he heard the man say this, he did not feel angry and humble.

Although they did not pay much attention to the generation division of Black Beast Mountain, they would not do so, as the disciples thought.

The "Everyone" man pointed to a pile of stucco.

"This plaster has the effect of soothing muscles and revitalizing the body. I want to know where you want to use it." Director Zeng picked up ten pairs of plaster and handed it to the man, asking.

The disciples were stunned and couldn't believe that Dean Zeng personally gave the medicine to that person.

"For a long time, I meditated in the room, and my hands and feet were always a little stiff, so we had to clean the meridians." The man twisted his arms a few times, and his face changed, as if it hurt. .

"I think your situation is a bit serious. Do you need to buy more copies?" Mr. Zeng asked if he cared about the patient.

The disciples froze for a while.

Everyone thought that Manager Zeng was back to help people see the doctor of the drugstore owner.

"In my opinion, you'd better run out of these ten ointments first. If you can't recover, wait for the next market to buy them." Master Zeng touched his chin and asked, "When are these ten ointments used up?" ? "

"Maybe this" the man replied.

"Then you take it back again and look at the situation next time you go public." Zeng said, waving his hand to signal that the person left.

The man picked up the plaster, paid for it, and left.

Regardless of the expression of his disciples, the Chief Executive walked to the back of the booth, regardless of the expression of his disciples, stood there in awe.

Time has passed and the end of the city has come. People from the two schools slowly returned to their respective schools, and the stall owner was preparing to receive the goods.

Pan Chen and Xu Fan have been talking for a long time, and they stopped talking before. For the God Beast, the people at the Gate of Montenegro are not interested at all, so no one will bother their conversation.

"It's time to go back. I will close the rest of the day. I will come at the beginning of the market." Xu Fan patted Pan Chen's first few times and said goodbye.

"Um" Pan Chen answered with a smile. Watching Xu Fan leave.

Director Zeng asked someone to settle the accounts, packed up his clothes, and started to return to Black Beast Mountain.

what. Pan Chen returned to the room, lying on the bed, spraying a turbid air. At this time, Pan Chen's heart was more comfortable, and finally saw Xu Fan, his heart was more solid.

This also strengthened Pan Chen's will. Pan Chen thought, immediately turn in meditation practice to make up for today.

A disciple is making a bed in the room, ready to rest. Unexpectedly, someone suddenly knocked on the door. As soon as the disciple lowered his head, he turned to think:

"Who, is this the time to come?"

The disciple went to open the door and pressed his hand on the door handle. As soon as he opened the left and right doors, he didn't even look at it, so he shouted:



When the disciples heard the low drinking sound, they immediately woke up and saw the people in front. Seeing the man in front of him, he immediately changed his mouth and face and said with a smile:

"Boss, I don't know if you are here. This is rude."

"Go in" Director Zeng drank again.

The disciple had to retreat, walked to the table, bent down and waited. The manager entered the door with a wave of hand, they received a wave of reasoning, and closed the door smoothly.

The disciples were surprised and didn't know what Dean Zeng would do. The supervisor sat on the chair next to the table, put one hand on the table, and asked:

"Today, where did you and Pan Chen buy the spirit animals in the barn?"

"Go back to the supervisor, yes." The disciple was so nervous that he didn't really know what the instructor sang. More respect is that I am afraid he will annoy Sergeant Zeng.

"Listen to what Pan Chen said to that person today."

As soon as the disciple shook it, he was afraid and abnormal, and cold sweat left like a broken shell. Today, because no one came to buy ghosts and beasts, he soon fell asleep and only heard a few, and now the manager asked, how could he not be surprised.

"Listen to me, listen to me"

"Tell me everything" Director Zeng did not give his disciples time to react.

After all, the arms of the mountains ca n’t stop the sun, but the night really came!

The big man and the master of the Black Beast Mountain Gate, the old man, sat among them. The big man put his hands behind his head and leaned his back on the chair, tilting the chair back, leaning his feet on the table with each other, a bohemian expression. The old man with a long beard is in danger and looks a little anxious.

After a while, the door opened and a figure came in under the moonlight.

Hu Lan is the housekeeper Xu!

The old man with a long beard saw the butler Xu Jin, reacting to his arrival, and asked anxiously:

"So, did you answer?"

"Back at the door, I met one of them. According to the disciples, the situation is not very optimistic."

"Let's listen." The long beard held the old man's face, holding the long beard in one hand. Butler Xu told Beard to talk to the disciples who will buy plaster today. The old man with a long beard listened, his eyebrows together, his face sinking, as if in a deep pool.

The big man laughed while listening. After Mr. Xu finished speaking, the big man said:

"Master, the Black Mountain Gate does not eat what you do. From the disciples we sent, we can see that the situation is not good." After that, the big man laughed a few times, but there was a smell of ridicule.

"Actually, according to the disciple's answer, all ten of our former disciples were monitored and deliberately isolated by the Black Mountain Gate, and the interior of the Black Mountain Gate could not be reached at all. I do n’t know when it will be completed, but now I can only wait for the next time We can wait for the next time and see what news is coming. "The housekeeper Xu understood today what the disciples meant in the square stone. These conversations were also designed to convey their message at the Black Mountain Gate to the goalkeeper.

Well! The old man with a long beard hummed angrily, patted the table, and said angrily:

"I looked down on the four people on the Black Mountain Gate. Did those ten people go to our Black Beast Mountain?"

"Except for the one I brought, the other disciples did not appear on the square stone." The butler Xu Shen took a breath, but did not dare to make a sound.

"Have you accepted it?" The old man with a long beard looked at the butler Xu with sharp eyes.

"He is a disciple of gas refining on the second floor. He joined Chunmu Building recently and learned to make plaster. At this time, he was approved by the guard." The housekeeper Xu truthfully came out of the tray.

"Huh!" The old man with a long beard rolled his eyes and nailed them to the big man.

"Do n’t worry, guards. Even if they are exploring everywhere on this Black Beast Mountain, all they see is some low-level disciples on the farm. How can we let them know. As for Mr. Xu ’s disciples, he was worth training last time The man. "Although the big man was sitting upright, he was still in a bad mood.

"Training a disciple? There is also a defected disciple at the Black Mountain Gate! If he told the four people at the Black Gate our Black Beast Mountain, he did n’t know what the consequences were." The old man with a long beard changed his normal situation and then He drank angrily, put his hand on the handle of the chair, and stood up.

Hey, the old man with a long beard took a breath and sat down again.

"The homeowner can rest assured that I will not tell the inner news of Heiwei Mountain. My brother also did not defect, but went to Heishan Gate to prepare for the foundation without betrayal." When the housekeeper Xu heard the old man with long beard , He immediately retorted, but did not dare to speak loudly.

"I also believe in the behavior of the third brother and the great brother, but no one can guarantee that a fairy practitioner will do something in front of his interests." The big man glanced at the housekeeper Xu, and the corner of his mouth began.

"Vice guard! That's facing your ears!" Butler Xu was angry on his chest, his eyes were red, his nose was heavy, and he was about to explode.

"Don't be noisy! Has that disciple ever seen that man at the Black Mountain Gate?" The old man with a long beard waved his sleeves and the sound of hunting sounded. The two immediately calmed down and asked.

As soon as Mr Xu raised his eyelids, he gritted his teeth and glared at the big man. He turned his head and looked at the old man with a long beard. After his mood eased, he said:

"I have only seen one person, and I look familiar. Their conversation was also learned from a disciple. No problem. This is a normal conversation. This does not look like a group photo of two people."

Pan Chen did not come to Blackwood as a detective, nor did Cheng Fan come here to meet. These two people may not have expected this to happen.

"Next time, let's see what we have and report." The old man with a long beard said, closed his eyes and put a hand on his forehead.

Naturally, Mr. Xu understood the meaning of an old man with a long beard. After leaving, he walked to the door. At the moment when the door was closed, Mr. Xu glanced coldly through the gap of the door. The gap of the door was not as wide as fingers.

"Master, do you think Mr. Xu's words are credible?" The big man seemed to be irritated.

"Don't argue with the three of you, your eldest brother was forced away by you." The old man with a long beard looked a little dissatisfied.

The same thing happened at the gate of Montenegro.

In a little-known room, four huge stone slabs dot the four corners of the room, illuminating the whole room.

In the room, four famous base monks sat in different directions, and all four looked very old.

"Is there anything on the other side of the Black Beast Mountain in Fangcheng today?" The speaker sat in the seat of God, an old man with white eyebrows and a bun.

"Hey, the door master is relieved, even if their disciples can exchange detectives, they have to send them a message in the door, there will be no hindrance."

"All the disciples I sent to monitor heard their conversations," said a stern monk sitting on the right side of the old man. "In the case where we were isolated, they did not know any internal information."

"That's fine." The old man nodded and agreed. It seems that this is the doorman of the Black Mountain Gate.

"Master, our Boy Scouts did not reply to any news about Black Beast Mountain." A monk sat on the left side of the old man with white eyebrows. Although this man has white hair, he is physically strong, and under the cover of a large robe, he still shows signs of protruding muscles on the road.

"Vice doorman, you can rest assured. I will not meet in public like a rough man in Black Oasis. Hey, hey." The old man with a sharp face said to the black doorman. Finally, he smiled and squinted, almost invisible. He turned to the white-eyed monk sitting in front of the old man and said:

"I have one thing to ask Zhao Daoyou, why does one of our spies choose another disciple instead of one?"

"I can only blame him for his unskilled skills, and lost to his disciples." Answering this question was Pan Chen's former master Zhao, an elderly man with white hair.

"I don't remember when I chose. There is a rule for those who win. However, I will hear that the chosen disciple seems to be you, the former disciple of Zhao Daoyou. Zhao Daoyou would like it or not." This smiled The monk took off his eyelids, and in the slender slits of his eyelids, his eyes shone unusually.

"Bang" the white-haired old man patted the table and shouted:

"What do you mean?"

"Hey, I dare not say anything, but Zhao Daoyou may think too much." The sharp-faced monk was not afraid of the anger of the white-haired old man, turned his face, and laughed again.

"Okay, okay. We're still talking about black Odyssey, aren't we?" The old man with white eyebrows arranged for them to stop.

"Master, I don't think the rough guys in" Black Odyssey "are much better than that, don't worry." The sharp monk said disapprovingly.

The old man with white eyebrows turned his eyes and said:

"What is the opinion of the defensive goalkeeper and Zhao Daoyou?"

"Now we do n’t know the situation of the enemy. The guard of Black Beast Mountain has been building the foundation for a few years. There may be a soul beast who has been building this foundation for a long time. This is not easy to deal with, even if we get some from the Scouts. The situation of black veterans is not necessarily internal.

Even rude people will not disclose their internal information. "The old man with white hair joked that the last sentence did not know whether it was ironic.

The sharp-faced monk recognized the old man with white hair naturally and stared at the old man with white hair coldly.

At this time, the deputy goalkeeper of the Black Mountain Gate also expressed his views:

"At present, we don't understand the situation of black veterans at all, but now, first of all, we must figure out what the purpose of the Qiyuan faction is and whether we should really fight it. This is the top priority."

"I also thought someone was sent to work, but it was unsuccessful. We also arrested a 7-yuan disciple and tortured him to force confessions, but we still got nothing. The purpose of this 7-yuan school seems to be only the top of the 7-yuan school Only then. "The old man nodded his head, agreed with the opinions of the two, and gave out some of the information they got. Suddenly I thought that the old man with white hair mentioned the guard of Black Beast Mountain,

And said: "As for the Black Beast Mountain guard, I knew him before, but then he joined the Black Beast Mountain, and I joined the Black Mountain Gate." When he first entered the groundbreaking stage, his spirit beast also had nine layers of refined gas To be built. After so many years of construction, it should not only be built on an early basis. "

"What!" When they heard the old man say the last words of the past, the three men blurted out.

The spiritual beast built for the middle stage of the basic building, the general monks dare not touch it in the later stage of the basic building. They dare not think of the spirit beast built in the later stage of the foundation, nor do they believe that the guards of the Black Beast Mountain can drive the spirit beast in the later stage of the foundation construction.

"So what? His former doorman is dead. With a new deputy goalkeeper and two Foundation monks. We have four monks at the Black Mountain Gate." The smiling monk whispered: " indifferent."

"The former deputy guard at Blackwood Hill was killed by the current guard shortly after stepping on the steps to build the foundation. He is much stronger than the former deputy master, and they have only two monks!" Somehow, the old-haired old man's tone There was a hint of anger.

The smiling monk opened his mouth as if to say something, but his throat choked and was speechless.

The faces of the door master and the deputy head were more heavy and caught in the process of thinking.

After drinking a cup of tea, the old man said, "I will stop here today."

Pan Chenpan sat on the bed, his hands closed, and a faint yellow light shone between his hands. He is trying to practice the "earth and stone workshop" on the third floor.

Suddenly, Pan Chen calmly and leisurely, with his face tight, his hands open, his wrists turned, and his palms facing the bottom, to lift the shape.

I saw a nail-sized dirt floating on the palm, quietly glowing yellow.

As soon as Pan Chen's mana increased, his lips moved a few times, and the recipe in his mouth began to read. Soon, five pieces of soil, the same shape as before, came out of the palm and slowly rose. When you reach the same height, stop at the same time.

Pan Chen carefully opened his palms to both sides, so as not to affect the six small pieces of soil. Until the two palms are relative to the left and right, as if they were controlling the quality of light. Pan Chen stabilized six small pieces of soil, slightly changed his breath, and slowly moved his hand closer to the middle. ..

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