The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1828: The pinnacle of revision [Wang Wen, 6 million words, seek to slaughter]

Chapter 1828 The Peak of Revision Six Million Words Wang Wang, For Slaughter

BC Linghua Mountain has reached the peak of revision, and the method of self-creation is unique. It was a character who was trampled on his feet a few decades ago. Although silent practice has been suspended in Linghua for many years, meditation is very deep, and it is enough to be ranked third among the monks of the "Wu" generation of Sanzhi Zen. Others don't know what he is, but he feels that it is not easy for monks to give, and there are three other points that are afraid of the prestige of Sanzhi Temple. However, Yuan Ganshan was deeply aware that if he really engaged in a one-on-one struggle between life and death, no one could win except the "predecessors".

Compared with these people, although the main part of Tai's teaching-Hong's name is not as good as these people's names, no one dares to underestimate Tai's teaching. Because Taiyi religion has a very secret set of skills, it is difficult for outsiders to know its specific use, but Li Hong was once severely damaged and abandoned by the real gods, but today R can still stand here intact. This is enough to scare those who know everything.

Together, Linghua Lingying has nearly ten experts. In Zou Haijun's view, such a meeting has become worthless. Admittedly, his real power at this time may not necessarily subdue these people. However, after this absolute exercise, rapid progress is not for repair, but for the original life of the soul.

The names of everything in the world are mostly consistent with their origin, and the true meaning is often contained in a simple name. This soul is also called the soul of life. What Ben said is fundamental, life is destiny. However, the meaning contained in these simple words is by no means simple. For example, soil and water combine to form mud, but water is water and soil is soil. No matter how entangled, water or water, soil or soil. This is the most basic meaning.

Fundamental changes drive the operation of life. A drop of water or a flood of water may mix the soil into the mud. But if it grows together and becomes a river, it will have will and unstoppable power. So is the soul. The original growth of the soul will produce the original intention and destiny to a certain extent. If they are strong enough to reach the ocean and the sky, they are qualified to have their original intention and destiny in their hands.

Pan Chen's fate is far from that, he is at best a pond. But this pond, however, is a pond, knowing how big the ocean is, so he does not think there are any strange mountains. But the change of his destiny vaguely gave him the will of the sea, and the mountains around him also admitted that his destiny was the sea. On the other hand, Will is the foundation of all life in the three worlds. Only by will can we have vitality and be called sentient beings. Whether it is a person or a fairy, in the final analysis is the power of will. God or demons are characterized by will.

Pan Chen took his own soul as a stove, ancestors and divine sources as guides, based on his own soul, and carried out this exercise on the border fire of flames, so that his will unconsciously produced earth-shaking changes. Although his will cannot jump into the realm of God at once, its growth rate frightens the demons of the three worlds. Although Zou Haijun himself was faintly aware of this change, he could not clarify the mystery of this change with his soul and knowledge at this time. It's just that when the willpower suddenly increases, I will remember the feeling of the Shengxian tribe pursuing the meaning of the sword of the unity of heaven and man.

Pan Chen seemed to find a reason to repair the soul in an instant, but this meaning always flashed in his soul. Even at this time, his courage could not be clearly printed in the soul. It seems that this meaning has its own will and constantly hides and seeks with him. Once he tries his best to chase and think, the soul will be on the verge of collapse like the extreme pain of executing the sword. This was one of the navy's major troubles when Zou woke up.

Compared with his soul, such great courage is very disproportionate. It is like a man with only one hundred pounds of power, holding a weapon heavier than Mount Tai. Admittedly, this weapon is not necessarily lucky to greet others, only such momentum will scare others, but if it is not suitable, he must be a piece of meat roll himself. This is just a metaphor, but for countless years, generation after generation of Taoist monsters has been difficult to measure, but it is indeed unprecedented to bring him to this situation.

With this in mind, there was another severe pain in his soul that made him tremble. Anxious, in order to sink into the true dragon spirit blood in the heart, it took a while to calm down. The five courses of knowledge were immediately clear, and I only heard many people chanting in the hospital. At first glance, I saw a few people in a mess at the security checkpoint, at a loss.

Lin Lijun ’s beautiful face was white, with no blood stopper, holding a sword tightly, and his eyes were a little scattered, as if the tighter the sword, the more comfortable it was. On Taiyi Sword, Guanghua flows and trembles slightly. Huang Huang, who was photographed by Zhoushan Jianghuaidong, went straight ahead and reflected a wax yellow, holding his unconscious son tightly.

The people around him took measures to protect themselves, staring suspiciously at some of the halls where Zou Haijun was. It turned out that under the interference of Zou Haijun, the situation changed again.

Yuan Qianshan revealed this secret and pointed directly at the Kunlun born real person. Although the born real person was the ancestor of the Western sect, no one dared to contact Xizong Tao at this time. From the bottom of the machine, everyone felt anxious and lost a large square inch.

Kunlun Xizong sent experts to find the whereabouts of the treasure hunt for many years, and finally learned that the painting fell on the Murong family. Although the Murong family enjoys a high reputation in the world, the master is like a cloud. But when it comes to such a big thing, they dare not find their misfortune again. Since the Shengxianzhuang Congress, many parents have been invited, and even those who did not attend have focused their attention on this issue. The Murong family used this opportunity to transform Baotou into a treasure set, and Li Ming gave Dong Ning Wang Linzan as a birthday gift. However, secretly, through Lin Zan's hands, the dress was transferred to Mrs. Tan, the leader of the Nantian Chaohai faction.

Mrs. Tan ’s boudoir is one of the five wonders. Although the voice and prestige are slightly worse than Mo Junlin and others, they are still comparable to them. The name of his boudoir was long gone, and the nickname "Huanyue Guanyin" came from Kyushu. The factions of the South China Sea faction had been greatly weakened in the siren war under Yuan Ganshan's leadership. When he reached his successor in Nanguo City, his number in the Central Plains area almost exceeded him, even his leaders were counted. Only four of this generation are outstanding, claiming to be four males from the south. To the generation of Nan Twilight, it is even more declining, and only one person in Nan Guang Building can occasionally remind the main schools of the South China Sea Central Plains.

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