The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1800: Delusion is in the soul [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Chapter 1800: Delusion of Six Million Words in the Soul Wang Wang, Slain

Kunlun went to listen to God ’s song and said:

When these three flowers gather at the top and walk towards God, they are only one step away from the sky and the earth. Will calm down into the abyss, rest in delusion in the soul.

At the beginning, the quiet and non-competitive performance can be clear without touching the strings. It is necessary to maintain a high degree of concentration, reflecting why the moon produces white lotus.

Hua Yan went straight to Ling Taixu, floating back to the whole truth. Endless and small valleys set the edge of opportunity, they have their own great consciousness and fundamental actions.

These seven rings carry a silver waterfall, and the ancestors have a wonderful method of peace and chaos. There were thousands of commotions along the way, and the dust never said it would fall to the ground.

This song clearly shows that this step is farther than heaven and earth. We must abandon the flesh and the will, let alone delusion. The heart must be clear, whether it is string music or the lotus in the water, it is such a huge obstacle to silence. Even if there are thousands of troubles, you can only think of it as falling dust, no matter what it is.

But Huang Haitao is one of the three taboos at this time, and he will not bring down all criminals. He fully understands that Hu Xianming and his two people are so eager to attack him. Due to the fear of thunder, he is also very afraid of his merits and methods, worrying that he will survive a natural disaster. Obstacles. There is no doubt that their goals are like the wind. But their powerful power, regardless of all their opponents, must be captured like the wind. Because catching him with wisdom is ten times more difficult than killing him.

Guangji is the same mind as them, but not as strong as them. Therefore, Guangji chose another method, that is, to maintain the balance of the war as much as possible, maximize the power consumption of both sides, and then win in the chaos. This shows that the patience of this great monk must be extraordinary. In addition, Guang Jiben has been condensed successfully, but his life is still suppressed in virtual reality, and he did not immediately step into the reality of God. Because once he did this, the nine broken mines would immediately fall, and maybe he had some concerns about the nine broken mines.

If he helps Huang Haitao achieve God, or Huang Haitao can do it on his behalf. Huang Haitao soon thought that the last nine mines that broke through the obstacles could not be resisted. No matter where they were, these nine gods would surely fall to the top of the mountain. Is he able to avoid the thunder?

In Huang Haitao's soul, the dense fog filled the three deep wells. The water in the well was boiling, but the fog still gathered like a long dragon and did not stop. If these three wells are combined, God will succeed. If a well overflows first, it will fail.

Even Pan Chen saw that Huang Haitao was not in good condition at the time. Although he did not know the essence of solemn spirit, he felt that the confusion of Huang Haitao's soul was extremely intense. Anyway, help him. As soon as the mind moved, the five swords condensed out of the body, and all of them were pulled out of the sheath half, but there was no sound.

Huang Haitao was plagued by external crises at this time, and it was always difficult to unify will and spirit to the greatest extent. It was so close, but it made him feel powerless. Suddenly, five strange swords emerged from under their bodies, and their hearts moved. There was a dark cry, and it was a pleasure to come.

Seal me! Huang Haitao's divine thought was revealed through the spirit of the sword, and Pan Chen immediately sealed Huang Haitao's five knowledge with five swords. But the same is true for Huang Haitao. Although these five pieces of knowledge are sealed, the original intent was to become stronger immediately hundreds of times. Pan Chen only felt that the sky was turning, and his five acquaintances were immediately confused, and even his consciousness fainted. Vaguely speaking, Huang Haitao seems to condense the knowledge of this **** in his soul, his soul is vague, sitting in the sky of the soul. Its body exudes a soft holy light, as bright as the moon.

Huang Haitao knew this formula, and the fog of the entire Linghua immediately gathered into three big fog dragons and rushed into three wells. At the same time, Huang Haitao whispered, broken!

The fingertips of the three mist dragons were thrown into the well, and the water of the spirit knot in the three wells was sprayed into the sky like angry spring water. The boundless power exploded, Huang Haitao's flesh collapsed, a blood arrow shot from his mouth, and fresh blood was also flowing in the seven holes. This explosion of divine power destroyed all the meridians of the blood god.

No one can think of this, and no one dares to think that Huang Haitao would dare to fill up the three spiritual workovers in an instant. The outbreak of Lingjing caused a heavy blow to Huang Haitao's spirit and body, almost destroying xμng. Especially the overflow of three wells, almost three souls were torn by Huang Haitao.

However, Huang Haitao succeeded in breaking the environment and separating the three soul wells from the final cemetery. The assembly of these three forces has been avoided.

Fortunately, Huang Haitao occupied a flesh and blood at this time. The blood god's body, its blood and the power of recovery are very shocking. Huang Haitao was so scared that he was covered with blood as soon as he was released from prison. The blood god's power suddenly burst into a blood rainbow, and he immediately took it back from his body.

The flesh and blood of the meridian injured by this divine power is repaired and regenerated at a very fast speed. Otherwise, once the body is dead, Yuanshen will not send it, the three souls will be separated, that is, the baby girl will be born again, and there is no power to return to heaven.

Huang Haitao gritted his teeth and finally insisted on restoring the calm of the three Lingjing. The ripples of the water well echoed, vaguely reflecting the figure of Huang Haitao's soul sitting inside. These three spiritual lights are reflected from the well and directly reflected in the understanding of the soul. This spiritual spring of Lingjing is also drying up at a visible speed.

Huang Haitao's knowledge gradually solidified from illusion to essence, and suddenly opened his eyes. The pupil was like a deep invisible, but it seemed to have infinite divine light.

The phantom Luohan and the king of the bag were broken by tigers and wild snakes at the same time, and turned into a huge vortex of power, scattered and diffused. Guangji's figure flew out and spit out a blood full of gold. This is the spiritual blood used by Guangji to be an avatar, and it can also be reluctantly called the **** blood at this time.

This juxtaposition of sacred forces is easy to participate in, but it is impossible for Guangji to predict this process. His original intention was to delay Huang Haitao's time. He also contributed 10% of the divine power and supernatural powers, and transformed the spiritual blood into the budur of the lord Rohan Budur Rohan.

Although he is his most complacent and regular incarnation, this is the first time that two gods have appeared at the same time. However, Hu Xianming and the magic weapon that solves the moment are not the same magic weapon. Although the magic weapons Tiger and Hydra are slightly blocked by Guang Ji, they also attract the undead tribe's opportunity to kill people on the magic weapon.

The two butchers were bitten and twisted. Not only can they no longer use supernatural powers, but they cannot even leave supernatural powers.

With broad-based knowledge and determination, there will be some regrets immediately, and they should not be so reckless at the same time facing these two people. However, regret is regret, but Guangji's spiritual power is also rare in the world. Although he is at an absolute disadvantage to Hu Xianming's divine power, his ability is not much higher than him for the time being. Immediately chasing the bag of arhats, the place of power, the two gods and snakes on the head should break free.

The heart that resolved the momentary rage showed some anger fainting. Nine heads swallowed the spirit of Long Shuo, it took him many years to become. Among the seven of them, all of them were condensed into the soul of the dragon, and only the ends that were crushed were condensed into his understanding of his own god.

Although his two gods are not as good as other dragon spirits, they are the key to his control of the gods. Once destroyed, the soul and his own oath will be broken and out of control.

For a while, he knew he hated, and he was very angry. Swallowing the dragon cable was not completely exquisite, and there were great defects, all he knew.

But Hu Xianming's orders, he did not dare to defy, in this case, there is no room for hesitation and interpretation. The spirit that swallowed the dragon cable suddenly lost control, and the remaining seven snake heads immediately became the souls of the seven dragons, dancing like a roaring roar.

Hu Xianming also knew that it was not easy to extract this magic weapon. It took more than a thousand years to collect the souls of the seven dragons. As long as a few more years, it is possible to grow up. Although the magic weapon was broken for a moment, it was not all because of him, Hu Xianming, but after all, it was his own command.

If you let it go, the master must be condemned after asking this question. Therefore, on the tiger god's cane, the **** tiger stood on his body and replaced a huge tiger body. The seven dragon soul was very weak in front of the tiger body. The tiger bit the king in the sky, patted the dragon's soul with one paw, and immediately hurt the dragon's soul.

The dragon hissed and rotten, and the largest faucet suddenly found something, reluctantly excite Wu Shen, and swam across the gap between the king and Luohan's cloth bag.

The huge tiger roared in the sky, and under the tiger's tail, the king was broken when he ascended to heaven. At the same time, the angry giant wave suddenly swallowed the dragon cable, and almost all the power, the cloth bag Luohan was broken. Under the full-strength attack of these two gods at the same time, Yuan Ji was almost immediately dispersed. Although there was Luohan's body, the spirit in his heart could no longer be protected by the blood of God, and the power and life escaped from the golden body.

Guangji's golden body quickly dissipated and was expelled by this divine power. But for a while, it was also that the magic weapon of this life was broken, and then the divine power was abused and seriously injured. ..

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