The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1793: Who is the person in this game? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

Bookworm, who is the person in this game? The dark table in the book: Sai Ya, just look at the name, you know that you are not an ordinary person. Well, it is a Taoist in the village. When I can hold back, I know all the gossip. Therefore, the people in the village called him "plug the teeth."

But he said that water came to the house of cold race teeth and only saw the racing teeth meditating, saluting him hurriedly: "I'm sorry, sir." Sai Zi opened his eyes and saw that water was busy standing up People are here, ah, disrespect! "Preparing thin tea for aquatic treatment. Water is happy. Shuiyin said:" Sir, if I have something to worry about today, I hope someone will teach me. Saizi said: "Since you are all brothers, why should you be polite?" "

With regard to the name of aquatic life, Sai Zi said, "It's just a small problem, I will give you your name, your family." Aquist said, when he was born, he opened his teeth slightly and pointed at him: "Oh my goodness!" "What, isn't it good?"

Saizi said: "This baby is very unusual. You Huagai must follow his orders in eight characters. You must be a strange person!" But ups and downs are inevitable. "Huai Gai? What is Hua Gai? Please give me some suggestions, sir." "This Hua Gai, ah, it's hard to say, in short, the boy's lower bound in the sky!" Shui was really surprised: "How can that make the baby happy and happy? What about? "Saizi said:" I can only give him a name that fits the time of the day, and for example, it depends on his creation. "

But when I saw the game, I thought about it and said, "Did it rain a lot when you added him?" "Yes, sir. Oh my goodness, everything is solved!" That ’s great, otherwise you wo n’t be able to survive for a day! I think there is a sea of ​​fire in his eight characters, and he desperately needs water. Your surname is really water, so call him Water Town. Chen is a reservoir, you can After collecting Tianshui well water, I wish him good luck and development. "

The book is very brief and says that because of the teeth in the sea, I suddenly saw a fierce person running out of the front door! Take a closer look at the water, eh? Isn't this the bully in the town giving way? This boy has always been overbearing, but why is this shape? I am looking for a beggar, but I see a beggar in front of me! I saw a sentence in the beggar's mouth: "Isn't it time not to repay the good or the bad." Ah? Didn't I save the beggar on the street? Water is really the second monk who can't touch his head.

In the dark watch in the book, Pan Chen saw the life of the previous life with his eyes: This bully gave way to his enemy in front of the sky? Why did you say that? But it turned out that Pan Chen's previous life was a wild boar! Oh, Pan Chen, that poor, sad Lu Zi can't look back! I am a wild boar alone in the forest, can not eat good food and can not wear good clothes, alas, really helpless!

That day I suddenly found delicious food! What kind of food? Hi! Not a hare! Are all alive. There are dozens of them in the forest. After the ecstasy, the blood of the wild boar boils over the rabbit! I think I can eat for a few days. is preparing to pounce on the hare at any time, suddenly listening to the wind behind him! My day, I feel cold, then, pain, blood! The wild boar found himself in the arrow! The hunter pushed himself up! Running all the way, finally started a bad life.

Pan Chen saw from the sky that the man with the arrow was the madman in front of him, "make way to God." I thought, how did this guy become a bully? What should we do now? This book explains that Pan Chen's recall is also a moment. Suddenly, the sky gave way and jumped on its teeth and paws to dance. Pan Chenrong should not rub a cold light with his finger! Forcing the guy to not open his eyes, Pan Chen blew homeopathically, but saw that guy was blown out of the hotel! Pedestrians on the street saw that the "God's Road" had bite the shit, why not keep everyone's mouth happy.

Pan Chen looked at his tragic situation and was very happy. He wanted to call you an arrow. Now rμ is back. Once again, mortal stupidity, I can't be ignorant, when complaining. I let him go anyway. Pan Chen chuckled and said, "Child, what's going on?" Do you want to make way for heaven or make way for heaven? "laugh it out!

"God gave way" knew he met a tall man and said angrily, "Where are you, beggar?" It's not too late for this gentleman to avenge him for ten years. You wait! Get up and run a thousand miles. The mortals on the street were surrounded by Pan Chen, not to mention them.

In other words, Pan Chen saw the water and said, "Benefactor, I don't know if there is one thing I asked for permission?" Waterway: "What's wrong?" Pan Chen said: "Can you worship me as a teacher?" difference. Pan Chen knows: Well, how do you know that I am Pan Chen?

Because he said: "I am also a beggar, I am a beggar, but please believe that your son worships me as a teacher, and he created him in the future." The water also knows the reason, so he happily agreed. If you are busy, please speak at home and give the benefactor a suit. However, I saw Pan Chencan smiled and said, "Beggars have important things to do." Change it to r # *} and repeat it. At the end of the speech, there is no trace! The shock in the water! Only God-man, busy kneeling in the sky: "Amitabha."

Pan Chen's figure is very good, and soon found the person who is purgatory. To be precise, there are three people in the middle of the village. In the center of the village, there is a two-person awakening device, and three people sitting under the magic device have been breaking the law. For example, in a certain ceremony, every time you insert the Dharma flag, it will light up a little, and the face of the villager inserted on the stick will be more distorted.

Pan Chen looked at it carefully and finally found something strange he had always felt. There is no **** smell in this place. Even if the villagers were stabbed into the body, there was no blood stain, but there seemed to be a lot of things in their bodies rolling and growing. There must be something strange! These three people must be prevented from casting spells!

Pan Chen had no time to consider this matter again. He quietly struck four ice swords at three people and the central instrument. The ice sword flew away, but when he was about to hit the target, the ice sword was opened. These people were not even affected a little. With a French seal. It was a bit faster than before. ..

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