The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1788: Magnificent Aspirations [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Net, Seek Slaughter]

Chapter 1788 Magnificent Aspirations

Pan Chen was pushed to the river by a group of children, and the river did not know where it came from. Pan Chen looked at the quiet Yellow River, another feeling was: "Yeah, this life is the color of Juna, when alive is too dull, but it is such a color when dead!" Trying to express his grand ambition with a poem, but a group of children around him rushed to the river, the only bridge where a group of souls moved slowly.

Pan Chen stood at the terminal. As the soul moved forward, Pan Chen tilted his head and vaguely saw the other side of the bridge. An old lady with a hunched head stood on the bridge. The old lady took a bowl in her right hand and handed it to a soul. Grunting not knowing what to say, I saw the hand of the soul holding, drinking, and a little ghost hand holding a golden book, said a few words to the soul, only saw the turn of the soul, and became The golden plug channel turned and disappeared.

With the passage of time, Pan Chen followed the soul and moved closer and closer to the old lady. Finally, Pan Chen came to the old lady's hair.

The old woman glanced at Pan Chen, but felt that the current soul is a bit different from the ordinary soul, because Pan Chen's soul is more condensed than the ordinary soul.

"Come on, drink this bowl of soup, reincarnate, and be a good person in the next life!" Although he felt that Pan Chen in front of him was very different in peace time, he didn't say much. He scooped out a bowl of soup from the well beside it and handed it to Pan Chen.

Pan Chen had learned the soul before and reached for it. He dared not take it with one hand, because before I saw a soul holding it with one hand, he was kicked directly by the child behind him after drinking In a dark hole, Pan Chen knew that this was a livestock road!

Pan Chen seems to remember that, as far as he knows, in her previous life, Meng Bao was holding a bowl of soup in his hand and was drunk and never fell in love with him. This bowl is very forgetful of the effect of water! In fact, Pan Chen really wanted to hide the bowl in his heart, not to drink it himself, but to sell it. He wanted to drink this kind of soup, this is the only kind of soup in the world, but also thought of the disrespect of those souls for the old lady before, and the ending of this scene is really pitiful. At least Pan Chen hasn't arrived yet. For this bowl of plain water, it doesn't make sense to enter the road of livestock, and no longer needs God's blessing.

Out of a moment, God suddenly felt that the old lady was looking at herself, and Pan Chen couldn't help but tighten his heart, nervously drinking the legendary Mengbao Forgotten Soup!

At this time, next to the old woman, a child in formal robes held a golden book in his hand and read some information about Pan Chen, but after a while, the serious child cheered gently, he I feel very strange. Because there is no record of Pan Chen in the "reincarnation of life and death" in his hand, and this situation is only those who jumped out of the five elements.

Not in the seven worlds, holy people who see through life and death will appear, but now this happens in a small soul, so this delivery child is very puzzling. At this time, from a distance, there are several Children in official clothes. They quickly came to the midwife and whispered in his ear. The child nodded non-stop, and even looked at Pan Chen's eyes. The eyes changed a bit. They seemed a little respectful, a little scared, but more pitiful!

This is also the last scene that Pan Chen saw in hell, followed by a strong glare, whistling, disappeared. ..

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