The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1786: Fairy [Six Million Words Wang Wang, Seek Slaughter]

Chapter 1786 Fairy Six Million Words Wang Wang, Slain

From here, the story of the fairy came from the village, everywhere, but the man ordered the village chief. This matter cannot spread. The villagers were also afraid of it, so they did not spread to the surrounding villages, but the fairy came. The comfort of Xinghua Village is broken. Every family wants to send their children to fairies to learn the art of fairy tales. One by one, they scrambled to build houses for fairies, not even on the ground.

As the only carpenter in the village today, Li Fu was involuntarily hired by the village chief, also to help the fairy master build a house.

Pan Chenshi did not use Zhang Ru's heart, so he did not use the curved wind to rush past. It wasn't until dusk in the afternoon when the sun went down from the west that she returned home, only to find that her mother was busy eating dinner at home. I couldn't help asking: "Ma'am, why is my father not at home? Does he work around him?"

Mr. Wang suddenly saw his son, who had been home for nearly two months, go home. He is very happy. He looked around and sighed, how long his son spent outside, but he grew stronger and taller. Looking at a young man in his early 20s, he couldn't help but wonder how the food in college could be so rich. When he saw Pan Chen, he asked his father as soon as he got home. He stared involuntarily at Pan Chen and said, "As soon as you get home, ask your father." I haven't seen you for two months. You ruthless little guy, my mother loves you so much. "

Pan Chen smiled and scratched his head, flattering his mother, took out the sugar-sugar cakes specially bought for his mother, and said, "Why doesn't the son miss his mother, didn't he bring so much to her?"

After listening to a good word from my mother, I only heard my mother complain: "Son, you are not a big event in these villages. Some Luzi came out to travel as Taoism priests." All along, in the woods where you study, I found the village Growing up in the first few days, showed the magic of the fairy, saying that I will live in our village for a long time, and I plan to gather a few disciples and a few people, and ask our village to send strength. Go build a house for him, but your father was taken away by the village head, and he did n’t go home. "

Hearing what his mother said, Pan Chen frowned deeply, wondering in his heart that this man was also a fairy. Min Huizi didn't say that Yuzhou was very remote. How could he meet another person and find his village? I didn't plan to go. I thought Pan Chen hurriedly said a few words to my mother, then he looked at the fairy with a smile, and took his father home by the way. Under Wang's order, he walked out of the house and walked towards Lin Xingzi.

This road is naturally composed of art of accumulation and interest, looking at the faint sound of trees, and then pours in. Deep in the forest, a dozen people in the village are sorting out their tools, and they seem to be finishing their work. The village chief yelled as a foreman. He is so powerful that he dare not leave a good influence on the fairy and his children. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to be loved by the fairy and accepted as a disciple.

When Pan Chen looked at the crowd, he found his father's figure, welcomed him, and helped his father take over the tools in his hands. Hey, he explained what went home with a smile, that is, he looked around but saw it not far from the grass. There was an old futon, sitting on a priest in a white robe, looking at him. The eyes of these two people intersect in the air. Pan Chen was shocked involuntarily, this person could see through his breath. It was much smarter than him, and the inexplicable thoughts in his heart made his eyes shrink back in a complicated way.

Although the Taoist was breathing and fluctuating all over his body, he looked at Pan Chen's eyes with a disdainful look. Although seeing Pan Chen was also a surprise, he looked at the fourth floor and puffed up. , Also called carpenter his father. Obviously, the children in this village gained some fairy advantages. If they are not injured, a fireball can wipe it off, that is to say, the injury at this time is very serious, and it also fell into the training on the fourth floor. However, it cannot be compared to the shaggy boy. It won't take much time to kill him. I just want this child to be quieter. Don't mess with him. There is an urgent need for cure.

Pan Chen thought, before stepping out of the forest, he looked back at the Taoists and thought, his eyes penetrated the layers of trees, but then the Taoists closed their eyes and let out a breath. Obviously I felt Pan Chen's identity to cultivate the gods, as if Pan Chen did not pay attention to the general.

Pan Chen was startled again, and couldn't help wondering what a fairy master had done so deep in this remote village. He also chose a small place where he would meditate and learn about Qingxuan meritorious service, but he still could not be a treasure.

After dinner, Pan Chen did not know where he wanted to go. At present, such a fairy came to the village suddenly, he did not know what he was looking for. It's best to go to Junzhou to see when everything is fine.

Late at night, Mom and Dad fell asleep again, but Pan Chen was still awake. When he returned home, he felt it. The priest seemed to really have no time to pay attention to himself, watching the erratic breath and pale face. Presumably there must be scars on the body, whether they are ignored or not, in any case, they are not sure whether they can fight him. Taking the wooden sword sent by Zhang Ru out of the bag, I was pleased that I only put down the package after returning home, otherwise if someone found this thing, according to Min Keiko, I am afraid there will be some struggles.

Pan Chen thought about the wooden sword carefully, and couldn't help thinking of the court art recorded in Qingxuan Palace. He didn't practice until the seventh floor. It shows that God can control this matter and drive thousands of miles to the first line, which is the magic of imperial magic. And this little sword Minhuizi is also said to be a magic weapon. I think it can also rely on this technique to resist. Only you can practice the appearance of the fourth level. I am afraid that you cannot practice this imperial art.

However, if you think about it again, although the spiritual power of the person you see today is ups and downs, his spiritual power is inexplicable, and you can see through your accumulation and interest at a glance. If he is not ready, he will see his contempt. If there is an accident that offends him, or if he feels a wooden sword, I can't help but encounter some trouble. My parents are ordinary people. If they are implicated, it will be bad.

Moreover, if this wooden sword was not given to Zhang Ru, he would only say that Minhui's son could build him, and he could be restored into a great progress. He knows nothing about the world of Xiuxian, and his future to Junzhou is unknown. If he does not have some self-defense skills, he will worry that this is not a good thing. Currently, he will settle down, take out the Qingxuan Palace, and carefully read the explanation of the imperial art.

I couldn't help feeling my own mud ball palace, and I was surprised to find that there was already some mist, and this mist was obviously the spirit recorded in the book. It is necessary to practice seven layers of spiritual cohesion, and the body's openings will be cloudy and there will be things. Pan Chen is now born of God, how can he be unhappy about this?

As the book was carefully, slowly pulled out the plate, walked through the mud ball palace, out of a few mists, carved a mysterious mark on the wooden sword, these small, simple marks, so that Pan Chen did not Finish until the sky is bright.

This feeling seems to have a trace of contact with the wooden sword. It seems that the mind is turned in a circle. The sword can generally move, but the fact is the same. I saw Pan Chen read an action, the sword suddenly swung into the air, but did not stop . Even Chen Chen fell to the ground, crying in pain, his head tightly frowned, and some sweat on his forehead.

Half an hour later, his mother Wang Shi had already made breakfast. When he came to wake him up for breakfast, he was much better. During this time, Pan Chen seemed tired of ng and hurried back to his room after breakfast, and did not even come out for lunch. His mother, Wang, looked a little anxious and asked him if he was sick, but Pan Chen said there was no problem, but he just felt a little tired. Rest awhile.

Pan Chen spent all his time in meditation. At night, his father walked out of the room to eat together. After dinner, he fell into the room and continued to practice, spending the whole night. The pain caused by the forced sword disappeared, and a few wisps of gods dissipated in the Maru Maru Palace were regenerated.

Pan Chen was happy to repair the art of the palace, secretly thinking that he finally had some cards, and he was not too afraid of the white robe, saying that he could not talk to him. That is, at night, when Mom and Dad stayed asleep, Pan Chen put the wooden sword across his waist and secretly walked out of the yard.

As the wind bent, Pan Chen walked deep into the forest. After a while, he saw several houses that were about to be built, and the door opened wide. He sat looking at his white robe. Pan Chen flew around. The Taoist people seem to have known this general and said with a sneer: "Daoist friends are not at home, what are you doing here?"

There is no doubt that the contempt among the gods, but when his eyes fell on Pan Chen's waist, his pupils shrank sharply, and his face also changed a lot. He said to Pan Chen: "Peach Friends should be lucky. When he was young, he had reached four levels of training. "There are also magic weapons to accompany me. I don't know where the tutor is. "Can you tell me one or two?" At present, he smiled and welcomed it. Apparently, Pan Chen brought the magic weapon given to him by his master, and there was also a kind smile on his face.

Only Pan Chen ’s sharp eyes saw the Taoist stand up and bow, his face flashing over the cruel God. When he came to himself with a kind smile, his heart was startled and he hurriedly looked back. Several thick wooden vines emerged from where they stood. This is obviously the magic wood vines used by Taoists, but they were only evaded by Pan Chenj under the impression of Wu.

When Taoist people saw that Pan Chen gave up his magic, his heart was surprised, but the boy's good luck stopped. He looked at Pan Chen with a sneer and said, "I didn't expect all the unexpected technology to be avoided by Taoist friends." I admire it. "

When Pan Chen saw that Taoist people had not done so for a while, he carefully followed the surrounding area and said, "I haven't seen a Taoist teacher in the end. He just thought he was a **** and came to see him How could Taoism meet at such a low school? "Do you have to find a way to secretly? "

As soon as the Taoists heard Pan Chen's words, they thought, this is just a lucky boy, set foot on the fairyland, but they do not understand the common sense of the fairy world. They deserve to fall into their own hands. Once they get the low-level magic tools, if the wounds on your body are healed, you must look for the misfortune of Lao Zhao. ..

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