The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1784: Deep eyes [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Chapter 1784 Deep Eyes Six Million Words Net Wang Wen, Begging to Kill

Zhang Ru nodded, as if he didn't understand, put the beads in his arms, turned his big eyes, and the thief glanced at Pan Chen and turned over from his head. The faint ears were a little red, and they buried their heads and stopped talking.

Pan Chen did not notice this, his deep eyes looked at the sky, so far away, no one knew what he was thinking, the time seemed to be fixed at this moment. If it is really fixed, life will be like a piece of drifting wood, drifting in the wind, accompanied by the water, not walking. This long journey is a walk. How can we stop and slowly look forward to the past that has passed away? ?

In the afternoon, because of the teacher's order, people did not dare to go too deep in the woods. Most of them only made shallow progress, so they came out. Pan Chen and the other six did walk a lot under the drumming of Zhang Ru, but slowly, they saw the terrain gradually rise, the wind gradually became rapid and cold, and the other four people said nothing and refused to go. Go ahead. Zhang Ru had no choice but to do so. I had to go back with them, my little mouth was always spit out.

As night fell, there was a pile of fire on the river bank. A master in his sixties was walking between the fires, slowly telling an interesting story of an admirable saint in his mouth.

The first sacred name is Wang Zheng. Like his name, he is an iron bone reader. It is said that when he was young, he met an obvious fairy and said he was a fairy. He was willing to point out with him to help him embark on the road to eternal life, but this Wang Zheng was the only person who saw him when he was young Willing to point out to him and help him embark on the road to eternal life. But all he wanted to do was his knowledge, but he was not interested in embarking on the road of fairies, so he politely refused fairies. When he saw Wang Zheng, how did he know that the fairy would not go with him? He changed his face, but in vain. Go to the king, whether you want to go or not.

Wang Zheng's son is strong, and now regardless of respect for the fairy, tells his wife to go to the city to buy a coffin, so to see him, the fairy is not afraid, sneered three times, saying it is difficult to die, there is a way to tell him to go with him. When Wang Zheng heard that he was angry, when he told his wife and daughter that he was gone, he would put his books in the coffin and find a place to bury them. Even if he cannot be buried in it, his soul will be buried in it and will be in a deadlock. This kind of desperation finally moved the fairy and fairy sleeves, and a fire came out of the thin air. In a moment, Kung Fu turned the mahogany coffin into ash, leaving a book page, empty, leaving only one Popular legend.

After all, they are still a group of young people, and they like these fairies and other things very much. Wang Zheng sighed, saying that Wang Zheng gave up such a good thing, not even Xian Yuan wanted. On the one hand, he admired his firm learning attitude and imagined indefinitely, but he only heard the teacher say: "The world also heard of immortals, and immortals are also regarded as mortals." In fact, the choice of Saint Wang Zheng was wrong, It's not wrong. For decades, life has been in a hurry. If you live against your will, even if you live for thousands of years, what is the point? ".

Then the teacher organized the students to respond to some poems, and time slowly passed. Qinghui brushed three thousand miles, shining into a ray of smoke, but depicting the moonlight on the Qingshui River. The whole river seemed to be covered with a thin layer of silver wire, and it seemed to become a ray of green smoke. of. Zhang Wen wrote several poems and was sleepy. When he yawned for a while, Pan Chen told her to go to bed early. A small tent is prepared for two people, but there is no need to worry about being fooled.

As the night grew darker, the students walked into the tent one by one, leaving only a few people watching the night by the fire. The orange flame was bright and dark blown by the wind of the river, and the wood was beaten. It's just that the sound is very low, and it gradually becomes quieter with the passage of time.

Pan Chen didn't enter the tent, smiled at the vigil, and said hello. He walked to the riverside alone, walked aimlessly, and slowly quieted around, but only came to know a few occasionally. The moon walked faintly westward, the sky seemed to be covered, and the river was a little lighter. Pan Chen remembered something, but forgot to stop for a while, and walked straight away, away from the winding river and thinking about the forest Deep in the middle.

I don't know how long it has passed, and a faint halo floats from the front. Pan Chen regained consciousness and looked around. When he looked around, his heart was suddenly startled. He inadvertently walked into the woods and looked at the surrounding trees. I'm afraid I have gone farther than during the day. Carefully feel the direction of the aura's fluctuation. Pan Chenyi boldly believed that he had come in anyway. He was not in a hurry for a while. He unknowingly used the art of convergence and fun and went in this direction.

After walking for half an hour, I finally saw the source of the halo on the cliff, but it was a small tree with dim moonlight, and seven or eight red fruits hung on the tree, shining. Climbing up the cliff slowly, Pan Chen felt that the slow cycle of spiritual time became a little uneasy on his body, as if vaguely rejoicing. For a while, I should be affected by this little tree. I walked in and looked at it. This little tree showed a completely transparent green face. The fruity branches have only one leaf with a bright dew in the middle.

If you want to come here, this is the spirit that Min Huizi wants to find, but I do n’t know how to use it to promote it. Now, Qing Xuangong's practice has not improved for nearly a month, and Pan Chen has been dizzy for a while. Looking at this tree of spirits now, Time seems to see a series of opportunities to increase the number of repairs.

Looking at the eight red fruits hanging on the branch, Pan Chen felt traces of hunger in his stomach. The thought in my heart quickly turned around. When I thought about it, ordinary people on the mountain could not help eating it when they saw it. They are talking about a little fairy, but they are afraid of something. When they took a look, they picked a fruit. Swallowed.

Who knows that this fruit turned into a clear stream. Pan Chen hadn't tasted anything yet, so he slipped into his throat and swallowed it into his stomach. Pan Chen checked his mouth, there was no special feeling, thought that this tasted the first time there is no taste on the stomach, that is, pick another taste, knowing that the arm has just been raised, and then feel the clear flow flowing into the belly slowly increase the temperature . Breathing a strange ray of heat, slowly attached to the meridian around the body.

Pan Chen didn't dare to sit down and look inside, but then the body's meridians turned red. The hot Pan Chen seemed to fall into the fire, which was very uncomfortable, and the whole body's spirit quickly ran up on its own. Slowly, Pan Chen, who was freed from Pan Chen ’s control, was surprised. At present, he did not care much, tightened his mind, controlled the operation of spiritual power, and followed the work route of Qingxuan Palace one by one. To control. Endure the pain of the meridians, such as bone erosion.

I don't know how long after, Zhou Tianyun's twelve rounds turned down, and Pan Chen's restless spirit gradually closed, calmed down, and calmed down. At this time, the meridians and internal organs in the body seemed to be covered with a layer of red light. The meridian is also wider and stronger than before. When I try to run the mental power, I immediately feel a healthy feeling, and the number of mental powers has also greatly increased, more than double that of the previous one.

Pan Chen is very happy that this little fruit has such a great effect, not only has he broken through the repair, but also strengthened his body meridian, although he has reached the fourth place of Qing Xuan Gong, it has reached the fourth place of Qing Xuan Gong Bit, and not only is there a big difference, but there is also such a big influence, he has such a big influence. This is really good. No wonder Minhui's son is so eager to practice. This matter is really a big temptation for fairy practitioners.

Opening his eyes, Pan Chen's eyes couldn't help flashing two strong lights, and straightened to a foot before dissipating. Looking at the thick dirt on his clothes, he smiled and shook his head, wondering how long he had stayed here. Although its running speed is a little faster than before, it took three to four r time.

Such a long-term miss, thinking of Zhang Ru's lovely and stubborn appearance, could not help worrying. He stood up, patted the mud and dust on his body, picked the remaining seven fruits from a small tree on one side, hugged them in his arms, and immediately saw the green tree suddenly withered, and soon became With a handful of black soil, it dissipated as soon as it was blown by the wind. Pan Chen slapped his tongue, but he didn't know why, so he stopped paying attention to it.

The tree is quiet, and the small animals that are not very active are gone, bent by the wind, but left the woods in a quarter of an hour. I saw that when Ruying was on the bank of the river, there were still a lot of artificial traces, and a bunch of extinguished fire could also be seen, but there was no one at this time, and it seemed very light. Pan Chen strode toward the river, so he couldn't do it and had to bend back to the wind.

Pan Chending slowly approached, looking at a small boat, it was floating along the river, swaying with the flow of the river. The stones on the ship's side were slender to Pan Chen, and looked very pitiful at a glance. But this is not Zhang Ru's younger daughter, nor who.

Looking at her sitting there so quietly, Pan Chen only felt very astringent in her heart and could not tell how she felt. Slowly relaxed, facing Zhang Ru's side silently, looking at her head and looking down at the river, Dudu's small mouth was fixed in a daze, and the small mouth was still thinking something, but just looked at I couldn't say a word for a while.

Obviously, these little girls who disappeared for no reason are waiting for themselves in this way, looking at the rolling boat, every r on the little girl ’s arm and leg must be paddled, alone in this desolate Of uninhabited places linger. Little girl, little girl. Surrounded by the forest, at a glance, I don't know how she persisted.

Zhang Ru slowly realized that there was an extra person beside him, and immediately raised his head happily. This is a familiar face of Pan Chen. He fixed his eyes on himself. His calm face was very complicated. But Zhang Ru was unable to take care of so many people at this time. When he saw Pan Chen, he cried. His hands kept patting Pan Chen's chest, and his voice gradually grew louder. The only thing I heard was: "Brother Li, where have you been? I'm so worried about you, you know, oh." The crying Ben Hong's eyes were getting redder and tears weren't alive.

Pan Chen's heart is very self-blaming. There is no reason to blame himself. I don't know when the heart began to care about this little girl, but only then did he find that he gently rubbed the little girl's head and hugged her slowly. It also made her cry, soaked in muddy clothes, hot tears also seemed to pour on Pan Chen's cold heart, slowly raising some temperature.

Waiting for Zhang Ru to cry halfway, Pan Chen let go of her, stopped crying, looked at the Nonglihua in the rain, and smiled coldly, "Xiaoju, you look so ugly crying." "Looking at her dazzling pair of eyes Eyes and eyebrows, Pan Chen hurriedly said: "Want to know what I did to these r? "Sure enough, this sentence made the little girl resent the beauty of the uprising, opened her eyes and asked curiously:" What did you do? "

Looking at the slowly flowing river and the green hill opposite, the sky behind the mountain seemed to be a little sunken. Pan Chen slowly opened his mouth, his voice, unable to tell the distance, as if it had accumulated for many years.

Chapter 10 Farewell to Chang Ting

Just like Pan Chen wanted to say, that night she met a woman in white clothes, and suddenly a thunder came from the sinking sky, as if she had awakened Pan Chen's heavy thoughts sitting alone on the stone slab by the river. After slowing down, he said: "Well, girl, it's going to rain. Let's go back first. I have time to tell you the rest of the story." Seeing Zhang Ru's obvious disobedience, he looked up. Then said: "Xiaoju, you have to be obedient, you have to know that you are not in a hurry now, ah, go to the cabin as soon as possible."

"The boat is like an arrow, and Pinghu looks like a mirror without waves." Pan Chen shook his flesh and flew over the canyon of Hongfeng Lake. After a while, he went to the shore of the lake and landed. When Zhang Ru pointed out that he was about to board the ship, the two rushed to Qingyan Town. On the way, Zhang Ru kept asking Pan Chen where he had been in the past four or five days. How can the college organize a lot of people to find it?

Pan Chen just lied casually and said that he inadvertently walked into the misty valley and could not find the exit for a long time. It wasn't until this morning that the fog was scattered in the valley, he could come out and shout out the unfortunate voice. Zhang Ru looked at Pan Chen's God suspiciously. He saw calm, without ups and downs, and could not see whether what he said was true or false, but Pan Chen was intuitive and still speechless. She is a smart woman and never asks again.

As soon as the two returned to the college, they met the teacher who taught them in front of the courtyard, that is, Master Zhou who presided over the college exam. Zhou Zi saw himself rushing into the college and stared at him. One of them is a student who has been missing for many years in the Qingshui River outing. Now he kindly asks: "Pan Chen, are you back?"

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