The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1781: There is no other choice [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Chapter 1781: There Is No Other Alternative

Putting down his mind and returning the wooden sword to Zhang Wen, under the gaze of hawker Xi Rong, Pan Chen did not show any different look, blinked slightly invisible, and did not speak. In the end, Zhang Wen bought the wooden sword for two dollars and two dollars, happily showing off Pan Chen in his hand, and he was very proud. He had no choice but to laugh.

Although he knew that Mujian was certainly not an ordinary thing, he had no other thoughts. At this time, Pan Chenshan was just a young man who had just come out of the mountain. Even if he held Xuangong, he was just a teenager. I didn't expect Zhang Wen's vision to be so good. At the same time, I couldn't help thinking of the cloud yesterday in the vision of Minghuizi Taoist, and I gradually had my own ideas.

However, it is said that Zhang Wen had already harvested this small wooden sword, but Er Ru tied her daughter's hair ribbon to the hole on the hilt, and ignored Pan Chen's strange eyes. He carried it, playing in his hands from time to time, with a small white face on his face. An ancient wooden sword attracted the attention of passers-by from time to time.

These two people went around in Qingyan Town again. After rμ, Ming r will be sent to the admission list r / son by the school. At the beginning of the lantern, the town was gradually shrouded in darkness. However, Zhang Wen couldn't wait, and La Panchen went to the night market. Pan Chen took away the little girl, and then he turned around.

When they walked aimlessly on the street, they saw a tea house in front of them, where there were many guests. Zhang Wenyi was curious and dragged Pan Chen in. When they saw it, he became a white-haired man in his sixties, spitting and talking about books. When eating, the crowd listened attentively, and loud applause rang from time to time on the road.

Pan Chen bought tea for a dollar, took a cheerful Zhang Wen to find a seat, quietly taste tea, listen to the old man talk about the magical wonders he has seen.

But I only heard the old man enthusiastically say, "In a flash, I saw the fairy in the blue miniskirt hiding on the ground, watching it, it flew into the air, standing quietly, waving his hand, Suddenly five or six fireballs appeared in front of him. For a while, the woods were all red. Secondly, I was young and I was in good shape, but I couldn't stand the heat, the sweat was soaked, and the clothes stuck to me , And later I was very sick. It scared my mother-in-law's family. "

The old man said that at this time, he seemed to drink a sip of tea with his eyes squinted, as if recalling the scene that year. When eating, the crowd dared not urge him. This second old Zhao was very grumpy, and an unhappy person lost his hand and left. Then I can't hear such a fairy story. Although this broken thing of the old man has been said more than a thousand times, only people can't say that there is Seth's voice. If they have something to say, ah, don't want to say, but they don't have this ability. According to Master Zhao, there is no fairy's fate, no fairy fart.

"I saw the fairy in the green robe waving his hand, and the five fireballs around him flew to the 100-foot-long python. For a while, the fire flashed into the sky, making the python's skin and flesh, and the python was unwilling to show After being weak, the fairy moved. Gigglingly opened its big mouth in the blood basin and spit out a skate. About a hundred skating children were filled with cold light, as much as possible to the green robe fairy floating in the air, green robe The fairy knew that her face was more dignified at this time.

This was a pat on the waist. It flew out of a large iron shield. The palms were in vain. It grew up in the wind and soon became a shield of a few meters. It was like an iron wall blocking all the ice. The thorn, and then the fairy patted his waist again. Once again, a silver sword with a ruler came out, and the straight sword walked towards the python. When he did n’t want to stab the seven-inch long python, he was hit by the tail of the snake that had just been swept, and then fell off. To the ground. The sword kept shaking. He flew again and fought against the python. "

The hall was talking about spitting. Hearing heartbeats beneath the hall, he said that the needle could be smelled. When he talked about beauty, he cheered. Pan Chen shook his head, looked at Zhang Wen, and rolled his eyes.

In my heart, it is difficult to realize that Qing Xuan Gong is really a merit of the fairy. In the eyes of Cang Yun, the princes are fairies, and the old priests who worship in the temple are fairies. The white woman who left a volume of Qingxuan merits in the past year is also a fairy. So do I also want to count as a fairy, my own level r? How can you have some strange skills, called fairy, but this is strange. Suddenly, Pan Chen only felt the movement of the heart and the heart, and immediately felt the breath of Taoism Minhui, he met the first two r, he did n’t know when he entered the teahouse, and sat away Pan Chen is not far away. Sipping slowly with a cup of tea in his hand, a slap-sized compass was placed in front of the table, and the pointer happened to point in the direction of Zhang Wen.

Pan Chen frowned, a little angry in his heart. This Taoist is absolutely unfriendly. The anger between Zhang Wen's eyebrows is probably because of him. Pan Chen had vaguely realized this before and didn't want to pass these two r? He really found it. After looking at the compass, Pan Chen thought he could not avoid it. If something really happened, he should not know his accumulation and interest skills. When he is unintentional, he must be asked to take off his skin.

Pan Chen settled down and looked at Zhang Wenzhou's young daughter, she was listening to her busy voice. She shook her head helplessly, and accidentally glanced at Min Keiko again. However, he saw his plain eyes suddenly shining brightly, staring at Zhang Wen's small wooden sword on the table, his longing and greed suddenly became undisguised.

Seeing Pan Chen's surprise, this matter was really bad. Quickly grabbing the wooden sword, he could not help dragging Zhang Wen, and hurried out of the teahouse, eager to go out of the city, feeling that the man was also collecting a compass, following Pan Chen, staring fiercely at his two eyes. Even Zhang Wen, who was surprised and angry, shivered coldly, but noticed the Minghui Taoist behind him.

At the beginning of the night, the air was a little cool, but Pan Chen felt dry and hot, and his heart was hot, and the three walked out of the city a few miles away. Pan Chen stopped leisurely. Shivering, his mouth white, and his forehead sweating Zhang Wen, patting his slender shoulders, beckoning that everything will be ok, handing him the small wooden sword in his hand and putting it on the palm of his hand.

Zhang Wen clutched the small wooden sword tightly, looking at Pan Chen's firm eyes with a delicate and worried face, and his heart slowly calmed down, feeling that there was a cool breath on the sword, spreading through the palm, spreading all over the body, very comfortable . The heart also slowly felt not afraid. The little white face was a little red cloud, but Pan Chen kept holding her hand and never let go from the tea house.

Pan Chen turned around coldly, looking at Min Huizi a few feet behind him, and said, "That long man followed me in the middle of the night, I don't know what to do."

Min Huizi saw that Pan Chen had stopped, and his restless mind was not suppressed. When Pan Chen asked him like this, Zhang smiled wildly and said, "Ha," originally wanted to slowly wrap up this girl named Zhou, and follow Master to practice, but I don't want you to be so lucky to get a low-level magic weapon. Once you take it into Dao Ye's hands, you sell it. In exchange for a batch of elixir, the Taoist master has not been repaired much, and his life expectancy will increase. "At this moment, there was a sound of laughter in the distance, everything around was very quiet, and the birds in the forest were silent.

Pan Chen was so excited that Pan Chen looked at the wooden sword held tightly in his hand and looked at his little brother. Fang Caimin Huizi said that the original intention was to find spiritual things for him. Is there anything strange about Zhang Wen? In retrospect, there are some eyebrows. There are so many people taking the exam in the university. Others do not seek their own way, but others do not seek themselves. So many street vendors looked at it, but they found an old wooden sword on a ground stall. Pan Chenqing couldn't help looking at Zhang Wen, the little girl shivered immediately. The big eyes were filled with tears, and the weak said, "If you see people doing this, they are not lying to you on purpose."

Pan Chen was full of profound connotation, but it was clearly understood by this female movie. When Pan Chen complained that she pretended to be a man, she shook her head and neither of them explained, looking at the fierce smile facing Minghui ’s son , Said: "The Taoist dare not shake her eyes. In the next little sister is a real mortal, how do we find a spirit for Taoism, and this little wooden sword, if Taoism really likes, in the next one can also convince the little sister to put It gives Taoism, probably like a Taoist fairy. I believe I will not be entangled with vulgarity, what do Taoists think? "

Min Huizi heard about the **** of speech, and he thought that anyway, after harvesting the magic weapon, he would leave this vulgar land, away from the wilderness, and practice in another way, even if he did not care about these two mortals No loss, he also showed his fairy style. It's just that the calm expression of this young man named Li is not praying for him, but in an equal negotiation. This makes the prospect white and beautiful, and the seemingly high Min Huizi looks very unhappy. But I never thought about his robber's behavior, where his behavior came from.

Thinking that the first two r were the man could not help pulling the girl with the surname Zhou, so I came to find it specifically today, when this is a great disrespect, there will be a murderous heart in my heart, Stare at each other. Zhuang Yiming said, "Your child should be so rude to Master Daoao. If Master Dao releases you, Rouer won't be turned upside down now, now Dao Ye will replace you, ruin you, and ruin this. The girl with aura, then ruin this girl without aura, and the girl with the aura is also destroyed. It is a good thing to ask you to have a companion in the underground of Huangquan. "

Min Huizi didn't wait for Pan Chen to finish his argument, and took out an old yellow letter from his arms, turned into a bowl-shaped fireball in the wind, grumbled at Pan Chen, and screamed at Pan Chen. Zhang Wendun screamed on the way to the two people and said, "No, no. Tears finally came out of the thin, lifeless Pan Chen sleeves, his eyes widened, and she didn't wait for her to react. The fireball is about to fall on your body. Your eyes have turned black. Have you fainted in the past? "

Later, Pan Chen reacted when Min Huizi took out the cards, but I did not expect the paper words to directly fire the fireball, which started too fast, and the small fireball hit like a meteor. Pan Chen came up with a countermeasure and hurriedly grabbed Zhang Wen. He embarrassedly rolled onto his body on Monday. Fortunately, he let the fireball feel the heat of the skin and meat, as if he were to be baked. ..

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