The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1779: Bibo 3000 [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Chapter 1779 Bibo 3000 Six Million Words Wang Wang, For Slaughter

Zhang Wen saw that Pan Chen didn't understand what he meant, and his calm face Say didn't seem to tease him, but he just pointed to the boat in front of him and said, "Brother means renting a boat in front of him to see the lake. "Bibo, 3000 feet, a leafy little Lanzhou, doesn't Brother Li find it interesting? "With that face, he looked at Pan Chen," with a beautiful woman, fluttering in the wind. that's good. After laughing twice, he suddenly ignored Zhang Wen's red face and a pair of negative hands, shook hands with him, and went to rent a boat.

The boat swayed into the heart of the lake. At this time, Pan Chen slowly stopped the oar, standing on the bow, looking at the mountains in the distance. Behind Zhang Wenbai's small face, there was still a red cloud, staring at Pan Chen's beautiful back. From time to time, mouthpieces.

For a long time, with the ups and downs of the lake, the boat quietly left the heart of the lake. Pan Chen also turned his gaze to the distance, looking back at Zhang Wen's somber look. There was a trace of reproach in his heart. "What's wrong with Brother Zhou?" Zhang Wen looked at Pan Chen's eyes, as if he opened a heart knot, slowly dropped his sad face, and hung a signature smile. However, in Pan Chen's eyes, he looked sweet, superficial and enthusiastic. This is really a little girl, a smart little girl.

"Brother Li, why don't we go mountain climbing? Look, there is a small temple on that mountain, just right, we can worship the gods." Zhang Wen smiled and pointed to a misty hill not far away. Pan Chen looked at him in the direction he pointed. There is a verdant mountain in front of him, and there are Taoist sceneries on the slope, which looks a little handsome. But this is not the small temple Zhang Wen said, just see the plaque in front of the gate like clouds and running water, there are three big words: Cangyun Guan, three legs and two ears bronze tripod under the plaque, tripod incense, a wave of smoke from time to time. Pan Chen closed his eyes and smiled at Zhang Wenhe. "There are Tao scenery on the mountainside, but it is not a small temple. The incense is good, and it is not bad to see it."

Tied to the foot of the mountain, along the winding Qingshi Mountain Road, the two began to climb to the slope, along the pine forest verdant, the forest birds laughed, accompanied by Zhang Wen chatter, the other side of the road seemed to be alive.

"Look, Brother Li, what kind of bird is that? What beautiful feathers." "Brother Li, look, there is a squirrel, over there, um, that's a snake." Then he was startled, pulling Pan Chen's sleeve without looking around and quieting down.

To Pan Chen's surprise, the little girl was surprised along the way, her feet were not slow at all. After walking for two and a half hours, she has been strong and strong. Look at what it looks like on weekdays. This is what it is now. It is far away from the little girl's feet. The little girl was surprised along the way. His feet were not slow at all. After walking for two minutes, she has been strong and powerful.

Walking into the depths of the mountain forest along the fork, after a while, I saw smoke in front and Taoism between the mountains and rocks, as if there was nothing. Two old willow trees were planted in a small open space in front of the observation deck There are thousands of wicker sticks hanging on the body of Qu Yanshu. Swaying in the wind, as if facing someone.

There is a big tripod between the two trees, three feet and two ears. It seems that there is some puzzling rhythm that contains it, that is, the meaning of producing dust, and then look at the plaque with smoke you have seen before. The font on the plaque also seems a bit dexterous, and Pan Chen looks familiar.

Recall carefully that for a while, after practicing Qingxuan Palace, his handwriting seemed to be very dexterous, and he had some thoughts in his mind, but he said a few words silently in his mouth, and gripped some magic with his fingers. It records the accumulation and interest of Qingxuan Palace, and the aura fluctuates from the body.

When Pan Chen completed all this, it was only a moment when Zhang Wenfang beside him couldn't help standing under Taoist temple. That was when I stayed. When he recovered his mind, he looked at Pan Chen, and the woman's nerves sensed Pan Chen's difference keenly. In the end, there is no difference, but I ca n’t tell. I just feel that the gentle and soft affinity is a little small, but more natural and more real. Pan Chen is too calm in the soft appearance. A pair of dark eyes gives a sense of invisibility. At this time, it is good. Careful Zhang Wen can see that the silk of Pan Chen ’s eyes is different, as if looking forward to it, there is also a faint look on his face smile.

Around the bronze tripod, on the viewing platform, the Taoist view is not big, three pairs of pedestrians holding incense candles, stopped and walked beside a few incense dings, I saw a tall temple door standing not far away, there are three above Ancient writing stands on a plaque. This is the sound of a melodious bell of tranquility. Walking around, there is a stall selling candles in a corner of the yard. Pan Chen smiled strangely, but was stopped by Zhang Wen.

It was an old yellow-faced Taoist who sold candles. In his forties, he wore long hair and a bun, sitting on a rag ball, from time to time pulling his loose beard on his chin, and there was a little water droplets in his eyes. When they saw Pan Chen walking with each other, they showed a deep smile, but when their eyes swept to Zhang Wenbai's face, they paused, then looked at Pan Chen, and then looked again and said, "No How much heaven. "Do these two donors want to buy candles? "

Pan Chen smiled when he first saw the Taoist, but the little students showed that he was not so relaxed at the moment. He did not wait for Zhang Wen to speak. He returned the Taoist gift and said, "Yes, I came in a hurry." But I didn't bring some joss sticks, so I wanted to buy some so that I could worship the gods. "

The Taoist smiled slightly and said: "The poor people saw that these two small donors are sincere people, and it is impossible to worship the gods." When Pan Chen said he took some incense candles, he also promptly He was given some silver money, took over the incense candles, looked at the Taoist people indifferently, and pulled Yan Wenbin away. He went somewhere else.

"Please stay with the donor!" But that was the voice of Taoism behind him. Pan Chen looked back at Taoism. As if he had expected it, he said without a taste of fireworks: "I don't know what happened to the long line."

Taoists seem to be familiar with why Pan Chen is so calm, and said with a smile: "The little donor is not surprised. Poor Minhui son, is it Taoism? From this perspective, can you ask the two little donors the surname Gao ?"

Pan Chen and Seth ’s heart are even more different. Does this person see through the art of his accumulation and interest? However, Pan Chenguan, a person with shallow breathing, is obviously the same as when he practiced the second layer of Qingxuan Gong. With a gentle smile on his face, he said, "No, this boy's surname is Li." This is my next friend, surnamed Zhou. "

However, the smile on the speaker's face slowly faded into a serious face, his eyebrows were still deep, his eyes looked at Zhang Wen, and he pulled Pan Chen's cuff like a spiritual light. He stretched out a haggard finger thoughtfully, pinched it carefully, and walked straight across the tea set, saying, "The pitiful way is just to look at the faces of the donors of the Zhou Dynasty. He should have been a blessed person. , He does n’t want to look at it any more. ”However, it was seen that the donor ’s eyebrows were vaguely infected with a little black spirit, condensing without dissipating. When I was approaching if there were signs of disaster, I wanted to come to this cloud. Move, but have a certain number of their own. Earlier on, I was afraid that I would use poor methods to help the donors in the village through this disaster. "

Pan Chen also looked at Zhang Wen, his eyes flashed a spirit, only to see that his forehead was indeed lingering with a black gas, I do n’t know why, I am afraid, as this person said, there will be around r Disaster happened. The Taoist said that this was to stop the silence, the haggard palms were shrunk in the sleeves, and the two looked slightly silent when they looked at each other, a face high and deep, deep eyes do not know what to do.

Zhang Wenyi heard the Taoist family say this, but he didn't believe it. He just turned his head and looked at Pan Chen. Pan Chen also closed his eyebrows and pondered. Obviously, this person is saying that even if this is true, think about it. There was a scared look on his face, but he was suddenly confused, looked at the deep appearance of the Taoist, pulled up Pan Chen's cuff, shook it, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Li, the Taoist said is that true?"

As the saying goes, Zhang Wen just asked helplessly, but when asked the expert, Pan Chen smiled back lightly, patted Wen Xiu on the shoulder, and said, "Brother Zhou, don't panic." The Taoist son named Minhui joked with me Say. I think that the Zhou Lingtai brothers are full of gods. Where does it look like there will be disaster? Let's go. Let's go to the hall to worship the god. What don't you know? He was sent away by the gods. After speaking, if her little hand had no bones, he walked away, leaving only a quiet sentence: "Don't say more, but don't scare your friends and say goodbye." No, no. "

When I saw Pan Chen, I told him a lot, and then I pulled Zhang Wen away. Min Huizi's gentle eyes suddenly showed a trace of resentment, his face exposed with venom, coldly looked at Pan Chen, and then ignored him, silently read a few words to Zhang Wenbei. He took out a yellowed note and pointed at Zhang Wen's back with a flick. He saw that the paper sign was lit from the thin air, and it burned into an ashes in the blink of an eye, and was caught by the Taoist.

Take a compass size on your arm, wipe the paper dust directly on the compass, open your mouth, and blow out a halo of breath. All of a sudden, you can only see the compass, which was originally still, spinning rapidly. In an instant, it seemed to be locked in something, shaking and pointing in the direction of Zhang Wen.

In a blink of an eye, he finished all this, smiled coldly, put down the compass, returned to his gentle face, closed his eyes gently, and took a deep look. ..

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