The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1761: Really flattered! [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

& # 160; & # 160; & # 160; "Oh, some cousins ​​are really flattered!" Pan Chen wrapped the old man ’s knife edge with a knife edge, turned around and said with a smile. .

"Oh, Pan Chen's little friend, Song Tai was just worried about what happened to her father-in-law. She was confused and offended. Please don't worry!" Master Song Tang only reacted. He smiled awkwardly, holding a small one Fist apologize.

"Oh, nothing. I can understand Lord Song's mood. The boy was really not sure at first, so it was a fluke!" Pan Chen said secretly, but he secretly scolded Master Song Tang in his heart. Fox.

What made Pan Chen more admirable is that the master of the Song Dynasty was worthy of the master of the auditorium, and his skin was thicker than the city walls.

Xu Chaohua had met several cousins ​​and was very kind to Pan Chen. He did not know that the treatment of the elderly in bed had been completed.

At the same time, he didn't hear Pan Chen's speech, and ran out of the house, told the woman named Xiao Cui the good news, and brag about Pan Chen's medical skills and esoteric words outside. At the same time, don't forget to report your credit.

"Pan Chen, I don't know what disease Mr. Liang has." Lord Liu Tang turned off the topic and asked in the face of a confused interface.

When asked this question, the other three cousins ​​are generally the same. They all looked at Pan Chen suspiciously, waiting for Pan Chen's answer.

However, Pan Chen did not directly answer the question of Master Liu Tang, but a step, from the rich female housekeeper, stuck a little black blood that had not yet solidified.

"Seeing this black blood, I think these four cousins ​​guessed one or two!" Pan Chen told the four people to take a closer look at the black blood on their fingers and said gently.


The four cousins ​​were not sure, but at the same time they also withdrew in surprise and also confirmed their thoughts.

It turned out that when the black blood spewed out, they had guessed that the so-called Master Liang was destroyed by some strange poison. If it were not for the elderly to wake up, they could not help saying it.

"Yes, his old man did not suffer from any serious diseases, but he was poisoned by others!" At this time, Pan Chen's voice, the rich housekeeper in the corner of his eyes glanced at him, and his eyes flashed an invisible sneer.

At the same time, as soon as Pan Chen spoke, the body of the rich steward shivered again, the cold sweat on his forehead was wet, his expression was confused, and he felt nervous like a ghost in his heart.

Pan Chen could clearly feel the sound of his heart beating, and he kept beating.

When the four cousins ​​heard these words, their hearts were more certain. However, they still do not know who did it.

Pan Chen continued: "At first I was surprised that his father had a pulse, but I'm not sure." In order to confirm whether my guess was correct, he just boldly tested a few points of his with a silver needle! "

"Well! If I knew who poisoned his father-in-law, his old man, Song would have peeled his skin and broken his bones and corpse!" The owner of the cabaret hummed coldly, his sleeve flicked, The sound is cold.

"Liang Dabang has a strict defense, even the martial arts master will not easily break in, it seems that his old man's house must have a problem!" Liu Tang moved in his heart, such analysis.

"So, Mr. Wu feels that Liu Tang's words are not unreasonable. In this way, Liang Daren must have a mole in his house, otherwise others will not be so easy to succeed!" The master of the martial arts museum nodded in favor of him. .

Although Lord Kuitang did not speak, he nodded his head in agreement with this guess.

"The poison in his old man is called auricularia auricula. It is a plant very similar to ordinary auricularia auricula. It contains a lot of toxicity." After drying, it is ground into a powder and put into some foods that cannot be found. This poison is colorless and tasteless when taken, and there will be no abnormalities at the beginning. But within seven or forty-nine days, you will gradually weaken, as if suffering from a certain disease, causing natural death! "

Pan Chen thought for a while and said the old man's name.

However, he said it with ulterior motives. Obviously, he gave these four cousins ​​the main clues they were looking for.

"You mean, Song understands, thank you Pan Chen for raising!" Song Tang's master narrowed his eyes and looked at Pan Chen. He smiled slightly and stared fiercely at his eyes. In the middle of the speech, I suddenly thought of something, as if I suddenly realized the general.

The other three masters were confused when they heard this sentence, and the second monk was also confused. He did not know why the master of the Song Dynasty said something inexplicable.

But Master Song's words and deeds made the three of them understand many reasons.

"The rich housekeeper, you always take charge of eating with your father-in-law. You say, what the **** is going on?" Song Tang's main face was like ice and frost, and his hands asked the trembling butler.

The rich housekeeper listened to the glass of wine and shivered with a throbbing heart. He unconsciously was already wet with cold sweat behind him, and his forehead sweat dripped down.

"Song, Song's master, the villain doesn't know anything!" The wealthy housekeeper tranced and stuttered. Looking at his nervousness, he was obviously lying.

"Well! Since you don't know anything, why are you so nervous, obviously your heart is not good. I asked you, where did you go when you slipped out of your house that day?" Master Song Tang snorted coldly. Then, thinking of the suspicion of the rich housekeeper that day, he continued to ask his voice fleetingly.

Me, me! This wealthy butler hasn't answered in a long time, his body is shaking even more. "When!" There is a voice. A white jade bottle as big as the mother's finger fell from the cuff of the rich housekeeper to the floor.

When they saw this, they looked at the white jade bottle that fell on the ground, and there was a little doubt on their faces.

The rich butler hurriedly bent down and picked up the white jade bottle.

But at that time, a palm was a step faster than a rich butler, and the palm owner was Pan Chen.

The wealthy housekeeper wanted to grab the jade bottle, but let the Song Dynasty master hold his shoulders without a penny. The rich butler only felt his heart slam again, completely in despair.

Pan Chen opened the bottle cap, smelled it, and said softly, "This is a poison made from 'Black Fungus'!"

When the four cousins ​​heard this sentence, they certainly could not make it clear. They looked at the rich housekeeper with cold eyes, the gunpowder in it was very strong.

"The Song Dynasty will forgive his life! This little man was confused for a while and was ordered to poison Master Liang!" The wealthy butler knelt on the ground, pulled the robe of the master of the Song Dynasty and howled.

"Well! Who asked you to do this? What was his purpose?" The Song Dynasty master kicked the rich butler mercilessly and repeatedly asked.

"Shuangdaomen" instructed the villain to do this. They wanted to know more about Yun Jianzong's situation. This villain was completely forced to do so! "The wealthy butler said honestly.

But his last sentence is completely untrue.

"So, did you whistle that day?"

"Well, you can bypass that villain!"

"A man like you deserves it! Who will come! Pull the rich housekeeper out and ask someone to cut it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two disciples with long swords entered the room immediately, without saying a word, they raised the rich housekeeper who was kneeling and begging for mercy, and dragged it out.

A few days later, the so-called adult Liang fully recovered ...

The four masters of Yun Jianzong personally visited Pan Chen in the pharmacy, and awarded Pan Chen the title of "Divine Doctor".

The four of them agreed that Pan Chen did a lot of work, not only to cure the last licensed guru, but also to "unintentionally" help eliminate the moles in the clan and solve many problems.

This matter spread to the permission clan, named "Dr. Feng Shen", has become the focus of clan internal discussions, more than the reputation of the white doctor.

Among them, Xu Chaohua was the happiest, not only promoted by the masters of the Song Dynasty to Hutang incense master, but also successfully won the love of Xiao Cui.

He was tired of being together all day, and even Pan Chen was jealous of seeing them.

In this regard, Pan Chen had to think that women were truly great creatures and took over their only good friends.

On this day, Dr. Bai returned to the clan and heard rumors about "Dr. Feng Shen" along the way.

He was a little confused at first, but when he thought about it, he guessed seven or eight. Among the clan population, "Dr. Kamikaze" is mostly a registered disciple.

"Okay, this old man has been alive for a few years, and you make a lot of money from it, but this is not important. Those pseudonyms are not important to the old man, let you enjoy it!" Dr. Bai walked To himself, it was difficult to hide the color of sarcasm on his face.

But at this moment, there was a burst of laughter in his ears.

"Dr. Bai, you can count it back. Wu thought you were missing, making me think so hard!"

"Oh, Master Wu Tang, as soon as the old man returns to the clan, you make fun of me. Dao is like the owner of the martial arts hall, which is a little refreshing than four years ago!"

"I would also like to thank my registered disciple for giving me the elixir, which not only improved my internal skills, but also made my body stronger. Doctor Bai can teach such disciples, he is just a famous teacher and a Noble disciple! "

"Oh, Master Wu Tang is full of praise. The little disciple just learned some fur medicine, don't hang your teeth!"

"Dr. Bai is too modest. Dr. Feng's eleven acupuncture methods were all seen by our four cousins. You even passed this rare therapy to him, which is still a fur medicine!

Doctor Bai was shocked, did he master the method of acupuncture? It seems that the formula is not very helpful to him, the old man is really looking forward to it!

"Why doesn't Dr. Bai speak?"

"Ha, nothing, there is something important for the old man, don't chat with the owner of the martial arts, goodbye!" In this way, put your hand on your back and walk away. ..

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