The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1759: Some hate [six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Chapter 1759 Some Dislikes Wang Wen of 6 Million Words, Seeking to Kill

Feeling Pan Chen's eyes, he couldn't help smiling and nodding. Pan Lao's face remained the same as before, but Wang Lao's face suddenly cooled down, and Pan Chen seemed to dislike it, and even disgusted.

Pan Chen frowned, and naturally understood Wang Lao's heart, and couldn't help getting angry. The king's elders, selfish, jealous, and cronyism, indeed tarnished the prestige of a patriarch. Even though he was the old man of Jin Dan, the young man was pure in heart and disregarded him involuntarily.

"In that case, I will make you hate me a little more." The young man was full of indignation. He turned around and looked up at Wang Qingshan in front.

Suddenly, Pan Chen's heart sank, the surrounding space changed, and the world became a group of gray faces. In the middle of the sky, a book of heaven stands in the sky, like a blue and black sun. And right under the sky book, a small one-foot-tall man sitting cross-legged, his body covered, his skin is crystal clear, his face is the same as that of Pan Chen, but there is no Pan Chen ’s spirit.

Compared with the time when the gods were born a year ago, Yuanshen seemed stronger and deeper at this time. When the power of God slowly increased, it was already unusual.

In fact, Pan Chen is not willing to use this trick, after all, there are too many mysteries and unknowns. Pan Chen is of course young in spirit, but this is pure, but this is not to say that he does not understand the truth that money is not white. However, the behavior of Wang Lao made Pan Chen very shameless and filled his heart with a sense of justice. Even at the risk of being exposed, Pan Chen felt that he would overthrow Wang Qingshan opposite Wang Qingshan and smash their plans!

Pan Chen reached out his hand and looked at the dragon-shaped secret line around him, with a trace of determination in his eyes. He raised his hand and patted hard. For a moment, the power of God was like a flood that broke through a dam, poured out, and was absorbed by a dragon-shaped secret line.

The next moment, the vision changes instantly. The gray space disappeared, and the familiar scene above the ring appeared in front of it. Then there was a three-foot sword, black and blue.

In front, the giant megalithic giant was majestic, and his heavy feet fell on the ring, making a loud noise, as if nothing could not be destroyed. But suddenly, a black sword appeared in the air. There is no sign in advance, it just appeared out of thin air.

Compared with the three-foot-high rock giant, the spirit of this sword is so small and fragile. But it is this insignificant sword, but it is necessary to change the situation of the entire battlefield and break this inexplicable situation.

"Dragon Blade was erased and cut off!"

This was a powerful blow. The black sword seemed to stir up the endless wind and clouds. There was nothing in front of it that could not be destroyed.

Like a boulder hitting a thousand waves, the blue and black selenium gas pushed away and broke through all obstacles. If the wind, like lightning, dances with a violent storm, it seems to tear this piece of space.

A shocking scene suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes, what the **** was the poison of the black sword, and actually hanged the rock giant in front? !

On the high platform in front of him, Qi Rongyang suddenly stood up and shocked his face for the first time.

"That is."

"No way!" Wang Longyang almost lost his voice and shouted loudly, his face even more surprised.

"This is the god!" Even though it has always been an indifferent elder, the body at this moment could not help but be shocked.

"This sword spirit is a shredded form of divinity." In addition to opening the spiritual roots of the five elements, this leaf is still a solemn body! "

I don't know who is yelling in the square. The name of the solemn body echoed almost throughout the test rig. At this moment, the crowd boiled, preaching the solemn body of Hershvin.

Above the ring, a blue and black sword danced in the strong wind. It cut through the sky like a sword of God, and slashed to the rock giant in front of the people. A force of tearing xμng spread out, and the black sèo aura on the ring, and the strongest of them, a three-foot-long sword-shaped substance, were firmly cut above the rock giant.

You can't imagine how a three-foot-long sword splits into a three-foot-tall rock giant, just like you can't imagine its unparalleled power. The nearly immortal rock giant collapsed. In the blue and black sèlight of the sky, the huge rock giant fell into pieces and disappeared from the ashes.

Before this, no one had any hope for Pan Chen. How powerful this huge rock is so invincible that no one can stop it. This is a high-level spell, and it is a respectable thing for a monk who is still in the early stages of gas refining.

However, in everyone's eyes, in front of the public, Pan Chen can do anything, once again break the routine, it will not be possible.

Opposite, Wang Qingshan's pupils suddenly condensed into a ball, high like a hill, like a rock giant, splitting inch by inch in his appalling eyes, and turned into fly ash. Suddenly Wang Qingshan only felt a soft body, no longer has strength, and a swaying one, he fell to the ground and faced the gloomy failure.

All this is Wang Qingshan's greatest dependence. He was broken in that terrible sword spirit, defeated so much, and there was no suspense. How many people can master advanced spells on the fifth level of alchemy? Wang Qingshan did so, and he was proud of it and despised the masses. But at this moment, his confidence was shattered, destroyed in the spirit of the sword, and destroyed in the hands of Pan Chen.

First a brief silence, then a cheer. People shouted loudly, venting the joy in their hearts, and could hardly save themselves. How many times have you been there? How many years? How difficult is it for their ordinary disciples to stand up and defeat such a powerful family? People are very excited, at least in the next five years, these families will no longer have enough power to swagger.

Chi Shan and others looked at Pan Chen almost ecstatically. What else in the world could rarely reach the young man?

Uncle Zhu stood aside, standing in the cheers of the crowd, announcing loudly: "This battle, Pan Chensheng!"

For a while, the sound of cheering became more intense, but in this fierce cheer, Pan Chen suddenly softened. Hearing the news of victory, Pan Chen finally couldn't stop his headache and fell to the ground.

This scene caused a sudden commotion. On the high podium in front of them, many elders immediately stood up, looking at Pan Chen, eyes full of longing, for fear of what happened to this talented teenager. Qi Rongyang in the middle was the first. His eyes were filled with heat, and he quickly flew to the ring, and Pan Chen picked it up.

Qi Rongyang inspected carefully and found that Pan Chen was only exhausted by the power of divine knowledge, and couldn't help but smile. He reached out and took out a pale blue elixir, and handed it to Pan Chen's mouth, saying, "Come on." He took the elixir. "

After all, Pan Chen was not when God was born a year ago. He did not immediately collapse in a coma. He nodded weakly, Pan Chen took Ling Dan.

The entrance of Danyao will become a clear spring stream. Pan Chen's head only felt cold for a while, and then the torn headache slowly improved. For a while, Pan Chen felt that his divine power began to recover slowly, even though he still had a headache. But it is not so strong anymore.

Pan Chenxin knew that the medicine was nothing special, so he looked at the door in front of him. When he saw an expression that cared about himself, he couldn't help but feel grateful. He immediately saluted him and said, "Thank you, the real person in charge of medicine."

Seeing Pan Chen, Qi Rongyang looked at the ritual, remembering that the old Ru Wang had a different description of it, and he couldn't help but feel sulking. There was a trace of apology in his heart, Qi Rongyang nodded to Pan Chen and smiled slightly.

At this time, on the high platform in front of him, Yu Lao came out and stopped. Waiting for the people outside to calm down, he immediately said aloud: "This year's finals are over, I announced that Pan Chen won the championship!"

There was cheers and boiling sounds from the bottom of the field, and the ears were deaf. Waiting for the stadium to calm down, the old man said: "Please give the prize to the champion by real people!"

Everyone's eyes are focused on Qi Rongyang, this outstanding manly manner, hands and feet have some inexplicable majesty. At this moment, he smiled at Pan Chen and said, "The champion has taken a step forward."

Pan Chen took a step according to his words, came to Qi Rongyang's body and bowed to his body.

Qi Rongyang nodded and said, "Today we represent Tianyang Zong, and give you this, Jin Yuandan." I hope you can work hard to build a foundation as soon as possible and make more contributions to the prosperity of my Tianyang clan. "Qi Rongyang took out a fist-sized jade and handed it to Pan Chen's hand. Pan Chen took over Ding Yuandan and said, "The disciples must live up to Zong Men's high expectations."

Yu Lao, who saw the scene above, turned his head and shouted at the crowd: "So, I will announce." This big exam is officially over! This time, the third team was included in the list, follow me to the Zongmen Hall! "

In the crowd's voice, Yi Hongyue and Ye Yuhan walked out of the crowd and stood in front of the platform.

In the ring, Qi Rongyang waved his hand, wrapped in a beam of light, lifted Pan Chen into the air, and then flew to Zongmen Hall for the first time.

Yu Lao cast Yi Hongyue and Ye Yuhan in the back seat to support Yi Hongyue and Ye Yuhan. They came to the Zongmen Hall with seven other elders.

Qi Rongyang was suddenly taken aback, not feeling the anger and dissatisfaction of Ding Guoqing for a moment, just saying: "Difficult or unsuccessful is the third failure?"

"Well, the third point?" Once Ding Guoqing changed his usual kindness and calmness, it seemed that the spiritual root of the "Five Majors" was his anti-balance. Ding Guoqing even ignored Qi Rongyang's identity and the existence of so many people. Angrily said: "The five transfers to Yuan Gong are Yuan Ying's non-existent compilations. Stabilizing is the fifth pass!"

"The fifth course?" Everyone in the auditorium couldn't help but be surprised. Qi Rongyang was even more surprised: "Even if there is a collection of Tianyang Sect, it is extremely difficult to find the Trinity Linggen technology. Can you have such a valuable skill in your hands? "How could he give it to the first disciple who entered the clan? "

"How many things I have in Ding Guoqing has nothing to do with the real person in charge, is it?"

The eyes of the elders snuggled tightly together, showing an aggressive, extremely strong appearance. Qi Rongyang listened and couldn't help being depressed, but at least he refrained and said: "The five essential elements and spiritual roots of this son are just one of his talents. His dignified body is the key to what he can do now." It's hard to say The merits of Ding Guoqingfeng and Yuanshen will exceed the top of my head and cannot be achieved. "

"Does the real person in charge want to try the power of the old man's knowledge?" Ding Guoqing said, shaking his body, a strong divine power rushed to Qi Rongyang. Even Pan Chen, who was standing behind him, couldn't help but face the white face and felt the power of this power.

Qi Rongyang was attacked by this force. When he was caught off guard, he shook his body and took a step back. His face suddenly appeared ugly, glaring at Ding Guoqing, and said, "What do you mean, old Ding Guoqing?" Did the patriarch dare to take charge of teaching? "

"The old man just asks the boss to see who is strong and who is weak, and to understand the facts."

"You" saw that Ding Guoqing humiliated him in front of his elders and three generations. Qi Rongyang couldn't help but furious, and immediately fought, but when he thought of Ding Guoqing's amazing power, he couldn't help but get angry. Can't help but have a cool heart, the anger of the chest was down, and just turned to Pan Chen: "That boy, we ask you, do you want to enter my Rongyang Peak?"

This Qi Rongyang apparently transferred his anger to Pan Chen, at this time his heart no longer has any love talents, full of raging anger and shame.

Pan Chen looked at Qi Rongyang in front of him, believing that as long as he said he didn't want to, Qi Rongyang's boss would definitely hate himself.

At this time, Pan Chen was full of doubts. He didn't know why he suddenly got angry at the kind elders and competed with his boss in public. But now, no matter what he thinks in his heart, he must make a choice.

Pan Chen looked at Qi Rongyang. At first, the impression he gave was excellent. Even though he was just humiliated by his elders, Pan Chen respected his boss, but now he is so angry. However, Pan Chen's view of him is much lower. Ding Guoqing has always taken care of his elders for this, and Pan Chen is naturally more grateful. Even if a sudden scene subverts his impression, it is no longer the amiable old man in his heart, but there is no doubt that Pan Chen's feelings for the old man are much greater.

Immediately, Pan Chen's heart came to a conclusion, saying: "Back to the door, since the disciple agreed with the elder's opinion earlier, it is contrary to a gentleman to betray oneself now.

Pan Chen's words were not finished yet, but the boss snorted, interrupted Pan Chen's words, and took a deep look. His angry hand left the group unexpectedly, leaving a group of surprised elders.

Pan Chen also panicked immediately, looking at Qi Rongyang's departure and turned to look forward. I saw the old people laughing at the corners of their mouths, staring coldly at Qi Rongyang as he went further and further.

The seven elders sitting on the top behave differently. Seeing the departure of the person in charge, Shi Tongyang immediately shouted anxiously and followed. Wang Longyang next to him was sitting there steadily, regardless of his own appearance. Beside Wang Longyang, Li Shiyang's expression remained the same, but he frowned slightly. On the other hand, Cheng Yuyang and the other four elders shook their heads and smiled painfully.

Surprisingly, none of these elders showed surprise, but at best, they were just surprised.

Compared with many elders, the following three Pan Chen are shocked and abnormal, and do not want to go to the top of Tianyangzong, there is such a turbulent undercurrent. Yi Hongyue and Ye Yuhan are better, but Pan Chen's face is very ugly. Even if he is young, his mind is very sharp. Do n’t you know that he was inadvertently involved in the whirlpool of this fight?

No one expected such a scene today. The elders shook their heads one after another. First, Li Shiyang and Yi Hongyue left together, and then Zheng Yuyang and three other elders left the hall together with Ye Yuhan. On the contrary, Wang Longyang finally left, and he even came over to say hello to Ding Guoqing, but even Pan Chen could see the gloating in his eyes.

After a while, Ding Guoqing also took Pan Chen away. At this time, Ding Guoqing had restored his very kindness to Pan Chen. But the more he behaved, the more creepy Pan Chen's heart was. Considering a scene in the hall, Pan Chen could not connect the domineering Ding Guoqing with the amiable old man in front of him.

The wind and rain of Tianyangzong, Zhangmenfeng and Qi Rongyang.

"The brakes of anger, the brakes of anger me too!"

"Ding Guoqing, the matter of dogs, we are paying less and less attention to our boss. Old man, we have to cut him a thousand times!"

"Woo" gasp came, Qi Rongyang's eyes were red, thinking of the humiliating scene, Ding Guoqing's unattended eyes, and all the old and new grudges. Qi Rongyang only felt a anger in his heart.

"When you are in charge of this door to calm your anger, you must not destroy our great plan because of the anger of the moment." Shi Tongyang, who is next to him, suggested.

"Our seat is in charge of the door, and the master controls the size of the door, but Ding Guoqing pressed him everywhere, and today even prevents us from coming to Taiwan. We do not want to do this in my heart, I don't want to do it!" Screamed and sighed.

"The real person in charge must calm down. Ding Guoqing is very strong now. We should temporarily avoid the edge and accumulate our own strength. This is not the time to turn my face."

"To accumulate power? How to accumulate power? For us, it is not easy to expect a talented disciple, the five spiritual roots, or the bodies of the gods! As long as training is done, if the time is fulfilled, now he was robbed by Ding Guoqing when he was born. , How to accumulate strength? If you let him be arrogant, Rong Yangfeng's son will be dug out by him! "

Shi Tongyang heard this, his voice was low, and said: "This sudden face of Ding Guoqing, as far as I can see, should be related to that matter."

When Qi Rongyang heard this, he immediately shook his heart and said, "You mean that Pan Chen is that thing."

"Yes! If Pan Chen had nothing to do with his plan, even if Ding Guoqing was arbitrary, he would have to worry about the elders and would not dare to turn our face easily. Because of this, Ding Guoqing tore himself without hesitation s face."

"If it is, it is a godsend!" Hearing Shi Tongyang's words, Qi Rongyang couldn't help but open his eyes and seemed to see the hope of bringing down Ding Guoqing.

At this time, Shi Tongyang was confused and asked suspiciously: "Where did you get this opportunity?" If Ding Guoqing's plan succeeds, it will only be stronger. "

Qi Rongyang smiled coldly: "He Ding Guoqing thinks he has a good plan, how does he know that we have learned everything?" This time, we want him to lose money! "

"How to do it" Shi Tongyang was confused at first, but later lost his love. Did he say, "The boss means." Forever, the thing is that the old man told you too much, the secret of the melting hole is involved. If there is something wrong, the old man will be furious! "Old, old!"

"Tongyang does not have to convince me, we have made up our minds, and we must not let Ding Guoqing's plan succeed!" Qi Rongyang's eyes are burning with a vicious flame under the flashing light: "What kind of majestic body, I have to No one can get it! "If you follow me, you will die, if you oppose me. "

"Please think twice, boss!" Shi Tongyang shouted, but could not stop the revenge in Qi Rongyang's heart. ..

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