The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1757: What are you shaking? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

Chapter 1757 What Are You Shaking? Six million words Wang Wang, seeking slaughter

Bluestone is controlled by Yang Jian. Not only was she nervous, but she was trembling, full of fear and fear.

"What are you shaking?"

Yang Jian's eyes are as sharp as an eagle, and his cold eyes are facing poetry, and his cold exploration.

Qing Shi did not answer, pretending to be a calm rhetorical question: "What are you going to do?"

However, her mood was still shaking, her eyes were turning, her eyes were blinking, and she was afraid of looking at Yang's health, obviously an expression from her heart.

Yang Jian's eyes were sharper, and his eyes were cold and sharp. Feeling oppressed Qing Shi from his ruthless momentum: "I have been following you for a long time, and your actions and thoughts tell me that you have nothing to do with it."

Yang Sheng's words, like the ruler of the sentence, suddenly defeated the fluke in Qing Shi's heart, causing her to fall into deep despair and fear.

"Forgive me, I was forced"

Half of Qing Shi's body softened, and she was too scared. Yang's momentum is completely beyond her ability to bear. Between life and death, she chooses to beg.

"I can serve you all my life." As soon as this green poem raised his head, he grabbed his head and took it out of what it thought was the most beautiful gesture. Although she tried to suppress her fear, her trembling body exposed her timidity.

This is the suppression of unequal power, which she cannot bear.

Yang Jianjian glanced at her with a smile in her eyes. This suggestion is very tempting and deserves his consideration.

However, he has other purposes in mind, just to understand what he wants, and he feels that it is not too late to consider Qingshi's proposal now.

In addition, this young poem is only 14 or 5 years old, and his body is not mature enough to arouse interest. More importantly, he is in his early thirties and has no hope of practicing. When Qing poetry grew up, he was old and weak. Will he not wear a cuckold in the future?

Pressing the heart of the heart, Yang Jian looks very positive and has a harsh tone: "I don't care what your purpose is, it has nothing to do with me." But as long as you answer my doubts, I can consider your suggestions. "

When the expression of this poem changes, she thinks Yang Jianjian is a sign of her makeover. Her heart thumped, her face was pale, no blood, and there was no anger in her eyes.

"Stay away from me, I would rather be a slave, and never dare to abandon it in my life, but if there are violations, there will be five thunders in the sky!"

The poem's voice trembled and cursed, and tears came out uncontrollably.

Yang Sheng was a little angry, staring at her maliciously, and said angrily: "Shut up, I'm not interested in you."

He was very angry, he just asked: Why can't this little girl cooperate honestly, he must consider some things he should not think of? !

It turned out that I was still interested in what she meant, but also because of the stupidity of green poetry. If she didn't hold the handle, if it wasn't because she was the girl next to Chen Ruyu and Ding Yanqin, she would know the two men well and wanted to detect Ye Zhengfeng's disappearance and the lives of Pan Chen and Zhao Ti. Yang Jianjian has the idea of ​​killing people.

Yang Jian's words undoubtedly sentenced her to death, leaving Qing Shi with no last hope.

"stand up"

Looking at the green poem that lost his soul, Yang Jian reprimanded coldly.

Yang Jianjian's tone became mysterious, and his tone was low and strict, which made his poems feel a complete chill.

"Have you seen a stranger enter Ye's house?"

This green poem is stunned and does not understand the meaning of Yang Jianjian. However, since he asked, she could only answer: "No."

For a while, Yang Health did not get any information. He was a little angry and felt that Qingshi was lying to him, so he decided to use some methods.

fling in teeth!

A slender steel needle inserted in the nerve of the green poem, the pain made her seem to fall into hell.


Qing Shi took pain and screamed.

The sound of screaming was too loud. Yang Sheng dared not call the police, who controlled the nearby fire. He waved a layer of sound insulation to prevent the sound from coming out.

It turned out that Yang Sheng looked at the souls of Pan Chen and Zhao Tiejian and was full of doubts. Later, he heard Huacheng's gossip and naturally added a few points, and even doubted whether the two were the sons of Ye Zhengfeng.

At the same time, he felt that Ye Zhengfeng disappeared strangely.

However, in order not to scare the snake, he just secretly looked at Ye Fuli and asked his family secretly.

Soon, he felt the vision of Qing poetry and thought she was a breakthrough. In addition, this green poem is the baby adopted by Chen Ruyu and Ding Yanqin. He thinks she must know many secrets of these two people. As for the identity secrets of Pan Chen and Zhao Tie, I think this girl should also remove some leaves.

Pan Chen and Zhao Di dare not even breathe in the atmosphere. When they heard the screams of Qing poetry, they were more cautious.

Although Ye Yang's health status is unclear, they think it is a harmful molecule hidden in Ye family. As for green poetry, she is naturally one of them.

Sunshine, health, and green poems shone, and their voices were isolated.

When they saw this scene, they all changed colors together, looked at each other, and secretly guessed: were they found?

This suspicion has not been resolved, but they saw a creepy sight.

Yang Jian moved his finger and pressed it against Qing Shi's thin body. Although the two could not hear her voice, they also saw her painful expression. Needless to say, they are also very clear leaves. Yang Jianjian is torturing Qingshi with inhumane means, trying to get the information he wants from her.


They felt that the Qing poem was about to be completed, and the two retreated quietly, trying to leave here quickly so as to prevent Yang Jianjian from discovering their tracks.

Suddenly, Yang Jian roared angrily, patted the light that enveloped the two people, and flashed out.

The bluestone face was blue, and he fainted on the ground without knowing his life or death.

Looking at Yang Jianjian's disappearance, neither of them knew whether to track Yang Jianjian or whether to look at Qing Shi's situation.

The insect song disappeared and the night was silent. Pan Chen and Zhao Tie were standing under the big tree. I do n’t know what to do?

Suddenly, the fainted green poem woke up leisurely, his eyes blank but panic. She was at a loss because she did not know how the leaves fainted, and the environment in front of her stunned her.

She remembered that she had just been to the Ye family, but now she was in the wilderness.

There was a hint of pain in her body, and she frowned and looked at the wound carefully.

There are six to seven pinholes in the body, and each pinhole has blood stains. The hot pain spread from the pinhole to her whole body, making her feel like he had gone to hell.

What have I experienced?

Qing Shi recalled everything he had experienced, and wanted to do his best to recall who made the pinhole. However, her memory seemed to disappear from the river, suddenly hidden, and suddenly appeared in another place, even she was confused.

She doesn't remember any doubts, let alone know anything, she can only give up.

It seems that his own affairs have been noticed, and the Ye family can no longer stay.

Fortunately, I have packed it up and am ready to finish it, leaving Ye Fu. Otherwise, the identity will be exposed, just because of what she has done before, Pan Chen and Zhao Di will definitely not let go.

Today, even if you did the last dangerous thing yourself.

However, they can pierce unknowingly, even if no one knows the leaves. If you go further, will someone follow her to find out who instructed her?

But if you do n’t go today, terrible punishment will surely come.

In any case, this is the last time. Even if an accident occurs, it means that her own people should bear it. This is revenge for her after using her.

It's too late, she can't think about it anymore, so she should finish the last task quickly!

Judging the position of the surroundings, the poem thought for a while, looked up at the stars in the sky, determined the direction, and soon sent the poem to the place where the flame had been extinguished.

It's just that Qing Shi didn't know that she had entered a dangerous place, which made her look confident.

The moon is in the sky, it is already midnight.

After half an hour of winding mountain roads, Qing Shi finally found his home.

In front, the campfire is burning.

There was a man standing next to the campfire. His delicate figure, charming curves, and beautiful national posture made people want to hold them in his arms.

Pan Chen and Zhao Di followed, about 100 meters away from Bluestone. When the two men saw the woman by the campfire, they shook their heads and took a few steps back.

A vaguely evil spirit came from afar, and the goblin was secret and intoxicating, which made people want to send their thanks!


As soon as Pan Chen smelled the evil spirit of Yinmi, he immediately became furious in his heart. . A few days ago, he seemed to be back again, seeing the murder of ashes on the cliff of the murderous monk, his eyes full of hatred. He hoped to stand up and slaughter this mysterious demon himself.

At this moment, the Banshee waiting for Green Poem suddenly turned her head, carefully watching the Green Poem. The Banshee's eyes almost touch Pan Chen's hatred eyes.

Pan Chen was shocked and bowed his head in a hurry. Although he just glanced in a hurry, he still saw the amazing appearance of the Banshee.

The witch's face is colored like jade, Chen Yemei is vertical, and a pair of Danfeng's eyes are full of charm, which is definitely a disaster for red face. Her goose face, cherry red lips slightly open, bright eyes and bright teeth, is really a charming world goblin.

In particular, her eyes are shining like stars, and she seems to be looking forward to affection in the blink of an eye.

The beauty of the banshee has always been surprising, but her figure is more sexy. A green suit is facing the world. That charming body, there is no need to stay up all night to eat meat. It is indeed a rare in the world. Beauty.

Through Huo and Yuehua, Pan Chen and Qingye saw a banshee behind a fiery red tail with red hair like agate, much like a fox's tail.

Fox Demon!

Only such monsters will have natural charm. Legend has it: In order to please the Nine-Tailed Fox Holland, even the Jiangshan Emperor ignored it, causing chaos in the world. Tibet sent a generation of imperial dynasties and sacrificed their lives for this purpose.

I didn't expect to meet the fox demon today. I just looked at it. I don't know the unknown nature. I have no other choice. I want to be with this woman. This fox demon is really confusing, the soul is absolutely you.

As soon as I bit the tip of my tongue, I secretly hid the fire in my heart, and Pan Chen hid it again. My eyes no longer dare to scan the body parts of banshees at will!

He couldn't help having **** at a glance. He was really afraid that he could not restrain his urge to expose the two hiding places.

The fox demon glanced around her eyes without even noticing. This is not to say that she is not cautious, but because she is too confident and thinks that Mei is confused and does not need to be looked at. Even if someone really follows this green poem, I'm afraid I can't stand the confusion of her natural beauty.

However, she needs to know that Pan Chen and Zhao Di were still ignorant teenagers when they were eleven to two years old. They have not been in contact with men and women, they are still in a period of longing. They will be angry.

However, she did not find the existence of these two situations.

In addition, none of them are monks, and fetal rest protection helped them hide their breath, which also led to the erroneous judgment of the fox and demon. . ?

"Why are you so late?"

The demonized sound of the fox is a demon ghost, like a smooth sing "weasel", beautiful listening to you, the rest of the sound around the beam, three days and endless ears.

Hearing such a voice, even though Pan Chen and Zhao Tie did not look up at the fox demon, they felt that the fox demon seemed angry in their ears, unable to express your confusion and emotion.


These two people endured all the disturbances in their hearts, and only secretly talked about the formula of fetal rest protection when practicing and giving up other ideas.

Qing Shi pretended to be very calm. Although she was a woman, she was also hurt by the fox and the devil, and confused the faces of the country and the people. She was not even jealous in her heart.

"I had some trouble when I came out."

She felt like a Luo woman dressed in front of a fox and demon, without any privacy and secrets. So, she won't hide, they don't know anything, and only make the fox and devil have a headache.

The fox demon smiled shallowly, but people couldn't help but indulge in it.

"Okay, did you bring what I wanted?"

The calmness of the fox demon surprised this green poem, she was afraid of it, and the fox demon never even asked about it.

Is she too confident?

Still despise?

Come on, since she didn't ask, why bother asking for trouble. Otherwise, you will feel guilty for your performance, and even life will be left behind.

The green poem was silent for a while, and the voice became a cry that Pan Chen and Zhao Di had never heard of: "Daxian, if I complete my task, you let me go."

"Bring it!"

As soon as the eyes of the fox and the devil were cold, the charming eyes immediately became cold. However, even so, her voice is still attractive.


The green poem became pale, her arms trembling. Not only did she carry the fox and demon spirit, but she was also tortured by her soul. It seems that the object taken away is her life, and the fox and demon are quietly demanding her vitality.

Suddenly, there was a rumble, and the ground trembled.

The sound just fell, but the ground was shaking even more.

The sound and momentum were deafening, as if someone was opening the mountain. The power of formation is like thousands of troops running, dust flying on the ground, blowing a dust, the sky is full of wind.

Knock on the door!

An iron sound, a sound wave, broke the deafening sound, but forced to suppress the rumble and the vibration of the ground.

The demon of the fox was startled, and Mei's confused face became pale, and even the hand reaching for the Jade Bottle in Qing Shi's hand was stalled.

"Don't kill me, ah, don't kill me, I'll get it done, yeah, master!"

The fox demon begged, trembling with cramps, and the bean's sweat beads slipped off the smooth forehead. May just bewildered her, kneeling on the ground and praying in the direction of the voice.

The fox demon's voice was full of fear and trembling, and even his body was trembling.

Who is she?

Pan Chen and Zhao Di have many problems.

Although the fox demon's pleadings were intermittent, they heard the words "Ye" and "Master". These two words are like stars in the sky. Even if the star is bright, people can tell where it is. And these two words, like the direction pointed by Polaris, make them wonder the relationship between the fox demon and the Ye family?

Is she the guardian of the Ye family?

But if it is the "Guardian", why should she let Qingshi take blood?

This question is like a mystery, it is doubtful!

This is a big secret, just like the mountains Hengheng had in Pan Chen and Zhao Tietou's hearts, which surprised them and shocked them.

The fox demon is still howling, she seems to have encountered extremely terrible things, her unparalleled face has become uninhabited, her slender, curvy and moving body trembling like Sun Kang!

This green poem stood next to the fox and demon. When she looked at this scene, she was full of doubt and shock. The behavior of the fox demon is so unusual, she is naturally afraid of being killed by the fox demon!

As for the escape, she did not dare. The fox demon not only tightly grasped her life, but also controlled everything. As long as she dares to run away, the fox and demon will let her survive and die. Thinking of the terrible punishment, she was afraid.

Knock on the door!

There was also a loud voice, and the devil of the fox shuddered even more.

Suddenly, she shrank to the ground with a bright flash of light on her body. There was a shock in the explosion and a sword in the surge.


There was a loud noise, and a huge sword rushed from the abdomen of Zangdanhai. This is a sword. The sword monument exudes the vicissitudes of time, as if to tell the world the merciless time!

The sword blade is black lacquered, like black ink and jade, with no sharp edges, only an ancient and vicissitudes of life. The sword monument is marked with uneven marks, that is, one grain, which is the mark of the road. There was a trace of blood on the grain on the road.

A huge leaf appears in the center of the sword monument, which is the family name of the sword monument.

The stone tablet is a stone that the family verifies the inheritance of blood, and it is the stone tablet cast by the first person of the family according to his sword soul, which many families have. The older the sword piece, the better it can be said that it has been in possession of the sword sword family for a long time.

Who is this fox demon?

How could she have Ye Jian?

Pan Chen and Zhao Di were even more skeptical. At the same time, the two also understood the purpose of the Qing poetry.

When the elders and others left, the sun had become stronger.

Many people slowly dispersed on the test bench, and Pan Chen had returned to his residence and began to restore mana, waiting for the arrival of tomorrow.

No one has bothered him. Although Pan Chen's name has become a hotly discussed topic, but his performance also caused many people to applaud involuntarily. But at such a critical moment, no one would bother him unconsciously. On the other hand, Pan Chener can devote himself to the final battle and prepare for the final battle.

Today's exam is over, but this does not hinder people's passion. There is no doubt that Wang Qingshan's power, but Pan Chen's sudden rise gives people hope. The sinking of Pan Chen in his later years is closely related to his achievements today. More and more people believe that this is a young man who is good at creating miracles.

Chishan and others are more like becoming Pan Chen's staunch supporters, confident in his game tomorrow. They believe in the ability of this young man. Since he can stand up from the criticism of the masses, he will definitely win the championship. Wang Qingshan is very strong, but after meeting Pan Chen, he will also fail.

The day finally ended with a loud noise. On the one hand, people want Pan Chen to win, but on the other hand, reason tells them that such a possibility is too small.

Can Pan Chen win? Pan Chen had no idea. No one could make a judgment before the final decisive battle.

Time passed slowly until the sky, a ray of morning light broke through the night, Pan Chen also opened his eyes, whether it is Wu Shen or Mana God has returned to the peak state. For Pan Chen, as long as the battle is happy, victory or defeat is not important. But soon, Pan Chen's heart began to beat straight, unable to calm down.

"You mean, the reward for this big exam champion will be a condensed Yuandan?" Pan Chen opened his eyes and looked surprised.

"Yes, it is Jin Yuandan." Ding Waner said with a smile: "If you have this trivalent medicine, I am afraid that the bottleneck of the foundation will not knock you down."

"It's just, why the awards for this review are so precious, this is the third level of Dan, and it is still the best effect of Qingyuan Dan. Even if the Jindan brothers should cherish such a panacea, how can Zongmen be willing to reward What about it? "Pan Chen was still a little unbelievable.

"Hey, I heard that." Ding Waner pretended to smile mysteriously and lowered his voice deliberately, said: "I heard that Long Yangfeng discussed the public in the Zongmen Hall. It was decided."

"Why is Longyang Peak?"

"Isn't Long Yangfeng's elder also surnamed Wang? This King New Year's Day wants to come to Wang Qingshan and be ready." Ding Waner's words have some teasing meaning. In Pan Chenli, she is more open than before, not pretending to be charming Instead, it seems to add a hint of green color. ..

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