The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1747: It ’s so silent [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

The dead mountain, like its name, is so silent that it has not noticed any animal's breath at all, as if life should not appear here.

Jump carefully, Pan Chen's body surges, forming an energy circle to protect himself. One step away, after a distance of tens of meters, walk towards the direction of the Hesse tree.


It is difficult for Pan Chen to imagine that this place was once called Wan Shansen, because here, life seems to be dead, and there is a strange energy around it that can deprive any animal of its vitality.

Under this deprivation of life, even fairies will be affected, not to mention ordinary beasts, no wonder this place will become a dead mountain.

"How did the Hessian Tree appear? Why is there such a big influence?" Pan Chen kept guessing, "Fairy Grass Fairy?" Does this have anything to do with her? "

Indeed, as Pan Chen speculated, the appearance of the black tree is related to the fairy hay. The practice of the hay fairy is a real plant formula, a top fairy formula, and it is very strong.

This true formula of grass and trees, the understanding of the plants of the world, the survival and practice of various plants, in order to learn from their own ascension.

The big tree of Hesse is a kind of fairy withered grass in spiritual cultivation. It inadvertently led the way from the realm of magic and is located among the ten beasts. Its unique power makes Wanbeisen a dead mountain. Heisi Xiaoshu is a kind of fairy withered grass in spiritual cultivation, inadvertently leading from the magic field, located in Wansen.

The power of the black fairy tree is strange, it is extremely restrained to the withered grass fairy. Therefore, the fairy withered grass is powerless against the black fairy, even if it has the peak of the golden fairy.

With the emergence of black trees, Wanshansen lost his vitality, and the place where the dead grass fairy lived changed from a wasteland to a green place.

On the one hand, the fairy withered grass is lonely and proud, so he doesn't have many friends, so he can't ask anyone for help. On the other hand, she has limited resources and no background, so she will wait for Pan Chen to solve this problem.

If this nymph fairy knew that Pan Chen could only practice on the level of a fairy, I am afraid he would not be allowed to do so. Because, the **** of heaven entered the mountain of silence, almost died.

Pan Chen has a hidden paradise, and even the fairy Darrow can deceive the past, not to mention the dead grass fairy in the golden fairyland.

Looking up, only three kilometers away from the Hesse Tree, Pan Chen accelerated his pace, like a hurricane rolling by.


Suddenly there was a sound of breathlessness.

Pan Chen turned his head, and a branch smashed with a bang, and the rapid speed and ferocious force caused the air to explode.

As his footsteps moved, Pan Chen hid to the left, staring at the big tree.


There is also a sound, the sound of cracks breaks everything and causes eardrum pain.

A little ground, go right and avoid the attack.

Around Pan Chen's curtain, her face changed slightly. The surrounding trees seemed to be resurrected, shaking the branches and trying to attack Pan Chen.

"Is that what the nymph said? Those big trees under control?"

Thinking of the fairy withered grass, Pan Chen's right hand was slowly raised. There was a circle of grass on the bracelet on the right hand, and the grass circle exuded a force of grass and wood.

Light green energy ripples spread around, stroking the restless trees, and the trees gradually quieted down and restored calm.


Seeing the trees stopped, Pan Chen continued to move forward.

After carrying out no fewer than five tree attacks, Pan Chen passed the distance safely with the power of the grass ring.

Striding thousands of miles away, Pan Chen immediately felt that the power around him had been substantially improved, and the power that lost his vitality was more powerful. Even the shield of fairy power on his body was affected, and the power of the fairy continued.

"What a terrible power" Pan Chen's eyes sank. "What is this black tree?" There is such a power that if it turns into a humanoid form, I am afraid that the direct owner will threaten the power of Jinxian. "

This is only one kilometer away from the power source. If in front of the Hesse tree, Pan Chen does not know whether he can resist that force.


There was another harsh air, and a branch thick as a pillar came over.

In an instant, he escaped the branch attack. Pan Chen reached out his right hand, a light green grass power spread from the grass ring.


Another sound blew the air, the branches were overturned, passing over the remainder in the air, and appeared in front of Pan Chen.


Flashing quickly to the side, Pan Chen's face sank slightly. The power of the grass ring is invalid, that is to say, Pan Chen has to face these trees to be comparable to the real fairy.

These trees are no less powerful than a real fairy, but the attack speed is very slow. The spiritual power, in essence, is much worse than the fairy power. "Wow"



One by one, one by one, empty voices one by one. Pan Chen's footsteps are very clever, often avoiding the attacks of these trees.

For these mentally handicapped trees, even if they have a real fairy-like aura, Pan Chen will not struggle to deal with it. God explores and touches the movement of these trees, it is easy to avoid.

"You must kill them quickly," Pan Chen thought secretly: "Here, even the power of the fairy can't be restored, they continue to consume, and failure will only be me."

With the thought of moving, a mark on Pan Chen's body lit up. It was the flame mark on the left shoulder, which was given to him by Nezha.

The flame was burning, and the whole body was filled with red flames. Pan Chen seems to come from the world of war of God of War. With a wave of his hand, a fire burst from him and burned the incoming branches.

This is the jingle of fire. It can burn a real fairy level when the flame level is not low. It is also the strongest power of the flame mark that Pan Chen can currently develop.


Pan Chen followed the shadow, and the flame of the fire inspired Shay. The flames were stained on the tree. The power of the red fire broke out, and all the trees were burned. In an instant, all the trees were wiped out.

Putting the flame away, Pan Chen's face was a little ugly. Although the tree was destroyed, the power of the fairy in the body was reduced by 10%. Although the bell is powerful, it consumes too much energy.

"It's just the outermost, I don't know what else is inside."

Continue to look forward, Pan Chen's eyes have a faint circulation of light. In this place where God is suppressed, the naked eye is more useful.

In the whole process, Pan Chen experienced three wave tree attacks, each time extremely fierce, but defeated the other party with a ball of fire.

The flame of the body burned and reflected around, and the coldness of God seemed as ruthless. Pan Chen stared at the big tree surrounded by the five people in front, reached out for a ride, and a fire dragon roared out.

The fire dragon and the trunk hit each other violently, and the fire was so violent that the trunk was burned.


The trunk suddenly broke the whistle and rushed to Pan Chen.

"What? Doesn't work?"

Pan Chen quickly evaded, the trunk fell to the ground in front of him, cracked, revealing a gully up to one meter deep.

"Even Zhiming's fire is not useless."

His face was a little ugly, the flames on his body gradually extinguished, and Pan Chen stared at the tree trunks coming and going, holding a long, shining sword in his hand.

The sword is about three feet long, and the colorful glass is particularly dazzling. It contains the colorful light of the glass, and the master can destroy the power of the real fairy. This glass sword was collected by the Tianzi Pavilion bought by Pan Chen later.

As soon as the glass sword shook, a glass lamp came out, and it was easy to extinguish the branches. At the same time, the force spread on the branches and wiped out the entire tree.

Pan Chen was holding the glass sword in his hand, and his face sank slightly. Gradually, a stronger spirit emerged behind this big tree, and the power of the grass ring was reduced to a minimum, and gradually began to fail.

Looking back, the Hessian tree is still inside, and Pan Chen also feels that after walking a kilometer, the surroundings seem to be full of energetic strength.

This prohibited energy made his movements much slower, and the trees attacking people became stronger and stronger, even reaching Xuan County.

"These trees are getting stronger and stronger. Can I deal with them later?"

Pan Chen felt sorry. When he saw the beautiful woman, he lost his ability to think. Even the Golden Fairy Class of the Dead Grass Fairy couldn't cope with it. He even voluntarily dealt with the Black Fairy Tree.

"It's too shameful to go back now, so let's go on."

Pan Chen thought about it, and then said. With a shining sword in his hand, his eyes became more and more serious.

The surrounding power that weakens vitality always exists, and it also affects the massive consumption of fairy power. Before walking 100 meters, the power of the elves in Pan Chen's body was less than 30%.

Soon a piece of Xian Yuan Dan came out of the storage room, and a small piece was taken from Xian Yuan Dan, and immediately poured into Xian Li, filled with Pan Chen's Dan Tian.

Immortal source pill is a kind of elder princess refined by the old monarch, which has the function of restoring fairy power and improving the quality of fairy power. A fairy pill can restore the full power of an ordinary golden fairy.

With only a small piece, it is easy to restore the full power of Pan Chen ’s antenna. With the mysterious formula of the plague god, the spirit of gas reached its peak, Pan Chen continued to move forward.

The statue is small, about three feet, and is composed of green stone tablets.

It was a young man in a robe. The young man looked up to the sky, his eyes deep and distant, as if he had seen through the origin of the world. The book behind his hands is proud to be born, looking down on the world.

The young man stepped on the ground and looked at Jiutiandi. This momentum is natural, his motivation is not anger, but powerful. I have to admire the craftsmanship of the person who carved this statue.

"Well? Where did the young man seem to see?"

Pan Chen looked at the young man's face and felt that such a young man was too familiar. They seemed to have seen them somewhere. ..

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