The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1740: Awe-inspiring [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

"Speaking out to scare you, my eldest brother is the famous Yang brother in this city." Dumb said as he raised his thumb, as if his boss is really a great person.

"Brother Yang, is there this character? I haven't heard of it." Liu Lichao didn't care.

"My elder brother is waiting for you in the old factory building in the Eastern District. My boss said, if you are afraid, you don't have to go." Then he left, regardless of Liu Lichao's expression.

Of course Liu Lichao doesn't care what Yang brother does. He hasn't heard of it, indicating that it is not a big man, but he is going to see, who is so arrogant!

A dilapidated factory building and a dark room in the Eastern District. If there is no moonlight and it is an urban area, nothing can be seen in it. However, because of this, and generally no one will come here.

Liu Lichao brought a lot of people here, probably about twenty, more people than Pan Chen.

"You are Liu Lichao, Super Brother!" Pan Chen complimented.

"Yeah, you're the boss of that kid!" Liu Lichao didn't know if he couldn't hear the meaning or didn't care what Pan Chen said at all.

"You beat my younger brother, although you don't know it is my younger brother, but you have to give me a statement today!" Dealing with such people is more arrogant than him.

"You should apologize to my younger brother, and in addition compensate 5,000 yuan in medical expenses." Pan Chen said.

"What a joke, do you want me to lose money, or do I want to pay my little cock!" Liu Lichao said with a provocative look.

"Since you want to do this, don't blame me for being rude." Pan Chen didn't expect Liu Lichao to lose any money. All he wanted was this effect.

"I'm super, what do you mean to say? Believe it or not, I abolish you." Liu Lichao has also been on the road for so long, the average person who dares to talk to him like that.

Strike first to be strong, and then suffer. Pan Chen rushed over without waiting for Liu Lichao's hands. The people behind saw Pan Chen rushed over and followed him. Liu Lichao didn't guard against Pan Chen. He didn't think he would start so quickly.

The two gangs rushed together in an instant and started fighting. Although there were fewer people on Pan Chen's side, they all carried guys, and Pan Chen's fight was very ferocious, and he rushed past like an arrow. Pan Chen's leadership rushed out of the way, and soon the people on Liu Lichao's side could not be defeated, and the victory situation tilted to Pan Chen's side.

The people on Liu Lichao's side began to flee, and the victory was finally fixed, and Pan Chen and his team won.

That night, dumb took everyone to the restaurant to drink, and then went to ktv to sing. During the time everyone yelled at ktv, dumb took a microphone and said to everyone: "Today I am very happy that everyone can help me out, especially thank you It ’s Pan Chen, no, Brother Yang, Pan Chen will be my elder brother in the future. Whoever is enemies with Brother Yang will be dumb enemies in the future. Although I have no skill, I will never make him better than that. ”Turn around Holding the wine glass, he said to Pan Chen: "I respect you, and you will be my elder brother in the future. If you have anything to do, come and toast."

Pan Chen was also very happy today. He took a glass of wine and dried it. After drinking, he turned the glass over, indicating that the wine had been consumed.

"I would like to salute you again, everyone will be brothers in the future, I hope everyone can take care of each other." Dumb said another drink.

"Dry." Everyone held each other's glasses, and the glasses touched together, and they all drank the wine clean.

Everyone had already drunk a lot of wine when they were eating, but now they have almost drunk, and some are already drunk.


The next day, Pan Chen greeted everyone and said something to everyone.

In the afternoon, everyone called by Pan Chen gathered near a newly developed construction site, with dozens of people standing on the open site.

Seeing that everyone had already arrived, Pan Chen officially delivered a speech, "I am very happy that everyone is here. Today I am calling everyone to have something to tell you. As the saying goes, I rely on my parents at home and my friends. Outside Well, it ’s useless to rely on ourselves. We should unite so that we can protect ourselves. I want to set up a gang and invite everyone here to join. Will you please? ”

The people here have heard such speeches. Although they are not wonderful, they all agree.

"I am willing to join." Dumb first agreed.

"I am willing too." Everyone responded positively, expressing their willingness to join one by one.

"Since everyone agrees, then I will talk about my ideas. Today we will set up a gang. We call it" Wild Wind Gang ", which means wild wind. We will all be one in the future. Blessings are shared, difficulties are shared, and today the Yefeng Gang is officially established. I am the first leader of the Yefeng Gang. Do you have any comments? "Pan Chen made another speech.

"No." Everyone replied in unison. Yesterday Pan Chen's bravery was obvious to all.

"Okay, so much I have to say, come here today, I will inform everyone of anything." Pan Chen announced, looking at him, he already has a leader's style.

Although the gang has now been established, Pan Chen still has no idea about the main direction of the gang.

At this time, dumb came to the door and said that there were important things to find Pan Chen.

"There is good news to tell you," said Pan Chen dumbly, and said, "I bought a house in the West District, a three-story building."

"Then congratulations, you can't see that you are a rich second generation!" Pan Chen said with a smile.

"What, my parents actually died in a car accident three years ago, and now I only live on my parents' legacy and compensation! Although it is not a small fortune, I have not lived Happy, now I can use the money to do what we want to do, why not do it! "Dumb said sad past, motionless eyes, and told me Du du has fallen into the painful past.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't mention your sad things. In fact, I am alone, and I am also a fallen man. The things in the world are often not perfect. Some things are gone, and no one can stop them." Pan Chen listened to Dumb talk about his sad things, but couldn't help thinking of his relatives and friends, and infinite sadness came to his heart.

"I didn't expect Brother Yang and I to have the same experience. Since God treats us like this, we have to live a good life. Well, let's talk about the house!" Dumbly said.

Pan Chen looked at Dumb's face. It was basically the same as usual. It seemed to be inspired by Dumb.

"This is the case. Our gang has just been established and there is no own resident. I want to use the three-story building I bought as the base of our gang. Is this gang like this!"

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