The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1735: Suspicious God and Ghost 【Wang Wen, 6 Million Words, Seek Slaughter】

Looking at the flute in his hand, it seems that he has seen it in his dream, and he seems to be talking to himself. Does this flute sent by grandpa have spirituality with himself every day? Pan Chen smiled at the thought of how he was a little suspicious.

But what happened at night, which god-man or hermit helped himself? Shaking his head, holding his face in his hands for a moment, thinking for a while, he smiled bitterly, turned and walked into the house, found the clothes changed, and walked into the bathroom.

Qingling's water flows through the skin and the dirt dissipates, revealing much fairer skin than before. The meridian beneath the skin seems to flow back and forth like a stream of water. There is no discomfort, but on the contrary it is very comfortable.

Pan Chen didn't know what happened to his body. I vaguely remembered that I entered a purple place in my dream. It seemed that there was a palace. I went in by myself, and then something suddenly flew into my body, flowing continuously along the meridian inside, and now The same feeling. It was just a dream at that time, but I didn't expect to wake up in the meridian to be the same as the dream.

What happened at night? Pan Chen, confused, finally gave up thinking. Despite all that, I haven't done anything harmful. Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. Anyway, I feel strong now, and my normally thin body feels much stronger, although still thin. Perhaps it was the fairy who thought he was good and deliberately gave. ;

As always, winter is getting colder.

Pan Chen, who went out at this time, did not feel the slightest coldness. After a magical baptism, he was not afraid of the cold.

Although the business is not good, you have to open and close the door on time. Even if there is no business for a day, you have to sit on the high platform. This is how you do it. When people's living standards reach a certain standard, they will have a longing to turn back. The finished products produced by the assembly line can no longer meet their requirements. And the unique hand-made not only satisfied their vanity but also gained a good reputation: wearing hand-made reflects the super-era fashion, and has a simple reputation.

Open the door of the shop and sweep the ground. After a long time, Xiaoliang and Qi Lin came to the store one after another. In the off-season of business, if the two came late, Pan Chen would not say anything.

In the news, there was a catastrophe in a mountainous area in the province of g, and the scene made people grimly gamble. According to our on-site inspection, it was even razed to the ground in dozens of miles. The animals and live people at the scene have not yet found one. Only one According to the current situation, there should be no living things for the cadavers with animals and people. As for what caused it, it is still under investigation ...

This morning's news aroused widespread concern among the citizens of country Z.

People are going to die after all, but how to die is not something that can be expected (of course suicide is an exception). Some people want to die, but they are still alive. Some people want to live, but they cannot stop the death of life. Things are often so wonderful, but the person who should have died in a catastrophe survived miraculously. This person is Panchen, the young man in the ancestral hall.

Today, Pan Chen has been staying in a large private residence. It is not entirely correct to say that a private residence is because the house belongs to the state, but in general it is responsible for receiving some important people. This house is located in the suburbs of the capital. It has a beautiful environment and is very quiet. It is suitable for healing. If it is not because of the special circumstances, Pan Chen will not be able to live here. If there is no disaster, this is an honor. !

Although he woke up, he couldn't lift a trace of energy and could only lie quietly on the bed. In addition to the residence of Pan Chen, this big house has only a few very famous doctors (each of whom is a well-known role in the medical world) and a servant lives here. Of course, they are mainly here Take care of Pan Chen.

The reason why Pan Chen received such good treatment was naturally because of the disaster. Thinking of the disaster, Pan Chen felt his first pains. When he thought about it, he couldn't remember anything.

When I woke up, I found myself in this house. As for why I still live, it is not something that I am aware of. Not only is Pan Chen unclear, but also the government does not want to understand. Although all the doctors who diagnosed Pan Chen were superior in medical skills, after several consultations, he still could not find any famous ones.

When I woke up, I could n’t do anything, because Pan Chen ’s body could n’t move at all. This situation did n’t get better until three days later, but it was only able to do some slight movements, even sitting up and relying on others 'S help, this makes Pan Chen really depressed.

However, the situation here is still known to Pan Chen. It was the government who placed him here. As the only survivor of the disaster, the government kept it confidential and did not let anyone know. The government also sent people to inquire about the situation. Pan Chen told them what he knew, but the people of the National Security Bureau did not find any clues after investigating for a few days. The whole thing was still entangled in people's hearts like a fan.

In the past few days, several people have come to understand the situation with Pan Chen, but Pan Chen ca n’t remember anything, and ca n’t ask for any new fame, so he has no choice but to let Pan Chen heal and heal quickly.

According to the government's external statement, the Tianwai meteorite hit Pan Chen's tribe, and the entire tribe died in the Big Bang, and no one was spared.

A month later, Pan Chen has recovered, not only is he better, but also stronger than before. This makes several doctors who cure Pan Chen very puzzled, not only the doctors, but also the government. After a thousand heads, there is no reason for it.

After Pan Chen was cured, it was not easy for the government staff to keep him. One day, an old man came to Pan Chen's room to see him.

Pan Chen recognized him, he was the person in charge of the whole thing, Wang Liao, the director of the National Security Bureau, originally did not need Wang Liao to personally take the horse, but this incident is a major event, and this matter was created by the National Security Bureau. Since the most embarrassing time, after checking for so long, no useful clues have been found. If this is a ghost from another country, does it mean that the National Security Bureau is acting in vain and has no use at all, this is not However, if this is a loss of face, if it is really done by another country, then the seriousness of the situation is needless to say.

Fortunately, there haven't been any new problems for so long, otherwise Wang Liao still doesn't know how to explain to the country! This matter seems to be so overwhelming. However, this is also impossible. Of course, it is necessary to send someone to continue to investigate, but if there is no result, it is difficult to say.

"Xiao Yang, you are almost in good health. What are your plans?" Wang Liao said to Pan Chen kindly.

"Is there any plan? Now that my family is gone, what hope is there in life?" Pan Chen said with his head down.

"Everyone has a death, which is also impossible. However, those who are alive must work hard to live, as long as such people under Jiuquan will feel at ease!" Wang Liao sighed.

Pan Chen lowered his head and did not speak, and Wang Liao also stood aside and did not speak. After a while, Wang Liao said to Pan Chen again, "I am also very sad that such a big thing has happened to your family. I'm also trying my best to find out the reason. I will inform you if there is news. I know that you have dropped out of school after finishing high school because of economic reasons. I found a university for you. Although it is only two books, the conditions and equipment there are very good. , And there is a care in the capital, you can study there with peace of mind, the tuition and living expenses are borne by the government. "

"Thanks to the government and Uncle Wang for taking care of me for so long. In these days I lie down, I think a lot, and I also want to live well. Is there hope for me when I live? But, I really do n’t have that thought. After studying, I just want to stay alone. Will my own way let me decide for myself? "Pan Chen said to Wang Liao.

"Okay, the way forward depends on you. I have some money here. Although there is not much money, you do n’t have any money at all. You ca n’t have money in the current society. You can come to me if you have any difficulties in the future. Was it? "Wang Liao said, and put it in Pan Chen's hand.

"Yeah." After turning, he left. .

It's been four months now, and now Pan Chen is working in a food factory. Although Pan Chen has changed a lot in the past few months, he still hasn't slowed down after all. Few people here dare to get close. Although it has been two months, there are not many people who know him in the factory. There are none of the good friends who play. Fortunately, Pan Chen does not care about these.

Returning to the place where he lived, Pan Chen directly got into his room and closed the door tightly, and no one knew what to do in the room.

"Xiaoyi, come out to eat." A pretty-looking girl knocked at Pan Chen's door.

"Oh." Pan Chen responded. At the dinner table, Pan Chen and the woman who just knocked on the door and a man who was at least a few years older than Pan Chen. This man and a woman are two brothers and sisters, as well as Pan Chen ’s life-saving benefactor. After saying that Pan Chen left the capital, he wandered everywhere, but the money was soon used up by him. It was almost starving to death on the street, fortunately the two brothers and sisters brought him home, but after taking them home, Pan Chen still looked like he was going to die. The two brothers and sisters did n’t ask much, and later they slowly understood some situations, Pan Chen's current job was also helped by them. They wanted to enrich Pan Chen's life with work and help Pan Chen ease his excessive sorrow.

"Xiaoyi, what are your plans for the future." The man said to Pan Chen.

"I don't know. Let's take one step at a time."

"Have you no idea at all?"

"Can you have any idea, can I live in this world other than waiting for death?"

"Why do you always say that? Since you are alive, you should be a little alive. Don't be dead all day, like an old man. What is the meaning of living this way, it is better to die." The girl interjected. Road.

Pan Chen lowered his head and thought about what he was thinking about without saying a word.

"Ling Ling, don't need to talk to him so much. He can't listen to it. He said it in vain. Besides, we can't control others, just go with him, just as we never knew this person." The man said.

"Do you have anything today, just say something!" Pan Chen finally spoke.

"I'll tell you straight. We lost a lot of money in doing business here. My sister and I plan to go back to our hometown and want to ask you what you plan to do?" Said the man. The man's name was Li Gu and his sister. Called Li Yueling, their brother and sister run a snack bar and the business has not been very good.

"Oh, I do n’t want to go anywhere now, I do n’t want to think about anything, I want to stay here to work, it ’s good, my wages in the factory are enough, if it ’s like this all my life, it ’s also good "" Pan Chen said.

"Well, you can decide your own business, and we can't control it. This is the phone number of my hometown. Take care of yourself. If you have anything, just call me, you know?"

"Got it, when will you leave?" Pan Chen responded.

"We will leave the day after tomorrow."


Two days passed quickly, and the two siblings were leaving. Pan Chen took a day off and went to the train station to pick them up.

In the waiting room, Pan Chen and Li ’s two siblings were sitting there, which was okay, but Pan Chen suddenly felt feverish, and then his whole body began to heat up, and his head felt heavier and heavier. Li Gu and Li Yueling felt Pan Chen ’s Under abnormal circumstances, he came to help him, but Pan Chen had slowly lost consciousness, only felt numbness in the whole body, his body was completely out of control, confused, Pan Chen felt that he had come to a prairie. The open sky and the endless prairie made Pan Chen feel particularly comfortable.

Pan Chen struggled to relieve the depression in his heart. When he was running hard, he found that there were a lot of tents in front of it. Do n’t think about it and know that it should be the place where the prairie people live. On the ground, there are a lot of people wearing ethnic costumes around, it seems that they are holding activities, watching them beating happily, without any cares, all the troubles in the world seem to be gone; many important things in the world Things don't seem to matter anymore.

Seeing outsiders, they are extremely enthusiastic, and that level of enthusiasm, even if the steel has to melt!

Pan Chen was pulled into the circle by them and jumped up with them. When night came, listening to the voice of nature and eating roast lamb, it was really a kind of enjoyment.

While Pan Chen was intoxicated, the people around him suddenly cried out in panic. Pan Chen saw people panic and chaos. After a while, Pan Chen also felt unusual. He saw a fire approaching towards him. And also felt his heat.

When Pan Chen was about to visit, he found that he could not move suddenly. The fire came quite quickly and was quite violent. Pan Chen looked at everything around him ashes and looked at the people around him. With the painful expression burned to death, Pan Chen desperately wanted to move his body.

"Ah ..." Pan Chen finally moved his body, but after all, he was still unable to rescue other people. He could only watch the lives disappear before his eyes.

When Pan Chen was sad, the picture turned into another scene. The fire was gone, and the people were gone. The prairie was still endless in front of him. Not far from Pan Chen ’s eyes, stood a beautiful young man. Girl.

The girl was also looking at him, looking at the sentimental look, just like looking at her lover.

Pan Chen seemed to have known her for a long time, and slowly walked towards the girl, walked in front of the girl, and then naturally embraced the girl in her arms.

Pan Chen hugged the girl tightly and looked at them like a lover who had been separated for a long time.

"How are you now?" The girl asked.

"Not good, how about you?" Pan Chen asked back.

"How could your life be better without you, but you don't have to worry, I have come to find you, but I am not the same as before, but I believe that you will find me, we will be together "The girl said."

"I believe that there will always be such a day." Pan Chen replied.

Pan Chen felt the tenderness in his arms and felt so happy. If it were like this for a lifetime, how nice it would be.

When I was drunk, I suddenly felt that my arms were empty. When I opened my eyes and looked again, Pan Chen found that the children were gone. Where is he holding people, is he clearly holding the air!

Look at the surroundings, where there are still people, still endless prairie, as if nothing happened.

In a hospital, a boy was lying quietly on a hospital bed, and a girl was sitting beside him. Looking at her tired look, she knew that she did not get a good rest in order to take care of the man in the hospital bed.

"Meng'er, Meng'er ..." the man in the hospital bed shouted, sitting up from the bed with a cry. If you look carefully, you can recognize that this person is Pan Chen who sent the brothers and sisters of Li's. ..

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