The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1733: Wolf ... I ... [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Tie Kui's mood was particularly heavy, he said softly. Pan Chen didn't answer him. He froze out of the car and walked indifferently to the Senluo Hall, which was more magnificent than the Tiangong.

"Wolf Me"

"It's Pan Chen."

Tie Kui seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by Pan Chen quickly. He slowly walked up the ninety-ninth ladder, and on each floor he would feel the extremely heavy and vicissitudes of pressure rushing towards himself. It's as if he was in front of this building, as small as a flat boat in the sea.

The negative effect of the black wrought iron on him was even greater, and the Temple of Sen Luo was almost inserted into the dark clouds. The surrounding scenes brought him gloomy and endless horror and heavy pressure like the sky.

This is Pan Chen's second visit to Sen Luo Temple, and it feels completely different from last time. After careful observation, he found that half of the Sen Luo Temple was built by the Nine Nether Stones, and the other half was made by the purest iron in the cold pool of Hell.

If you look closely, you will find that the entire whole of Sen Luo Temple should have been built by Nine Nine Stones, and finally I don't know who was very strong to break the other half. Ghost iron is a material that was later used to repair.

Although the Nine Nether Stones here are not as pure as the Nine Nether Stones of the Nine Nether Nether Blood Sword, they are also the hardest fairy in the world, and are many times harder than the Panzhou Mountain. Only Pluto is so magnificent, it will use nine secluded stones to build a palace. If anyone else gets a piece of it, it is definitely a chance to make a peerless magic weapon.

This also shows from the side how powerful the person who shot is, actually collapsed half of the Sen Luo Temple.

"What's wrong? It's rare to go home once. Why not come in."

The five-wheel runner Wang, with a kind smile, stood in front of the hall to greet Pan Chen personally, and did not mean to scold him for what happened last time.


Pan Chen walked out of the inexplicable feeling just now, and after hearing the words of the runner, his expression was very stunned. Just like she once said when she ignored Feng Qing's love: "Cloud, I want a home in the future, surrounded by beautiful flowers and crisp grass, there are cute animals and clear rivers" She held her chin with both hands, her eyes were full of dreamy "stars" but Pan Chen was coldly and mercilessly hit: "Daydreaming." She was not angry, but just looked at Pan Chen with a head: "Maybe . "

Thinking of the past, Pan Chen couldn't help laughing, shook his head slightly, and said softly:

"My home is not here."

The runner king sighed silently. They knew that the dragon's inverse scale was untouchable and almost pulled it out. How dare he ask the dragon to forgive him. Just a whisper:

"I support the way you want to go, but it is the Hades that gave birth to you. This is your home, a safe haven forever."

This time, Pan Chen didn't say anything, but continued to move towards the ninety-ninth ladder with unwavering steps.

This time, he never entered the mysterious feeling again. The hall is already full of people. The ten halls of Yan Luo, Pan Chen, and the Four Divine Beasts are all seated in different levels. Now there is only one position where no one is, that is on the high platform in the middle!

As soon as Pan Chen entered the hall, everyone except Pan Chen fell silent, bowed his head and did not dare to look directly at Pan Chen.


Pan Chen's indifferent opening once left an indelible mark on the witch wolf that has passed away.

"My heart is her! As for cause and effect, I will repay."

Pan Chen looked directly at Pan Chen, his eyes full of provocation and anger.

"Huh! Is this what we need? Why do you still have to be so obsessed! That woman doesn't love you, why do you have to rush up like a moth every time! Do you cause us less trouble? Is it because of you, how could the underworld become what it is today? Is it because of you how can we become sinners? Repay the cause and effect? ​​You ca n’t finish your life! "


Pan Chen was furious and scolded loudly. He had never been so angry, and he uttered all the secrets that had been dusted in a rage. At this time, King Qin Guang, Runner King, and King Chu Jiang stood up at the same time clapping the table beside them. Others remained silent, even King Yanlu didn't know what to say.

"Pan Chen, I tell you, it ’s not your turn to spread the wild here! If there is no ghost stone, you are nothing. Now that your wings are stiff, can you scold your brother? Do n’t forget that you are just an accompanying boy That's it. Do you believe Lao Tzu cleans the portal for him now ?! "

Runner Wang pointed out to Pan Chen and yelled loudly. Although all of them are now no more than the Holy Order, the fusion of avatars can instantly restore the strength, and the fusion does not take long.

Pan Chen frowned, he didn't know that the "Tao" he was going to involve was so huge, and it didn't look like they were acting. Because Pan Chen could not bear to shoot after hearing the words of the runner.

"He is him, not a ghost stone! The cause of the past life, the fruit of this life. We should get the fruit of whatever cause we plant, and don't push all our sins on him! I don't want to say more about the past, your own psychology Clearly, to say that the sinners hum! None of us can get away from it. "

King Chu Jiang said that "sinner" couldn't help but glance at Pan Chen, and then sneered when the words turned.

"Pan Chen, right. Take your own way. Come and see us when you have time."

King Qin Guang seemed to restore his old appearance all at once, and he grew old countless times. He gave Pan Chen a smile and turned and walked into the inner hall. It can be said that he is firmly on Pan Chen's side, as can be seen from the resurrection of Pan Chen, but at the moment his back is so lonely. Just because of one step wrong and step by step wrong.

"We are here waiting for you."

The runner king patted Pan Chen on the shoulder, smiled at him in trust, and chased after King Qin Guang. The rest of the people also said something like "blessings" and left. Only Pan Chen wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything. He couldn't stop talking. He had no choice but to leave secretly. The Four Divine Beasts glanced at him with a look of forgiveness and followed Pan Chen away.

All of a sudden, only Pan Chen was left in the empty hall. His heart felt cold, as if he had lost all the precious things at once.

"Now I only have you and her."

He caressed the Nine Nether Nether Blood Knife with no joy and no worries.

It ’s dark, today ’s moon miraculously glows red, and it sets off Pan Chen ’s body with endless sadness and desolation.

When the era of the AD pointed to the early hours of December 21, 2112, the rumored bleak prediction that the destruction of the planet did not appear.

People who have experienced spiritual disasters are extremely happy that they can still continue to live. Some people with dark and distorted minds are more unscrupulous and mad to release the most sinister side of their hearts. Murder and arson, robbery and scams, moral degradation, no evil

The winter in the north of China is as cold as in previous years, the gray sky is clouded, the cold wind is blowing on the bare tree trunks, and the cool and messy streets are like the post-war venues in the suburbs of every city in the north.

Copper stone, this famous city in the past dynasties in the North has not escaped the sights of all cities. From time to time, a few children in shabby clothes and gray-faced people walked through the street aimlessly, which made the street cold and cold.

The camera turns sharply. In another street a few streets away, although the traffic flow is sparse, it also has the mood of a big city. The wide streets and the different facades on both sides reveal a different general atmosphere.

And a facade on the corner of the intersection seems out of place with the whole street!

A white inkjet cloth with a pale red background was scarred and hung on the store. Lin Ji's name is still majestic. The sliding door is outdated, the door glass is still bright, and the fan on the right is attached with a yellow text on the red background, saying "This door is broken".

"Bell Bell Bell, Bell Bell Bell"

"Hey, Lin Ji shoe store, what's the need?" The thin body, cautious, with a flattering tone. He is Pan Chen, the owner of this shoe store.

The most temperless boss in the whole street, Pan Chen! The courageous boss of the whole street, Pan Chen! The most masculine boss in the whole street, Pan Chen! The most kind boss in the whole street is Pan Chen! The timid and cowardly character made him suffer a lot.

"Boss Lin, it's me, my little Jia. I have something to go out with my friends today. I will call you and tell me to prepare some money. After a while, I will take it and I won't be in today's class anymore. Get ready, don't go to the air. "The tone is arrogant, and the momentum is striking. Zhang Yang is arrogant and indifferent.

Pan Chen sighed softly, hung up the phone, and secretly scolded himself for trouble, why did he have to leave such an employee.

Xiao Jia's name is Jia Liang. Pan Chen's non-recruitment staff is a frivolous man who has nothing to do all day long, is inaccurate, doesn't know how high and thick he is, and is bullying and hard. Employees who are allowed to work exceptionally by kind bosses.

No store or factory is willing to use him, only Pan Chen is kind. I don't expect him to do much work and earn much money, just let him have a place to stay. He can't let him who doesn't have a financial source **** it and steal it. Isn't that broken? Give him one if he can. Whenever others say it, Pan Chen always explains it this way. The move made the employees in the store admirable. The only two veterans Qi Lin and Xiao Liang followed him for several years without leaving. ..

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