The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1719: A little girl like a flower! [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

The sour thing in Pan Chen's heart, he had stepped into the room earlier, but he was anxious to cut the body. Isn't it just a scam? Has his brain cramped? Now it's okay, the little sister like a flower is held by her brother.

If Pan Chen ’s vinegar jar is broken at this moment, even the sword can be melted into molten iron. Looking at the two people who are hugging tightly, the nameless fire is on, but it is not easy to attack. He returns to the East House and vents the fire to the corpse. , Hacking all the way: "Fuck, dry"

At this time, the moonlight was quiet, a smoky black smoke was quietly emitted from the body, and Pan Chen was breathing on his head, and he took it in without notice: "How come the nose is a little itchy, it would be nice if you killed Brother."

"Slap!" Pan Chen slapped her mouth. "What was I thinking just now-ah owe!" I sneezed and felt more comfortable. Pan Chen left here.

Black smoke was floating in the gloomy east house, unable to find the host, and finally disappeared.

Pan Chen stood at the door with a knife. Yuan Tiangang gently put the sleeping sisters on the bed, covered them with quilts, and Doudou lay on the ground, shaking her tail for a while and looking at the owner. Two people and one dog guard Meizhu until dawn.

On the second day, Yuan Tiangang carefully inspected the two corpses and analyzed that Chen Feng was killed because of corpse gas, and was irradiated by the moonlight last night. Days and nights, exhausted heart and died. Everyone was sighing, the three of them shared their expenses and buried the mother and son.

The trio then met the venomous lord and told the situation of the village head's house. When the lord heard this, he lamented again and again: "I just want to make the Viper Valley strong and strong, and the construction is too fast. I didn't expect them to be greedy and blame me, but also blame me for not knowing people, hey!" : "Hero, I ask you to remove the monsters in the mining area, otherwise the people here cannot live, I am afraid they will all be dispersed. I can't bear to watch everyone forced to leave their hometown! If you want, I will take out the mining area All profits in return. "

Yuan Tiangang said: "We will do the same without you saying. Regarding the remuneration, we don't need it anymore, you can use it to compensate the family members of the mining area."

The lord almost burst into tears: "Heroes are so kind! I already have this idea. Since the young heroes have said so, I will give them all to the people, hoping that they can calm down their ten thousandths."

Pan Chen wiped the knife body beside him, and he was quite depressed. I really saw a ghost. I do n’t know when, Brother Yuan seems to have become the core of the three people. Everyone obeyed his orders, as if they were really our leaders. What happened? His mother, if not for the Meizhu sister, had already patted her **** and walked away. With this iron-crushing sword, where could not be mixed with rice, he would have to whisper under his hands?

The lord sent all the remaining troops in the Viper Valley-and only a dozen guards beside the lord-to accompany the three heroes to the mining area. A group of people walked in the valley. It was mid-summer and the sun was blazing in the sun, but the soldiers took them and walked through the open land without trees. Pan Chen felt like he was washing his head, and sweat dripped down the end of his hair. It's not hot enough, and I'm in a violent mood. I asked, "Brother, why don't you leave the summer place where the trees are lush? Why do you choose to bake the poison?"

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