The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1716: Please be blunt! [Six million words Wang Wang, seek to slaughter]

After a long time, Fan Qiusheng said: "What can the Dajian Lord and Dadao Lord have to say before the two come?"

The two were shocked in their hearts, and then they looked at each other and saw the vibration in the other's eyes. It seems that the three alliances still become an inevitable trend!

"Leader, before leaving, Lord Oshima really has something to tell the leader!" Lord Yashima stood up and arched his hand.

"Oh? Lord Hachishima does not have to be polite, please speak up!" The old man's eyes narrowed slightly, hoarsely.

The Lord of the Eight Islands raised his head slightly, glanced at the old man, and immediately lowered his head and said: "You can form an alliance, think you have an attack, you have a way, each is a dragon!"

"A good‘ Lord has its own way, each has its own dragon ’!” The old man said with a smile, and could not help crying.

His eyes turned and landed on the Lord of the Six Halls, who suddenly got up and said: "The Great Sword advocates, 'The Sword League is on its own side, and if there is damage, the Nine Swords will fly!'"

"Good!" The main leader of the Quartet League applauded and said, "The Lord of the Eight Islands, the Master of the Six Halls, go back and thank the Lord of the Big Island and the Lord of the Sword for me. The Quartet promised them things that can be fulfilled at any time!"

"Yes!" The two quickly bowed their heads, but their hearts gradually became hot. As the high-level of Lianjian Mountain and Bahu Island, the two of them naturally knew what the Quartet League was doing and what they were doing!

"Open the graveyard of the gods!"

"Lianshan says goodbye!"

"Jiyue says goodbye!"

The two bowed and hurried away with a fiery mood.

There was only the white-haired old man sitting in the first place in the huge tree space. Suddenly, a wave of ripples flashed in the space, and a shadow suddenly appeared behind the white-haired old man.

"What do you think?" The white-haired old man asked in a soft voice, not surprised by the sudden appearance of the figure behind him.

"The opening of the cemetery of the gods is not only possible when eight keys are gathered, but also requires the irrigation of the blood of people, monsters, demons, and beasts, and it is possible to open it!"

"It's possible?" The old man with white hair frowned slightly.

"Yes! Because of the prohibition of the gods, even if tens of thousands of years pass by, hundreds of millions of years will not be easily shaken by your little congenital warrior! Maybe there is a danger of great destruction!"

"There is no other way?" The white-haired old man asked.

"Yes! But it's almost impossible!"


"Find the token of the gods! Or possess the personality!"

"The tokens of the gods? The divine personality?" The white-haired old man frowned again, with a hint of anger faintly on the old face, "Are you playing me?"

"How dare? We are also collaborators! There are gods in the graveyard of our gods, and I dare to mess up?"

"So do you have clues about this?"

"Clue, no!"


"However, there is one rumor!"


"It is rumored that the Master of the Seven Sons of Kunshan had mistakenly entered a space secret realm thousands of years ago, and got a blood phoenix as a token of control. However, this token has been lost with Chu Xiang, one of the Seven Sons, for a thousand years ! "

"You mean, this blood phoenix is ​​a token of the gods?"

"No, it may be!" Black Shadow paced out, full of rich demon scent all over him.

The white-haired old man's eyes are dazzling, high-level monsters! If it is killed, it is a heaven-level peak monster Neidan, if it absorbs refining, I can immediately break to the heaven-level high-level! However, the strength of this guy can not be underestimated!

"Leader, you are murderous!" The man in black was shocked, and a strong breath spurted out.

"Humph!" Fan Qiusheng snorted coldly, a breath fluttered out, and after depressing the demon, he stopped speaking.

"As for the personality, so far, our people have not found any information and clues related to this!"

"Well! You have to keep the other three keys!" Fan Qiusheng said after a long silence.

"How? You want to use these eight keys to open the graveyard of the gods?" Black Shadow sneered.

"The old man doesn't need you to teach me what to do. As for the three keys, I will pay the corresponding things in exchange! You go back and tell your master, the three alliances are completed, and I will go to the cemetery of the gods in the near future! The old man in white said coldly.

"Hey, hey!" The Shadow Shadow smiled and said: "However, I hope you can afford the price!"

As the dark shadow gradually disappeared, the consciousness disappeared. Finally, until the person could not perceive, the white-haired old man withdrew the consciousness and sat in the first place, meditating quietly.

"Come here!" "Leader!" A powerful black man appeared suddenly, kneeling in the space inside the tree.

"To mobilize all the Quartet staff, check the news of the Blood Phoenix! Regardless of the price!" Fan Qiusheng slowly raised his head and said.

"Leader?" The man in black suddenly raised his head, his face changed greatly.

"Go straight and do it!" Fan Qiusheng sighed softly.

"Yes!" The man in black gritted his teeth and flew away.

"Alas" Fan Qiusheng didn't know how unworthy it was to use or sacrifice countless chess pieces for a blood phoenix, but he still had to do it! Because the graveyards of the gods are so attractive!

On the Eight Lakes Island, the Lord of the Eight Islands is talking to a burly man, his face full of excitement.

This burly man is none other than the big island owner of the Eight Lakes, the Tianyuan Island owner!

"You mean, Fan Qiusheng agreed to that?" Tianyuan frowned.

"Yes!" The Lord Hachishima also felt a little inappropriate at this time, and he couldn't help but hesitate.

"You go down first!" Tianyuan shook his head and said. Don't look at his five big and three thick, but more delicate than the woman's mind!

At the same time, even the Great Sword Master of Jianshan felt a little wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

"Can't it be opened at all, or is it dangerous?"

The Great Island Master of Bahu Island, not even the Great Sword Master of Jianshan, knew that the blood phoenix and the divine personality they were looking for fell on a person, and this person was striving to take a very slow step, Walk towards the satellite city.

The eight satellite cities have their own functions, including warehouses, commerce, food and accommodation, and armaments. The entire inner city of Qiongcheng is the site of the eight major families and the three major alliances for free repair.

Pan Chen is taking the sixth satellite city, the Southwest Satellite City.

After passing through the tall city gate, Pan Chen stopped suddenly, and his face flashed coldly, and was even followed! Could it be that the Fang family?

Pan Chen was quiet, turning around and heading towards the notice board beside the city gate.

The warriors are not used to modern things and still retain their original, ancient traditions. There are countless messages posted on the notice board, including those who asked for Dan within the first day, those who asked for corpses of monsters, some who asked for ore or refining materials, some who asked for medicinal materials, and even Pan Chen saw a team trial Information.

But without exception, all information has a Suzaku mark on the bottom right.

"Hello, man, what is this Suzaku imprint?" Pan Chen pulled a man next to him and asked in a low voice, but in his hand was a walnut-sized black iron stone in his arms.

The man was a little displeased, and suddenly felt something in his arms, took it out, his face suddenly became ecstatic, and quickly squeezed into his arms, "Son, what do you want to know, the little knows nothing, Endless words! "

In his opinion, someone who can throw out a piece of human-level equipment after asking for a message must be the brother of a big family who has come out to try. He can't help but respect a lot in his attitude.

"Why is there a Suzaku mark on the bottom right of every message?" Pan Chen frowned, preaching.

The man ’s face changed and his voice became secret. At least he was an intermediate-level warrior. He was just a beginner soldier, and his expression suddenly became more respectful. "This mark of Suzaku represents the fourth venerable king of the city, Suzaku. Venerable! "

"Severe Suzaku?" Pan Chen murmured, "What is this?"

Is this person really like a family son of a big family? Definitely not an illegitimate child? How did the elders of the family not tell him the most basic information when they came out? Well, it might be an illegitimate child. If you do n’t tell him, you just want him to disappear!

Pan Chen didn't know that he was just asking a question. This man thought of so many things in a flash. He has to say that this man's mind is really complicated and unpredictable!

"My son doesn't know, this Qiongcheng is located at the front of the southern waters, and it is a must pass to Tangjiabao and the southern waters. In addition, Qiongcheng is an island that was shot down in ancient times, so it has a huge Power. But the establishment of Qiongcheng has nothing to do with the first-class forces such as the Eight Great Aristocrats! It is said that it is a very mysterious force whose strength is not under the Eighth Aristocratic family, and even above it! His intention to establish the Qiongcheng It is to defend this ancient island and to find the origin of the world! "

"There are four great Venerables under Qiongcheng, namely Venerable Dragon, Venerable White Tiger, Venerable Suzaku, Venerable Xuanwu, all of them are powerful in the congenital realm, and belong to the mysterious force of Qiongdao!"

"The four great Venerables are divided into four directions! The Venerable Dragon of the Eastern Zhengdongmen, the Venerable Suzaku of the Southern Zhengmen, the Venerable White Tiger of the Western Zhengmen, and the Venerable of the Northern Xuanwu of the Northern Zhengmen!"

"And Southwest Gate belongs to Suzaku, so every message will be stamped with Suzaku, which shows that it is a message that is allowed to land after paying the fee from Suzaku!"

Pan Chen was surprised, bowing his head in contemplation, silently digesting the message the man brought to him. After a long time, he raised his head and said, "Thank you!" Then he turned and left.

Watching the departure of the young son, the man was suddenly ecstatic, and the black iron stone should be exchanged for a Dan and human-level advanced mentality within days. Hehe

But I don't know, a man with a dark face turned to sneer, black iron stone? Humph! Is a beginner junior warrior eligible to use it? These things should be used by me! Hehe

The man with a dark face turned to follow the man quietly, and as for what will happen, it is unknown! It was just that a news came out that a young man was carrying a huge treasure, and even human-grade stone like black iron stone was thrown away!

As soon as this news came out, it suddenly made countless casual repairs crazy! These are things that Pan Chen didn't know, but even if they knew, they wouldn't mind. Can ant-like characters shake elephants? The answer is impossible!

"Mysterious force? Four Venerables?" Pan Chen murmured, suddenly, a slight sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, "Dare to keep up, really do not know what to do!"

The figure turned and walked towards an alley.

The man saw that the figure got into a small alley, fearing that he might lose, he stepped up and quickly followed. As soon as he entered the alley, the scene before him made him dumbfounded!

Pan Chen stood quietly in the alley, his eyes flashing coldly, his body was murderous, and he looked at him quietly.

The gaze like a viper made the latter tremble uncontrollably, thinking of the power behind him, the fear in his heart gradually disappeared, and his courage grew stronger.

Pan Chen looked at the man who suddenly became full of confidence with amusement, "Say! Which force? Why follow me?"

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