The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1708: Fairy, why not go together? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

"Fairy, why not go with me?" Zhao Gao saw the people leaving, rejoicing in his heart, and smiled slightly.

"Wow!" Fang Shili suddenly appeared in front of the five people, arched his hands to the two brothers of the Zhao family, and then said to Pan Chen three people: "Three people, all the way?

Fang Shili did not look at the siblings of Ziyi Fairy, but set his sights on the thin man, because he knew that among the three of them, this talent was the one who made the decision! Moreover, this person gave him a sense of extreme danger!

Pan Chen remained silent for a long time and suddenly grinned: "Okay!"

"Please!" Fang Shili let out a sigh of relief, exulting.

Pan Chen is also not coquettish, taking the lead, stepping up and walking arrogantly, as if walking in his own home, you are welcome.

"This" Zhan Taiming stood stunned.

Zhantai Xin'er smiled slightly and followed closely. In her heart, even Longtan Tiger Cave did not care, as long as she was with her big flying brother!

In fact, Pan Chen is courageous, Fang's family is the family of Uncle Liu Shi! Moreover, he also felt a familiar breath, the breath of Fang Sansan! As long as he is present, at least safety is guaranteed!

Through the light curtain of the fairy ship, Pan Chen came to the fairy ship and saw three white-haired old men standing on the bow of the ship. The white old man was also among them, but only behind. But Pan Chen didn't know that the other two were the two strange old men.

"A strong and arrogant breath! Congenital strong!" Pan Chen frowned slightly and was alert in his heart. Zhantai Xin'er and Zhan Taiming also stood behind them, their faces full of vigilance.

"Uncle, second uncle, father, I brought them!" Fang Shili came to the three of them and said respectfully.

"Well, Shi Li, take the fairy siblings to rest! Let's go!" Fang Lao San nodded and said softly.

"Go! It's okay!" Pan Chen nodded.

After seeing Fang Shili leave, there were no other people on the bow, only four people remained.

"Fang Lao, are you?" Pan Chen frowned.

"It's nothing! The trip to Tangjiabao is a long journey, and it's a lot of dangers. It's better to go with a peer than to take care of it! Moreover, let the old deceased well repay the brother's kindness!"

Pan Chen said in surprise: "Ende? What kind of endless? Fang Lao, don't joke! What kind of kindness can my little person give you!"

"Little brother, the old age is advanced innate! Ha ha, you said this is your kindness!" Fang Lao San laughed ‘haha’.

"Oh? Congenital? Then congratulate Fang Lao to become a congenital strong!" Pan Chen's eyes lit up, no wonder Fang Cheng had no breath on his body today, like a void, it turned out to be a breakthrough!

"Youngest, this is the little friend you said?" An old man's voice sounded like magic.

"Oh! Look at me with pleasure, come and come, I will introduce you! This is Pan Chentong young man, these two are my big brother Fang Yuan, second brother Fang Tian!"

"Two congenital?" Pan Chen murmured, when his face is so big!

"Have seen two seniors!" Pan Chen arched his hands.

The two quickly jumped away, evading the ceremony, and dared not to dare to speak in their mouths, with sweat on their foreheads. What kind of identity is Pan Chen, the two have already made a confession in the other city in private, and they already know in their hearts. How dare you take the other party?

"Fang Lao, this is" Pan Chen asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Fang Cheng laughed, ‘haha’, “Dude, you and I are friends of the same age, the two are my brothers and I ca n’t worship you! Please forgive me!”

"Oh?" Pan Chen looked suspiciously, only to see him, he didn't dare to face him.

It seems to know! Pan Chen said secretly, but looking at their appearance, they should have great respect for me, without any disrespect, and even less malicious!

This will not work! It seems to be a good warning! Otherwise, your identity is easily known by the Gongsun family and people in Kunshan. Thinking of this, Pan Chen nodded secretly and screwed Fang Lao, "Brother Fang, brother have some things to ask you carefully!"

Fang Cheng heard that, with a bitter look on his face, he looked to Fang Yuan and Fang Tian, ​​but they saw that they were at ease and ignored.

"You two bastards, see if you die" Fang Cheng was furious, and the voice was very loud. The people on the whole ship felt a shock, and then the sound of the sky thunder roared.

Fang Shili was also swaying, and a handsome face was shaken completely white, and he sighed in his heart, "Why did Dad send such a big fire? Did it fight? But, it is also possible for the three of them to discuss together! As long as the father is beaten, in the realm of his innate strongman, there is no big deal! "

"Er, it seems that the two old **** are not going to die? Then, it is not the three old men who are discussing, it is Pan Chen?" Fang Shili suddenly stunned.

Zhantai Xin'er and Zhan Taiming were also pale, shaking their bodies and disturbed their breath.

Pan Chen did not know this, and took Fangcheng to the void of the fairy ship.

The two stood in the void, and Pan Chen did not speak. He waved a colorful enchantment, enveloped the two, and then quietly waited for the other to speak.

After a long time, Fang Lao slowly said, "Boy, this is something I did wrong, but I hope you understand what he has to do with it? How great is he!"

Pan Chen nodded, "I know! But since you know who I am, should you listen to me and respect the opinions of an elder?"

"Uh" Fang Cheng was dumb. He didn't expect the other party to raise his identity to suppress himself, making him quite depressed.

"But, do you know what you mean to the ancestors?" Fang Cheng said in a deep voice.

"Father's ancestor, heir of the Sixth Master?" Pan Chen frowned, "Brother?"

"Who knows my identity?"

Fang Cheng also smiled on Wen Yan's face, knowing that Pan Chen was no longer being investigated, and now he was very open-minded. "Except for the two ancestors and my two elder brothers, as for whether the ancestors told others, I don't know!"

"You" had no help for such an extremely thick-skinned old man.

"Tell your two brothers, if there is a fourth person who knows, I will go to Fang's house to see my brother! Huh!" After that, Pan Chen waved his sleeves and broke open the enchantment, with a black face to the fairy The boat fell.

Fang Yuan and Fang Tian saw Fang Cheng smile down from the void, and they quickly greeted, "How are you?"

"You two bastards, but you can't save your life, hum! I've told your uncle about your forced confession! You just wait for the family's punishment! Hum!" Fang Cheng whispered and angered. .

"This kid is beating!" Fang Yuan said with wide eyes.

"This kid should spank!" Fang Tian rubbed his hands.

Fang Cheng, who was walking in front of him, suddenly stumbled, almost fell, and suddenly turned his head to anger: "You two bastards"

The words did not fall, the two flew up, held Fang Cheng, punched and kicked, and suddenly became swollen and bruised.

Pan Chen withdrew his consciousness and shook his head involuntarily, laughing. These three guys are really an old naughty boy!

A slave of the Fang family led Pan Chen towards the fairy ship. I saw that the fairy ship had a huge internal space, a bottomless channel, and the clouds were misty. On both sides were the rooms, which marked the name of the room owner There are storage rooms, alchemy rooms, cultivation rooms, and weapon rooms all the way down. Pan Chen is more shocked. "This big family is worthy of being a big family, and the profound heritage!"

"This is black iron stone!"

"This is Tie Yunjing!"

"This is red orchid!"

"This is Qingtong!"

Along the way, Pan Chen felt that he was completely numb. Countless alchemy and the best materials of the refining vessel were used by Fang to decorate the fairy ship.

"It's a bad guy!" Pan Chen murmured.

"Your son, what are these! These are all things on the table in our Fang family! Only you treat them as babies!" The woman covered her lips and chuckled, without any ridicule or arrogance. Was instructed by Fang Shili.

Pan Chen was also curious, so he talked to the woman.

The leading maid named Fang Yu is a child of Fang's partial family name. He has a bit of talent for cultivation. In addition, the person is good, so he is reserved as a maid!

Pan Chenling stretched out his knowledge, acquired the senior? This woman's age is only 20 years old. This kind of talent can only be regarded as a little talent in Fang's family. What kind of abnormality should be the best talent! Secretly sigh!

"Here, son!" Fang Yu took out a piece of metal iron and put it in a recess on the door. The iron piece seemed to be attracted, and suddenly fell into the recess, and then a golden light flashed away.

"Click!" There was a noise from the door, and then a thin gap opened.

"Son, please come in!" Fang Yu led Pan Chen into the room. Before Pan Chen looked at the room carefully, he came to the corner of the room.

Pan Chending looked around and saw a strange rune painted on the ground, forming a strange picture. There is a small bead in the center of the picture. The beads are colorful and exude a little bit of breath.

"This pattern seems very familiar!" Pan Chen frowned and murmured.

"Your son, have you seen this array? This is our square array!" Fang Yu said proudly.

"Quarter Array? No wonder so familiar! There is this formation in the master's heritage!" Pan Chen secretly said.

"What's the use of this formation? What are you doing here? Why did you bring me here?" Pan Chen pretended not to know, confused.

"This square array is the most powerful defensive array in our house. This square array has one in each room and serves as a defensive array. This square array is also the hub of the entire room! Son, you will Your spiritual knowledge is branded! "

Pan Chen naturally knows why this is? Without speaking, follow the words and act, branding the spiritual consciousness. Suddenly, a feeling of control emerged spontaneously. Although this control is only for this room, it has to be said to be magical.

"It's magical!" Pan Chen heartily praised.

"Well! How much more of our Fang's family?" Fang Yu felt Pan Chen's breath very kind, could not help relaxing, and spoke boldly. ..

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