The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1703: Don't dare to be, don't dare to be! [Six million words Wang Wang, se

"Fucking! Realistic killing! Hum!" Pan Chen withdrew his eyes and quickly clenched his fists: "Dare not to be, not to be! Fake name!"

"Tong Shaoxia had such achievements at a young age. It is really a hero out of the boy! And, besides, there are fairy celestial beings like Ziyi Fairy to accompany you for a while! Really envious of others!" Gongsun Hai sighed.

The words hadn't come down, Xiner's cheeks were flushed red, and she looked ashamed. She suddenly plunged into Pan Chen's arms, daring not to look up.

"Oops!" Pan Chen's heart tightened, and he looked up, and he saw countless casual repairs and his family's children looking cold and looking at themselves with bad intentions!

"Humph! Fight with me? I don't know how to die!" Gongsun Hai sneered again and again, "You have to arrange a few people, so need to be so"

The black man nodded slightly, and then quietly retreated.

"Tong Shaoxia, it's not easy to cultivate at a young age, but it's really not easy!" An old man of the family made his eyes lightly and tapped softly.

"Fame, wealth is at your fingertips! Tong Shaoxia, don't mistake yourself"

"Something you can't touch!" A handsome man's eyes shivered and shivered.

"Young man, the inner decay of the flaming Sirius wants to borrow from you!" A casual old man in the realm of Houtian Peak said indifferently.

"Tong Shaoxia, heard about the pearl of the ancient clan, and Yaochi Fairy, one of the four great fairies of the martial arts, is also committed to you?" A young man laughed coldly.

With the crowd's seven words and eight words, Pan Chen's brows grew deeper and deeper, and his heart irresistibly overflowed.

"He must have controlled the two fairies by some demon method, and killed him! Rescue the two fairies!" Suddenly, one of them shouted loudly.

"Kill him! Kill him!" Suddenly, countless young talents echoed.

The older generations around them also showed their ruthlessness. Although the opponent's skill is not weak, the acquired senior is comparable to the master of the acquired realm, but there are countless treasures on his body. Skill! Maybe there is a higher-order mentality, or how to go from a mortal cultivation pill to the acquired realm in a short period of time? At the thought of this, countless people could not help but feel that their hearts were hot, and their consciousness was released from afar, locking it tightly.

"Want to kill me? Huh!" Pan Chen snorted, handing Xiner to Zhan Tianming, "Protect her, if she loses a hair, I will kill you!"

The intense anger and murderous intention unleashed the release, making the latter feel like facing a wild ancient beast.

Zhan Taiming didn't know what to say, nodded mechanically, and after a while, he reacted, and his old girl must naturally protect herself! What do you fight to talk to me like this!

However, the words have not yet been spoken, Pan Chen has turned his head, leaving only one back to him!

"Brother Dafei, what happened to Brother Dafei? How did it become so terrible!" The woman immersed in happiness does not know what happened outside!

Pan Chen's face was fierce, and his feet moved slightly. Before coming to everyone, Li Chen said: "I Pan Chen was favored by the two fairies, but it wasn't a demon trick! But two loves each other. The threat or purpose! Then again, why do you interfere with Tongmou ’s private affairs here? Who are you from Tongmou? And who is Xin’er? Whom does she want to enjoy? That ’s her freedom, I want to like it Who is my freedom! Why do you interfere with you? Just because you like her too? A group of jealous, incompetent idiots, idiots! If you have patience, you can rely on your own ability!

"Still want to kill me? Seize the treasure? Seize the wife? Huh! I'm standing here, you have the ability to come! Tong Tong will take it! Just when the time comes, don't blame Tong Mou for being cruel! "

"If you control the fairy! Who knows?" As soon as the words fell, someone jumped out.

Pan Chen Xunyin looked around and saw that a Tsing Yi man stood proudly, with an unhappy face.

"Your Excellency is" this person, Pan Chen has never seen it, nor heard it.

"I am a self-cultivated, unnamed generation, but I just don't see what you are doing, and I stand up and make a speech!" The man said aloud.

"Huh! The people who hide their heads and show their tails, and even don't want to disclose their names, what qualifications are there to comment on Tong Mou?" Pan Chen glanced at his eyes, not entangled.

At this time, an old man stood up again, just the old man who wanted to borrow the blaze Sirius Nedan, "Young man, there is something wrong with killing and seizing treasure. The old man is willing to exchange two soldiers, you see Can you cut love? "

Pan Chen sneered, his figure flickered, and came to the old man, "Old man, I also want you to borrow something. If the old man can cut love, Dan is not a problem!"

The old man just felt like he was falling into the ice cellar, his body fell back uncontrollably! Feeling his body's involuntary retreat, the old man couldn't help but be furious. He lost his momentum before an acquired high-level warrior. Wouldn't it be a joke to pass this on?

With a cold snort, the body suddenly burst out with a strong momentum, which is exactly the momentum of the highest realm of the day after tomorrow, and the body burst out with the momentum.

Pan Chen smiled, dissipated his breath, and his body stood still like a mountain!

The thick, solid breath was like a tiger going down the mountain, rushing away and hitting the latter. Pan Chen didn't care, the golden light flashed on his body, blocking his breath as much as possible, and then disappeared.

Seeing the latter as if nothing happened, he shook his breath away. The old man was shocked. It seems that the rumors are not false. It can indeed rival the masters of the highest realm of the day after tomorrow!

Everyone around was also shocked. The old people in front of them all knew it, but it was a master who was not born in the middle of training, named Qin Ming. He broke through to the realm of Houtian Peak a hundred years ago, and has stayed in this realm ever since! It can be said that the realm of the day after tomorrow is one of the best! As soon as the old man is weak, he will no longer be forced, and the breath is taken back, saying: "What? The old dead body has no long objects, but there are a few pieces of broken copper and iron! It's disrespectful! "

Pan Chen smiled slightly, and suddenly his face changed, and the breath in his body was like a raging wave, surging out, and said sensibly: "Borrow your head!"

"Straight son, look for death!" The old man suddenly screamed and shook his hand in the void. A blue sword appeared in his hand. The sword was quaint, with ancient patterns on it, and an ancient breath spread out.

"Yu Jianshu, kill!" The old man thought, and the blue sword in his hand suddenly shot out.

Pan Chen's feet moved, the powerful law of space was launched, and the body disappeared like a space, suddenly disappeared, but appeared again hundreds of feet away. I didn't look at the glaucoma coming from the front, turned my head to look at Gongsun Hai, and smiled slightly, showing white teeth, and moved the corner of my mouth slightly.

Gongsun Hai's eyes shrank, and then sneered, and said: "Boy, wait until you pass Qin Ming! I will definitely entertain you when the time comes!"

Pan Chen no longer speaks much, the golden light flashes on his body, the six-color true elements are densely spread on his palm, and he immediately grabs the blue sword.

The crowd was in an uproar, that the blue sword was Qin Ming's signature weapon, but it was a peak-level general, from an ancient tomb! This kid dared to use his flesh to resist the blue sword, not far from death!

Everyone seemed unable to bear to see the scene in front of them, sighed slightly, but unfortunately such a talented genius!

Suddenly, everyone was upset again.

I saw that a flickering palm of golden light firmly grasped the blade of the blue sword in his hand, letting the sword light flow away!

"Is this kid still a human? The blue sword is blocked by the palm of the flesh alone!"

"This flesh is too powerful! I don't know what martial arts you are practicing! If you take it away"

"Under the peak state of the day after tomorrow, but only by the flesh and the masters of the peak realm of the century of fame, they don't fall down, and they even have the upper hand! This person is not simple."

Pan Chen smiled, with a suction in his hand, with the sword front retracted, the body leaped forward, one foot flew up and down, like a giant foot stepping down from the sky, covering the sky!

"Big Buddha's feet!" With the sound, the soles of the feet fell suddenly, hitting Qin Ming heavily.

The latter stepped back a few steps quickly, slamming the "slap" of stepping on the space, and then a spit of blood spewed out. The old face could not help but white, but it was not stepped on by this foot.

Qin Ming took out a jade bottle, poured out a few fragrant panacea, and then sat down.

"It seems that Qin Ming's injury is not light! It's really ruthless to start!"

"Well! Clean and neat, it's a personal talent!"

In the corner, two ordinary-looking elders talked to each other, a face full of surprise and shock!

The battle is overwhelming, and the trend of being one-sided is over! However, it was not Qin Ming's unexpected victory over Pan Chen, but the latter's thunderous victory over the former!

Gong Sunhai sneered and stiffened in his face, and then incredible and shocked appeared immediately.

"Son, this guy's real fighting strength is probably not weaker than the giant of the peak state! I'll kill him?" The black man in the dark shows his fierce light, and he releases a very powerful fighting intention from all over him.

Gongsun Hai put away his surprise and shock, "Finally became interesting! However, I think what kind of expression will he look when he sees that he can't escape my Wuzhishan anyway? I look forward to it! "

"This matter, let's leave it alone! Some people are in charge! Let's sit on the hill and watch the tiger first, sit and watch the trapped beasts! Hehe"

"The son is wise!"

Pan Chen put the blue sword into the ring, and Lengguang swept away again, and finally landed on Gongsun Hai, "Master Hai!"

"Is this young man's skill to be able to get into the eyes of the young man?" Pan Chen smiled.

Gongsun Hai stepped forward and clenched his fists: "Tong Shaoxia, it is Xiu Shizhen ancient and modern! In a blink of an eye, defeat a master of the pinnacle realm! I really admire my son!"

"Overwhelming, overwhelming! The younger brother wanted to discuss some tricks with his son. I don't know if it would be this honor?" Pan Chen Lengmang passed away in his eyes.

In the heart of Gongsun Hai, "Haha" smiled and said: "Shaoxia laughed! Gongsun Hai learned some superficial skills, and certainly not as thick as Shaoxia's skin. Once you start, I'm afraid it will hurt your bones!"

"Boy, you are too arrogant! Let me teach you and teach you!" The words did not fall, a figure came into the air, a fiery palm ignited the void, and suddenly appeared behind the former, and the breathing energy will all the crowd watching Push back.

Ever since the breakthrough, Tianchen Peak Realm, Pan Chen's understanding of space is getting deeper and deeper. In the moment of space shock, he knows that someone has shot! And it was a sneak attack!

Spiritual consciousness caught the figure, is an old man, the elder of the Xia family, the cultivation is also the peak of the day after tomorrow!

"A handful of age lived on the dog's body! Actually attacked a junior!" Pan Chen burst into a scream, his body suddenly spun, kicked. The golden light flickered continuously, during which a silver light flashed by! ..

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