The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1701: A dead branch! [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

True energy gushes out, and a sword light shoots out again, this time the sword light can vaguely see the sword body, obviously a lot more powerful!

The result was still the same, when Jianguang was about to approach the bottom of the lake, the green touch stopped it again.

This time Pan Chen saw clearly, that green touch was not a weapon or animal, but a branch!

A dead branch!

At this time, Pan Chen stared! A piece of dead branch can easily block the sword light emitted by a strong man in the acquired peak realm?

"Treasure, there should be the enlightenment of the treasure!" Pan Chen vaguely guessed what the branch was. Although he was very happy in his heart, if he could not get his hands, he could only watch with his eyes open!

When the true energy turned into a shadow, a giant hand covering the sky and abruptly appeared, and immediately grabbed the bottom of the lake.

The lake quickly separated to the sides under the giant hand, exposing the muddy lake bottom. A whole branch of crisp and dripping presents in front of your eyes!

"Really it!" Pan Chen exclaimed, his expression excited.

This time Pan Chen looked real!

The Qi Qi giant fell quickly, just at the moment when he was about to grasp the branch, the latter suddenly shuddered, and a force of Pei Ran Wei suddenly poured out, and then Pan Chen felt that his Qi Qi giant was hit hard, blinking The cracks were covered with giant hands, then collapsed, turned into aura, and scattered.

"So powerful? Is it already spiritual?" Pan Chen muttered to himself.

After suspending in the sky for a long time, Pan Chen made some movements, and his body quickly fell down, stopping at a place 30 meters away from the lake.

"A branch, a dead thing! What about spirituality? If you don't convince me with me today, I'll destroy you! Hum!" Pan Chen's face suddenly became cold, and the silver real energy in Dantian was pumped away He came out, turned into a giant hand, and grabbed the bottom of the lake again.

The silver true energy is the power of thunder and lightning, and the destructive power is extremely powerful. As soon as the phantom giant appears in the air, it suddenly emits a "crackling" sound, and the space also emits bursts of light, seeming to be overwhelmed.

"Suppress me!" Pan Chen drank coldly, and the silver giant's hand fell suddenly, grabbing directly at the branch at the bottom of the lake.

The branch suddenly burst out from the bottom of the lake, trying to escape from the area covered by the silver giant hand. But, how can Pan Chen let it escape?

The thunder and lightning suddenly broke out, a beam of electricity fell, and the branches suddenly shuddered, and a meal in the void.

This time, the giant hand immediately shrouded it, grabbed it, and emptied away.

The giant hand dispersed, and a branch of tree suddenly appeared in front of Pan Chen. The delicate branches are hung with a few green leaves, there are some sprouts on the tip, the bark under the branches is mottled, vigorous, and there are strange patterns faintly.

Pan Chen stretched out his hand to hold the branch, looked at it carefully, and finally rejoiced: "It really is it! It really is it!"

This is a branch of flat peach! Flat peach tree, a fairy from ancient times, thousands of years of flowering, thousands of years of fruition, thousands of years of maturity! A flat peach can enable a mortal to immediately become a top-level strongman; it can allow a severely injured person to jump around immediately.

The reason is because the flat peach tree contains a lot of wood spirit.

And the reason why the surrounding lake contains rich aura is also because of this branch!

Pan Chen rejoices that the trip to the barren mountains is very rewarding! The inner pill, bones, flat peach branches, and cultivation breakthroughs of the middle-level spirit beasts and wild snakes, and the breakthrough of the cultivation base, and the second layer of the body of the war emperor, condensing the realm of flesh, also cultivated with the help of Heaven Tribulation! The strength of the flesh is different from the past!

"The rigidity of these ancient immortals must be very strong!" Pan Chen was so angry that the golden light appeared on his body. Holding the Ancient Peach Snake, he pumped it fiercely on the body with the power of the flesh.

"Slap!" Jin Guang disappeared instantly, and a long blood stain appeared suddenly in front of him.

"This" Pan Chen was surprised, how strong he is physically, he knows best! But with such a physical body, without any effort, the defense was broken by the branches, and a blood stain was drawn!

The true elements in the body surged, and the blood marks disappeared suddenly!

Pan Chen sneered, "This branch is harder than the legendary Wang Bing must have! With such a weapon, who am I afraid of?"

It is six to seven times more powerful than the average person. It has a strong physical body, and under the mighty force, the generals are not overwhelmed. Now it is comparable to the branch of Wang Bing.

The branches were smelted with Panqi's true color by Pan Chen, and they were collected into the Dantian and slowly refined.

"The aura here has faded!" Pan Chen frowned, and in his aura, the aura quickly faded at a rate visible to the naked eye, until it was like the world outside!

"Brother, look! Reiki has faded!" Zhan Taixiner suddenly changed his color. "What's the matter?" Zhan Taiming also found something strange, his face dignified.

"Brother Dafei is still inside! What should I do? Or, let's go in and see?" Zhan Taixin's pretty face became pale and her hands could not help shaking.

Zhan Tianming bit his lip tightly, and after a while, he said cruelly: "Okay! Let's go inside and see! What is the sacred place, so unscrupulous!"

After the two made up their minds, they ran along the mountain road in the mouth of the woodcutter to the barren mountain.

"It's so heavy demon spirit!" When the two came to the barren mountain, their eyes showed dignity that had never been seen before.

Zhan Taiming said softly, "The lowest is a terrestrial spirit beast!"

"The spirit beast at the ground level?" Zhan Taixin's body shook slightly, and a look of despair appeared on his face.

"Don't mess up your mind! Let's go and see first, maybe Dafei is not dead now. It may be trapped in a cage and waiting for us to save?" Zhan Taiming said in a deep voice.


The two walked cautiously all the way up the mountain, drifting in the air along the way, full of extreme **** smell, making the two even more anxious, hoping to show their bodies and go up the mountain now.

Gradually, the demon qi became heavier and heavier, the **** smell became stronger, and countless snake corpses appeared on the ground.

"The toxins on these snakes are hard to contend with in the realm of the peak of the acquired day!" Zhan Taiming looked more and more dignified.

"Swoosh swoosh" Several sounds of broken air rang in the woods, and the figure also flashed away.

Zhan Taiming's eyes narrowed, "These people seem to be"

"It's them?" Zhan Taixin'er seemed to look at the forward with an inquiry. Until the former nodded slightly, he whispered angrily: "They are getting more and more excessive! Relying on being an immortal protoss, arrogant and arrogant! Huh, especially that Gongsun Hai! I hate it the most! "

"Okay! Don't talk about it! Let's keep up!" Then, Zhan Taiming ran toward the mountain with a breath of convergence. During this period, there were countless scattered repairs and small families who came to the mountain. These scattered repairs and small family repairs are not low. There are dozens of people who have acquired high levels in the day after tomorrow. Can be described as extremely powerful!

The two went cautiously along the way and followed the **** smell to the mountain.

When I came to the top of the mountain, I saw countless Sanxiu and family children standing on the spot. The two were surprised, and hurried forward. I saw a messy, broken mountain, and a broken sky. With little smoke, countless broken snake corpses piled up like a hill. The scarlet blood beneath your feet converged into a river, exuding a strong smell and corrosive breath, and a strong lightning breath mixed in it!

Zhantai Xin'er suddenly turned his face, a sword hilt appeared in his sight, raised his hand, and the sword hilt came out of the air.

The word "Qingfeng" is engraved on the hilt, which is the Qingfeng sword devoured and destroyed by the wild ancient snake!

"This is above" Zhan Taixin's hands were shaking, looking at Zhan Taiming with a crying cry, hoping that her guess would be denied!

Zhan Taiming sighed slightly and said softly, "This is indeed the breath of Da Fei!"

"It was the big flight that captured the blazing Sirius Nedan?" A lazy voice suddenly rang in his ears, and in his sight, a figure wrapped in black gradually appeared.

"Gongsun Hai?" Zhan Taiming froze slightly, then smiled.

"Hai Gongzi?" Wen Yan, the scattered repairs around and the younger generation's children were a commotion. Even a lot of masters of the Houtian Peak Realm looked sideways and immediately frowned.

Gongsun Hai, known as Haigongzi! It is one of the four immortal gods, the eight sons of the Gongsun family! Xiuwei is not a top among many children in the family, but he is not weak. He is the master of the peak realm of the day after tomorrow! This person is a romantic, spoiled woman of countless good families. As long as he is in the eye, he will inevitably use all means to get it! The four great fairy of martial arts, all of them have extraordinary family backgrounds, only Zhan Taixiner, a fairy in purple clothes, has a relatively weak family background! Gongsun Hai couldn't afford to offend the ancient family, the Nalan family and the Zhu family, and naturally aimed at Zhan Taixin'er!

Two years ago, he sent someone to the Zhantai family to raise relatives, but was rejected! Later, after chasing after nothing, Zhan Taixin'er only ran away after he ran away from home!

On the top of the flattened mountain, countless people's eyes fell on a man not far from a man in a black suit.

I saw its rich **** Junlang, a handsome white face, I don't know how many others were envious, a jade belt was worn around the waist, a simple long sword was casually buckled around the waist, and after the hands were worn, a smile appeared. It's just that the harshness and coldness between the two eyes makes people shudder!

This person is Gongsun Hai, who is called 'Hai Gongzi'!

As Gongsun Hai's gaze came, the crowd automatically divided a way!

"It turned out to be a fairy in purple clothes, one of the four great fairy in martial arts. No wonder the eight sons are like this!" The warrior whispered.

"Isn't it? The four fairies of martial arts, all of them are determined by their qualifications. They are beautiful and unparalleled in their talents, and they have a family behind them. Who doesn't want to embrace this woman?"

"However, it is rumored that during the Battle of the Flaming Sirius, some people saw that the fairy in purple clothes was fighting for Sirius for a man! And this person is the recently famous Pan Chentong young man!"

"Oh? How do I not know? Come to me more carefully?"

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